LizNES6: Fortune Favors The Brutal


Let's talk Michelle.
Nov 23, 2008
Pennsylvania U.S.A.
Orders in by Saturday, April 14th


Banner Courtesy of Tecknojock

Fortune Favors The Brutal

Special Thanks to: Adrogans, Lord of Elves, Eltain, Polish Ghetto

Welcome to Fortune Favors the Brutal. A modern NES that takes place after a horrible plague ravages the Earth, followed by a general collapse of Society. 200 years after said plague and collapse, nations are finally back up and running, albeit this would looks very different then the one you're used too. If you're new to NESing, I welcome you, and suggest you PM me for some help, should you chose to give this a try. Otherwise, thanks for checking this out. The more players the better.

Things You Need To Know About the NES and Me
-While this NES takes place after, for lack of a better phrase, the apocalypse, this NES has absolutley nothing to do with things of that nature. It was simply a means to an end, the end being a screwed up world with new nations, interesting ideologies, and a different political situation. The only time this 'collapse' will ever be even mentioned, will be in passing. You aren't effected by it at all, and the world has resumed 'normalcy'.

-I hate long orders filled with fluff. If you can describe something in 2 sentences, instead of 20, that'd be much appreciated. A large part as to why updates are so draining, is to have to read through a bunch of stuff that in all likelihood won't be mentioned at all in the actual NES.

-Asking me when the update is going to be, generally, makes me hate the person you chose to be.

-Just because you sent in orders, does not gurantee you a spot in the update. If you decide to embark on a rail-road building project, and it's not mentioned, just assume it worked. If something is striking, or non-generic, I can usually work it in, but I don't want to force myself to do so.

Let's get started, shall we? First let's look at the stats.

Texas: San Antonio
Single-Party State: Don Wyatt/Nationalist
Stability: 60%
Economic Power: 6
Industrial Power: 130(+5)
Military Grade: 4/3/3
Army: 14 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 15 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Airforce: 13 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons

Texas: San Antonio

This is your nations name, and your nations capital. Your government is based out of this location, and losing it in a war could have detrimental effects on your nation.

Single-Party State: Don Wyatt/Nationalist

Your type of government, and the current person or party in power. The possible government types are fairly vague, them being Reactionary, Conservative, Nationalist, Liberal, Progress, Socialist and Communist. Of course, those are but the generic names. You are more then welcome to give me a more interesting party name for your people. If you are a state ruled by one person, such as a Dictatorship or a Monarchy, your rulers name will appear there instead, with what their governing style is like afterwards. Generally, based off of what type of party is in power, you'd want to act in accordance to their ideology. If you do, your people will be happy, and you'll recieve all the bonuses that entails. If you don't, expect discontent, and depending on the situation, maybe even revolution!

Stability: 60%

Stability does not represent happiness entirely. Stability represents how sound your nation is doing, and how your government is managing things. A decent stability can be anywhere from 60% to 80%. Anything above 80% usually is generally not the norm, and usually most prominent in Totalitarian regimes, or Communist nations. Once your stability reaches below 59%, their is a chance of some sort of revolt or revolution occuring, so make sure you pay attention to growing discontent.

Economic Power: 6

This is how much money, or EP you're allowed to spend each turn. You may spend it on really anything you want, be it military units, domestic projects, cultural things. Money you don't spend and wish to bank will be incuded after the initial number, seperated by a back-slash.

Industrial Power: 130(+5)

If you have played my last NES, this Industrial Power and that are the exact same thing. It is a representation of not only population, but overall industry. Nations with small populations, or little industry, such as Khiva and Mongolia, will obviously have less Industrial Power, then a growing Industrial giant, such as California or the Franco-Germanic Empire. IP can be directly hit by enemy military endeavors, sabotage, diseases, or natural disasters, to name a few. IP can be grown through projects, or over time, depending on government policies and actions.

Military Grade: 4/3/3

The military grade represents the training and overall skill of your military. Having a higher grade obviously gives you better soldiers, and an advantage over those with lesser numbers then you. The first number represents your Army grade, the middle one your Naval grade, and the last one your Air force grade. In order to raise this grade, you need to pay the next number grade, multiplied by 10. So, for Texas, in this situation, in order to get level 5 military grade, would have to pay normally, 50 EP.

Which is quite a hefty sum. Which is why it is more than possible to gain discounts for new levels. Things such as new military programs, winning wars, and foreign training advisors (from nations with higher levels than you) can all signifiantly cut down the amount of money you need to pay.

Having seperate grades will allow you to tell where other nations really focus their training and money on.

Army: 14 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 15 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Airforce: 13 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons

Here are the totals for your current military, which is relatively self-explanitory.

