List of Civ IV Fantasy Units


Nov 18, 2012
This is an alphabetical list of Civ IV fantasy units I found on Civfanatics. (I hope to organize them better sometime in the near future.) I left out certain units for various reasons, but most are here. Hopefully this will help people convert these units to Civ V, and perhaps eventually there will be enough units to make Fall From Heaven for Civ V. Most FFH units however, are not in the Download Database, so perhaps I will upload them soon.

Spoiler :

Angels - Good and Evil

Orcs, Goblins, Ogres, Lizardmen
Argonian (lizardmen) unit pack
Argonian (lizardmen) unit pack 2
Lizardman Assasin
Lizardman Crossbowman
Lizardman Druid
Lizardman Swordsman
Lizarman Warrior
Lizardmen - 27 types
Five Different Orc Units
Ogre - Stone-skin
Ogre War-chief
Orc Unit Pack
Orcish Axeman
Orcish Spearman
Orcish Paladin
Orcish Wolf Rider
Orthus (big scary orc guy from FFH)
Uruk-Hai Captain (Lurtz)
Uruk-Hai Swordsman and Pikeman

Dwarven Adept
Dwarven Axeman
Dwarven Axeman
Dwarven Champion

Dark Elf Sorceress
Dark Elf Unit Pack
Dark Elf Blackguard
Dark Female Elven Archers
Elf Unit Pack
Elven Archmage
Elven Champion
Elven Enchantress
Elven Rider
Elven Soldiers - bunch of different types.
Elven Warrior
Elven Workers

Frost Giant
Green Giant
Hill Giant

Undead, Demons
Ghost Swordsman
Pyre Zombie
Skeletal Swordsman
Skeleton - Archer, Horse Archer, Spear Rider, Swordsman & Spearman

Amurite Mage
Female Arcanists

Not Yet Grouped
Fifteen Different Rohirrim Units
Six Fantasy Units
Ars Moriendi (Cool evil skeleton rider from FFH)
Aquilonian Infantry
Austrin Champion
Berserker of Khorne
Black Rider
Brigit the Shining
Chaos Warrior and Knight
Clockwork Golem
Dryad (tree monster)
Demonic Mage
Demon Pack (not really sure what this is)
Desert Sorceress
Desert Sorceress
Dire Wolf
Dunland Spearman
Dwarf and Elf Pack
Easterling Pikeman
Easterling Swordsman
Female Centaur
Female Mage
Fire Mage
Giant Scorpion
Golems - various colors
Gondor Knight
Gondor Swordsman
Griffon V2
Griffon Riders
Hipogriff (half horse, half griffon)
Ice Mage
Ice Golem
Khajiit (cat people) unit pack
King Loracaz (evil guy with wings)
Lamia Mage
Legolas (Elven Archer)
Lsjosalfar Mage
Maar Nasai
Maiden of Ice
Mane Warrior
Mounted Mage
Pagasus Mounted Champion
Pegasus Mounted Highland Swordsman
Pegasus Mounted Recurve Archer
Pegasus Mounted Spearman
Pegasus Mounted Warrior
Rat Mage
Recurve Archer
Sabretooth Tiger
Sauron (evil guy from LotR)
Sea Dragon
Serpah (Angel)
Shadow Flame
Shadow Mage
Shadowy Assassin
Sheam Adept
Skaven Mystic
Skave Unit Pack (IDK what Skavens Are)
Sir Loracaz (Evil Elf)
Swordemon (skuld)
Swordsman - Angel Wings
Swordsman - Demon Wings
Three Wizards (One on horseback, two on foot)
Undead - 5 different skins
Wandering Mage
Warforged Axe Man (Evil-looking guy with an axe)
Warrior Priests
Warrior Mages
Witch - Flying Broomstick and Cauldron versions
Wolf and Griffon - Undead
IDK What These Are
Wow! Your compilation really grew big.

Look for the "spell effect" units in FFH too. What I mean are the fireball and meteor units. There may be others that I can't remember.

Edit: And also the "item" units like Orthus' Ax.
Wow! Your compilation really grew big.

Yeah, it took me about three hours. You'd think copying and pasting links would be easy, but its not. The list is a mess, I'll organize it soon.

Look for the "spell effect" units in FFH too. What I mean are the fireball and meteor units. There may be others that I can't remember.

Edit: And also the "item" units like Orthus' Ax.

Uploaded the Fireball and Meteor. I'll do Orthus's axe next. Just keep putting in requests. Do you want all the different Elementals?
I'm really happy to see another Civ V modder who's played FFH; I was starting to believe I was the only one;).
I played FFH too, but I don't want FFH recreated in Civ5. The mod I'm working on is somewhat different - of course most FFH units converted to Civ5 will be useful for me, but also some other units. I think I'll make my own list, with units that aren't on this list.
Yeah, I played it through the last two years of development, and then Orbis and Master of Mana for a while after that. It certainly inspired Éa. I'd be happy to see FFH come back too (appropriately renamed per Kael's wishes).
Yeah, I've seen the thread where he asked to use a different name, and I respect that. I don't see how FFH will ever be made for Civ V though if no good modders are interested in doing it. I have neither the time, nor skill to do it myself - and even Kael needed help. I think that's what made FFH so great - it was a huge team effort.
I uploaded Orthus's Axe - and all the other equipment - here.
Just a couple issues with the links in the OP:
  • The link to the Dryad goes to the download for the Khorne Berserker
  • One of the Werewolf links goes to a screenshot, not the download.
I can add (working) links to the proper downloads for these if needed. Also, there are at least two spectacular unit packs not in this list that I have: the Gondor Third Age unit pack and the Last Alliance Elves unit pack.

EDIT: Actually, I can't seem to find the Dryad, so never mind.
EDIT2: Never mind EDIT, she is in the database. I've converted her, but she won't be uploaded until the Wood Elf Unit Pack is ready. For preview go to the second link in my sig.
I played FFH too, but I don't want FFH recreated in Civ5.

I agree - the thing that made FFH so great was that each civilization was so diverse without being OP or vanilla. I look forward to seeing what other fantasy modders have in mind for Civ V. There is no need to recreate FFH, but for me there is certainly much inspiration and you will notice it when I finally get my mod developed. The key is to make the fantasy material available, which is why I am busy converting units - not only for myself, but for everyone :).
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