Several threads have discussed adding limits on the number of guns and amount of ammunition in Fury Road. This thread is to centralize the discussion.
We have established some facts. Even automatic weapons like AK47 can be built by a blacksmith with hand tools. There are several different calibers of weapons whose ammo cannot be interchanged. Making ammo is probably harder than making weapons. Gunpowder is not that hard to make, but smokeless powder and proper cartridges are harder. Automatic weapon cartridges are even harder. Primitive rifles like flintlocks only require gunpowder and lead balls, which can be cast in the field.
I think those were the main facts established in the previous threads around this link.
The next couple of posts will give more information about limited guns, and then limited ammo. They are closely linked.
We have established some facts. Even automatic weapons like AK47 can be built by a blacksmith with hand tools. There are several different calibers of weapons whose ammo cannot be interchanged. Making ammo is probably harder than making weapons. Gunpowder is not that hard to make, but smokeless powder and proper cartridges are harder. Automatic weapon cartridges are even harder. Primitive rifles like flintlocks only require gunpowder and lead balls, which can be cast in the field.
I think those were the main facts established in the previous threads around this link.
The next couple of posts will give more information about limited guns, and then limited ammo. They are closely linked.