Any sort of projects your nation is embarking on, goes here. Projects can have ultimate goals of doing things, such as raising tech, raising IP, EP, Happiness, assimilating newly aquired areas, or helping raise military grade. Projects, when in regards to tech at least, will take time to developt. If you wanted to say, start a scientific project to create "Robot Trash Collectors", the project would look a bit like this.

Project: Robot Trash Collectors (7/10)5,

The first number represents the amount of money invested in the project, the second is the amount of money you'd need overall in the projet, and the final number, in the parenthesis is how many turns or years, it will take to be able to access the technology.


Where your government, and by extension people (or vice-versa) want to head. It may be as vague as 'Spreading the Faith', or as specific as reclaiming certain lands.

Unique Units

Unique Units are allowed, and in fact encouraged. Basic units, such as Regiments and Destroyers are rather boring. It costs 10 EP to create a Unique Unit, and it's strengths will largly be determined by tech and your military grade that would have something to do with the unit.


Is not the cornerstone of the game. The idea for the game is not, and never has been to spend your entire economy researching technology after technology. Yet, should you wish to try your hand at being the most technologically capable nation in the game, I'm not going to prevent that from happening. Since for better or worse, this game deals with modern technology, a lot of technology is going to be simply thereotical. As such, I'm going to have to make a decision wether or not the tech can and will exist, which, more often than not, you'll find out after your investment. Which, I can imagine, will be unpopular, but such is life. Investing in sciences in real life, doesn't necessarily gurantee results, as in this timeline.

On rare occassions, technology will be created or found in the update, or the possibilities of certain technologies will present themselves.

Nuclear-Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Had existed before the collapse, but largely are a thing of the past. Any nukes from before the collapse have either essentially 'rotted', been activated in their silos and destroyed, or simply disappeard. Something no one really seems to mind. From a perspective of your people in the future, it's a ridiculous concept, and largely a lost cause. After all, if one nation begins to develop nuclear weapons, others will follow in suit. And a whole lot of good another cold war of the magnitude will do the world. You'll be hard pressed to find scientists willing to redevelop the technology, engineers willing to build it, or anyone to actually fire or drop such a weapon. In out of game terms- don't try to get them. It's really not worth it.

That's not saying you can't jump through those hurtles to get such things. But the general idea is that your money should be invested elsewhere. Namely more interesting or creative weapons of mass destruction. Plagues, war machines, things of that nature. Every weapon of Mass-Destruction must also have a downfall, or a way to disable it. It doesn't necessarily have to be public knowledge, but their has to be something to counter it. As a wise man, Kozmos, once said, 'To every sword, there is a shield'.


Is again, not a focus of the NES. But I'm not particularly opposed to players shooting for vamped up Space-Programs. As a whole, since the collapse, Space-travel has largely been ignored. After all, who has money to spend on that sort of nonsense? As such, you will have to take a few steps before you start to launch men on to the moon. Namely, creating a Space-Agency, buying satallites, space-craft, and all the other technology that comes into it. You have to walk before you run, so it's always wise to launch a few satallites before you aim for anything bigger as well.

Establishing a Space-Agency - Costs 10 EP
Satallite Launches - Cost 2 EP
Launching a Manned Vessel - Costs 10 EP, requires at least 1 Satallite launch
Launching a Moon-Landing Mission - Costs 15 EP, requires at least 1 Manned Vessel Launch

Anything past Moon-landings will be decided later.

Warfare, And You

First and foremost, here are the possible units to buy, and their prices.


Regiments - 1 EP, 10 IP, buys you 1 Regiment. These are the base of your army.

Armored Brigades - 3 EP, 30 IP buys you 1 Armored Brigade. Stronger and faster than Regiments, Armored Brigades should be used to quickly crush enemy units. Their effectiveness is exemplified by their price. Requires At Least Army Grade 3


Gun-boats - 1 EP, 10 IP buys you 2 Gun-boat. Rather weak, what they lack in strength, they make up in numbers. Never expect them to hold their own against too many Destroyers or other Gun-boats. Should be used mostly as a support vessel.

Destroyers - 3 EP, 20 IP buys you 1 Destroyer. The main unit for any real navy. Relatively strong all around. Requires At Least Navy Grade 3

Cruisers- - 7 EP, 50 IP buys you 1 Cruiser. Stronger than Destroyers, Cruisers can generally make mince meat out of Gun-boats or Destroyers. Requires At Least Navy Grade 5

Air-Craft Carriers - 15 EP, 200 IP buys you 1 Air-Craft Carrier. The King of the Seas. Relatively weak by itself, make sure you always have some support vessels with it. With several dozen fights and bombers on board, however, it makes it a potent fighting force all by itself. Requires At Least Navy Grade 7

Submarines - 2 EP, 50 IP buys you 1 Submarine. The silent killers of the sea. Effective against all types of ship, assuming the other unit is unaware of it's presence.


