Libya To Allow WMD Inspections


Mar 26, 2002
According to this BBC report Libya will be dismantling it's WMD program in a "transparent and verifiable" fashion.
Good news. Qaddafi has been trying to cozy up to the West recently, the Lockerbie payouts being evidence of this as well as its increasingly high-profile role in the new African Union.

Let us hope that there are more developments to come.
This is good news and progress if it turns out as it is said. Alas, the gap between word and action is oft a gaping chasm, but all hope should not be abandoned immediately.
Right. But I will be optimistic. After all, South Africa willingly let in inspections, as did the Ukraine, which inherited a horde of Soviet nuclear missiles after the collapse.

As I said, Qaddafi has been tyring to get Libya back into somewhat good graces with the West and Africa again. It seems that as he ages, he's getting smarter and more least in the international arena.
Hot fresh report from CNN.

Bush, Blair: Libya to dismantle WMD programs
U.S., British leaders hail Gadhafi's promise
Friday, December 19, 2003 Posted: 6:11 PM EST (2311 GMT)

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Libya has tried to develop weapons of mass destruction and long-range missiles in the past, but has agreed to dismantle the programs, President Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair said Friday in simultaneous televised speeches.

Bush said Libya's leader, Col. Moammar Gadhafi, had "agreed to immediately and unconditionally allow inspectors from international organizations to enter Libya.

"These inspectors will render an accounting of all nuclear, chemical and biological weapons programs and will help oversee their elimination," Bush said.

In a televised address from London, England, Blair said Gadhafi had approached British and U.S. officials in March to see if they could resolve the issue of its weapons programs.

"Libya has stated that weapons of mass destruction are not the answer for Libya's defense," Blair said. "Libya's actions entitle it to rejoin the international community.

"Libya has declared its intention to dismantle its weapons of mass destruction and to limit the range of Libyan missiles to no greater than 300 kilometers," Blair said, adding that the Libyan leader has agreed "that this process will be transparent and verifiable."

Libya also agreed to adhere to international agreements on chemical weapons and sign an additional protocol with the International Atomic Energy Agency, the nuclear watchdog group.

"This decision by Colonel Gadhafi is an historic one and a courageous one, and I applaud it," Blair said. "It will make the region and the world more secure."

He added, "It demonstrates, too, that countries can abandon programs voluntarily and peacefully."

If anything else, I can go make a Gadhafi/Qaddafi, however it's spelled avatar...

But this looks promising!
South Africa and the Ukraine could be trusted.

Qadaffi, on the other hand...
I know, sharpie. I have my doubts. I'm hoping that his trend of being more accountable and striving for better relations with the West and Africa continue for such an endeavor. What other choice do I have?
Qadaffi is an interesting subject. He seems alot more progressive than many Arab leaders and doesn't seem as brutal as some either. He also keeps a lid on fundamentalists. He has also been trying to cozy up to the west for the last several years espicially since 9/11
Qadaffi has been scaling back his socialism, clamping down on terrorists, and cooperating with the West. He's been doing this for years.

I'm amazed US sanctions are still in place. We need to reward US-friendly actions. Even if he is using us, they can always be put back on.
Gaddafi looks just like my engineering statics teacher!! so I'm not sure if we should trust him.

Could it be that the weapons they are going to dismantle are really Saddam Hussein's WMDs? Libya could've simply taken it from Saddam Hussein and start dismantling them while keeping their own.
this geek learned his lesson back in the 80's when we sent several F-111's screaming up his ass.
he's a smart boy, and I think he is serious about this. welcome back to the club, Libya. too bad we'll never let our gaurd completely down.
I am glad to hear of this. You can be certain that this action is, at least, partly to be attributed to U.S. Foreign Policy since 9/11.
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