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[LiveTuner] Icon Viewer


DLL Minion
May 30, 2011
Near Portsmouth, UK
Mod for LiveTuner - adds a new panel that permits in-game viewing of any entry in any Icon Atlas.

A new LiveTuner panel permits selection of any set of icons either by index within an atlas or for a type of an item (eg building, unit, promotion, tech, etc)

After the mod has downloaded you will need to copy the .ltp file to your C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\common\sid meier's civilization v\Debug directory

This panel requires the mod to be installed and active (the code is provided in the mod, not the panel itself)

This mod can be found on the ModHub under Other
For those attempting to add a new Live Tuner panel for the first time (like me):

After you follow the instructions above, go to Admin menu (in the tuner), select Edit Project Panels. Select Icon View.

Sorry if that seems obvious to everyone here. I'm sure there is a tutorial for this somewhere.
Can't seem to find it on the website nor the steam community? Anyone has one?
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