[LH] Barack Obama

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A fairly unfortunate comparison; there were a lot of great orators in history (Demosthenes, Cicero - who wrote the book on oratory - etc.). Oratory skills is a prerequisite of succesful politics. Better stick to Kosovo, Sqype.;)
A fairly unfortunate comparison; there were a lot of great orators in history (Demosthenes, Cicero - who wrote the book on oratory - etc.). Oratory skills is a prerequisite of succesful politics. Better stick to Kosovo, Sqype.;)

JEELEN, my username is right in front of you, surely it can't be that difficult to write it out (or copy and paste it)... Shqype.

But, what does Kosova have to do with this? Why mention it at all?

And, my comment was to indicate that great oratory skills should not be the basis of electing a leader. As we've seen with Hitler, great oratory skills aren't a tell-all for who will be best to lead the nation. (I didn't even get into the comparisons of how both men promised the people of their nations great change, and how both men housed some form or prejudice against a particular group of people, etc.)
So was Hitler ;)

Difference between Hitler and Obama, is Obama has consistently voted against war, while of course Hitler was rather fond of War (and genocide).

So yeah, no comparison really.


the ears only come out as one skin for both ears, and because his face is shaded from the angle of a photograph, one ear would be darker than the other, so i went with a middle value on the color. i agree though, it looks a little strange, perhaps if the model had two skins for the ears :rolleyes:
Actually, Hitler didn't want war (then). He was surprised when Britain and France declared war on Germany. (They appeased him in every way up until that point, why should he think any different?) He had no intention of starting a conflict in 1939 ... Germany wasn't even scheduled to reach its peak military output until the mid 40s ... and even so, he invisioned an eventual struggle against the Bolshevik Soviet Union, in cooperation with Britain.

I'm with Wolfshanze on this one.

Barak Hussein, the man which called his "racist" grandmother a "typical white person." Talk about double standards, just imagine the riots on the streets that would occur if a white presidential nominee called someone a "typical black person!"

BTW Garret, nice model. I definitely wouldn't put him in the White House, but it does look like Obama!
Hehe... don't forget... this guy has a "typical white person" for a grandmother, has a 20-year friend and mentor who routinely spouts-out racist rhetoric and damns America... and his wife was "for the first time proud of America" just a few weeks ago... and his wife is over 30.

Oh, but wait... he gives good speeches! :lol:

There's way too much that doesn't sit right with me about this guy. Just because he has a nice twinkle in his eye doesn't mean he's the guy who should be running the country.

I wasn't going to compare this guy with Hitler (who he's definately not), but the analogy is a good one that just because he's a great speaker and/or good charisma means you put a guy in charge, its just not what someone should be basing their voting mind on when elections come around...

I tend to look more into the background of a candidate, his upbringing, his policies, his experience and a few other things... while I focus a lot less attention on good speeches, nice hair and baby kissing abilities.

Pretty pre-fabricated political speeches aside, there's waaay too much strange history with this guy to give me any warm fuzzy feelings about putting him in the white house.
well couldn't have been certain when Bush II was elected that we would later be in large scale conflict.

I'm not a fan of Hilary, and I'm not sure i agree with much of her policy.
I'm not saying Obama is Hitler (I don't believe he is), I was just pointing out that great oratory shouldn't be the sole factor on who gets elected to run the country.

And Wolfshanze, that's capital WH ;)

so you will listen to any forms of political slander by opponents who are reaching.
This is no better than basing all your information on speeches, as well.

I know quite a bit about Obama, and we expected him to run for president way back in early 2005

no no, please move along.
Difference between Hitler and Obama, is Obama has consistently voted against war, while of course Hitler was rather fond of War (and genocide).

So yeah, no comparison really.
Besides the fact that Hitler was bat . .. .. .. . insane and was the father of the most provocative ideology to ever roam the Earth...
I wasn't going to compare this guy with Hitler (who he's definately not), but the analogy is a good one that just because he's a great speaker and/or good charisma means you put a guy in charge, its just not what someone should be basing their voting mind on when elections come around...

That's just the way democracy works, electionwise that is. BTW, glad you aren't comparing Obama with Adolf H. (real name Schicklgruber);)

EDIT: Not comparing Obama with Hitler, there sure are being mentioned quite a few comparisons... I suggest staying a bit more on topic (for those concerned with such discussions: a Hitler LH is in the works for a CIV Gold 4.0 add-on - and already present in a few WW II-related mods, I believe).
There is not a chance in a million, that Obama would visit Iraq and discuss the progress that has been made, as he would have to explain to our new allies why he would raise the white flag of surrender and retreat in less than 60 days.
Why should he? It's Bush's war, started with lies and half-truths. We attack a castrated secular dictator that Osama bin Laden didn't even like. And allies? Besides the UK, South Korea and Australia, they don't amount for much. In fact, Australia may pull it's tiny forces out, and the UK has been scaling back recently.

He would go back to criminalizing terrorist actions after they have carried out their evil plots, instead of stoping them before people get killed. Even Dan Quale is not this stupid!
And how do you go about doing that? By taking away people's rights? Mind you, you can never be completely safe from terrorism; the closest you can get is if you live under a totalitarialism regime, in which case you need to worry about your own government. About 100,000 Americans die every year in alcohol-related deaths. Try to keep things in perspective.
And how do you criminalize an event that has not taken place? Wishing to commit a crime and actually committing it are two different things. There are many times I'd love to wollop some a-hole, but I don't. Should I be arrested for intended assault and battery? And how do you prove the guy was planning on committing a crime? He had explosives? He had guns? In cases like the Fort Dix Six it would appear that the government informant is the one that is often inciting and aiding the accused into committing the "crime." Just because you would like to commit a crime does not make you guilty of committing it. We don't run the thought police here.

He would eliminate the tax cuts that help millions of ordinary Americans and bankrupt our system with socialized medicine.
I'm sorry, but what tax cuts? Bush's? The ones that primarily help the ritch? Don't let the word "average" fool you; between myself and Bill Gates, we have an average income of over $500,000 a year. The median return was about $350. I never saw this return because I simply don't make enough money. I am, as some pundits have called, "lucky." Yes, I am so lucky to make less than $25,000 a year.
And you may want to keep in mind that among the westernized nations, America has one of the worst social and medical systems there is. Our paltry system is a big joke to other nations, nations that have socialized medicine without going bankrupt, such as Canada. Sure, there are pitfalls and problems in these systems, but surely we can look at what works and doesn't work in these counties and use that knowledge to construct a health plan that works for us.

He would let convicted criminals go free
Because innocent people who have been wrongfully convicted of a crime should be released. That only makes sense, no? And before you say this will let more criminals roam the streets, you might want to take a look at the excerpt from this link.
"The statistics: for murder, which has the highest clearance rate, for
2001, the most recent year for which full statistics are available, is
62.4 percent. The overall rate for violent crimes (murder, forcible
rape, robbery, and aggravated assault) is 46.2 percent. The clearance
rate for property crimes is 16.2 percent, and the overall clearance
rate for all crimes is 19.6 percent. These figures have remained
relatively steady for years; in fact, in an era where law enforcement
resources have dramatically increased, the clearance rates have
decreased slightly.

"In other words, more than a third of murders and well more than half
of other violent crimes go unsolved, through no fault of “loopholes,”
general fairness considerations, or other bogeymen. Despite what
authorities would have the public believe, the number of perpetrators
roaming the streets is predominately due to the fact that they are not
arrested, due to lack of leads, failure to follow leads, or whatever
other factor."
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