Tubby Rower
Chronic Slacker
There has been rumors that there is a clan of weirdo's that have built a tall structure that inspires granaries across the land.... Where is the announcement about the festivals???
I'm personally hoping for a fried snack food festival. I hear that there is nothing better than a deep-fried Twinkie or a deep-fried snickers bar... I've even heard rumors of deep-fried steaks and pickles.... Personally I only know of deep-fried turkeys... boy are they good.
I'm personally hoping for a fried snack food festival. I hear that there is nothing better than a deep-fried Twinkie or a deep-fried snickers bar... I've even heard rumors of deep-fried steaks and pickles.... Personally I only know of deep-fried turkeys... boy are they good.