Let's have a party... who has the food??

Tubby Rower

Chronic Slacker
Nov 15, 2004
Middle of Virginia Hair: None
There has been rumors that there is a clan of weirdo's that have built a tall structure that inspires granaries across the land.... Where is the announcement about the festivals???

I'm personally hoping for a fried snack food festival. I hear that there is nothing better than a deep-fried Twinkie or a deep-fried snickers bar... I've even heard rumors of deep-fried steaks and pickles.... Personally I only know of deep-fried turkeys... boy are they good.
Fried Twinkies. Bah.

Fried Snickers. Humbug.

Here's a real fried treat...Oreos.

And what goes better with Fried Oreos than...
...a deep-fried snickers bar...
Oh yeah... I get one of those every year at the County Fair. Heart-attack on a stick. My wife always looks at me like I'm trying to kill myself, but I promise her I'll eat extra celery to make up for it :mischief:

If you've never had one… you NEED to. The Snickers bar kind of liquefies in the middle of the deep fry coating… :drool:
Frying makes everything good, even okra... OKRA! If they invented frying along with the pyramids, then my hat is off.
Deep fried Mars bars were a delicacy of the Celts as they originated in Glasgow. You take a Mars bar dip it in batter and fry it until it is nice and golden age.
Frying makes everything good, even okra... OKRA! If they invented frying along with the pyramids, then my hat is off.

Okra!? Please man, come to your senses.

The large pentahedral structure is for storing grain that is then malted, fermented and drank in vast quantities. I think the position of master brewer is a closely guarded secret.
I suspect that BCLG has an application in on the master brewer position.... or at least the head taster
:lol: at all the deep frying, seriously :scan: :p
Knowing Tubby I suspect he is above all looking fwd to deep fried duck, preferably the sitting kind o duck ;)


I just got done w/ inventory at the Great Pentahedral Warehouse and we have enough grain to keep us fueled for a long time to come. However, since we're transforming the stores to a liquid form at a rapid rate we need to get our hands on a natural preservative. Our researchers tell us that we need to secure more sources of "Hops".

Our duck inventory is zero but we do have 'em on backorder. Talk to me again in a thousand years or so.
If they're back order and that's a problem, did you ask them to be put in front order next time?
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