Fighter Squadrons - 1 EP, 10 IP for 2 Squadrons. The work-horses of any air force, fighter squadrons are decent at striking enemy ground units, and better at flying air-superiority missions.

Bomber Squadrons - 3 EP, 20 IP for 1 Squadron. Horribly weak against Fighter Squadrons, but it has the possibility of tearing enemy ground units to pieces. Requires At Least Air Grade 3

War is the corner stone of any NES, for better or worse. It's a good measuring stick to determine how strong you are, and how successful you are in the overall NES. The problem with such things is many wars are fought for little more reason, than to take land. Which is fine. But in this modernish world, that's not exactly something your people will go for. You need to have a reason, or at least pretend to have a reason to go to war. And even then, completely annexing an entire nation is generally a poor idea. You're talking about years of instablity, and rebellion in the region. Beating a nation, taking some land, and forcing economic and political policies on them is usually a better idea. Don't say you haven't been warned.

Combat System

I have been working on a combat system, that might make fighting wars in general make a lot more sense, and make things easier on me. Utilizing numbers, I will be able to determine casualty rates for both sides of any given battle, taking into account things such as Military Grade, air support, and geography. Other things that might help, or detract, from the fighting strength of your soldiers is things such as 'Moral Justification', or 'Public Declaration of War'. As such, unless you are attempted to completely annex a nation, rebellion and revolt is not a guarantee. Should it arise, it will arise for a very specific set of reasons. I'd be less vauge with this sort of thing, but I can easily forsee someone running the system. All I can recommend to players is, public declarations of war, having a good reason to fight it and having a reason at all to fight it.

Updates, Orders, And Such

I am going to try to get an update out a week. Sometimes, you might have to settle for that dreaded two week lull, but hopefully it won't happen often. I will put the date orders are due at the very top of this page, in the update, and I will do my best to remember to post in in the 'Next Orders Are Due' thread.

In your orders, the only thing I really want, is your nations name in the subject line, your nations stats as the first thing posted, followed by spending. It makes my job a lot easier.

With that, I hope you all enjoy yourselves, and ask any questions you may have as soon as possible.
Spoiler North American Nations :

The Republic of Alaska: Juneau
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 6
Industrial Power: 88 (+2)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 7 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades, 6 Alaskan Militia
Navy: 3 Gun-boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons
Project: Project United(6/6), The Alaskan Dream(9/X), Sleeping Giant(3/3), Military Factories(4/10)

Cascadia: Olympia
Federal Republic: Progressive
Stability: 60%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 8 (+0)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 8 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigade
Navy: 18 Gun-boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 13 Fighter Squadrons
Projects: Interstate Highway System(7/7)

Californian Union: Los Angeles
Hudsonist Democracy: Socialist
Stability: 77%
Economic Power: 13
Industrial Power: 246(+20)
Military Grade: 3/4/3
Army: 8 Regiments, 3 Armored Brigades, 15 Californian Militia
Navy: 38 Gun-Boats, 12 Destroyers, 6 Submarines
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons
Project: Monorail (5/5) 5-Year Plan (3/X), Mexican Mono-rail (9/9), Free Education (6/9), Californian Industries (3/X)
Interest: Spreading the Revolution

Theocratic Republic of Deseret: Salt Lake City
Theodemocracy: Conservative
Stability: 80%
Economic Power: 9
Industrial Power: 58(+8)
Military Grade: 4/0/3
Army: 28 Regiments, 6 Armored Brigades
Navy: None.
Airforce: 14 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Interest: Spreading the Word

The People's Hudsonist Republic of Mexico: Mexico City
Hudsonist Dictactorship: Felipe Juarez/Hudsonist
Stability: 59%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 27(+8)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 5 Regiments, 10 Militia Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 2 Fighter Squadrons
Project: None.
Interest: None.

Texas: San Antonio
Single-Party State: Don Wyatt/Nationalist
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 5/3
Industrial Power: 130(+10)
Military Grade: 4/3/3
Army: 17 Regiments, 3 Armored Brigades
Navy: 13 Gun-boats, 3 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Airforce: 14 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Project: Military Academy(3/X) Transportation Infrastructure I(3/3)

Rio Grande Republic: Monterey
Federal Republic: Nationalist
Stability: 49%
Economic Power: 1
Industrial Power: 18(+0)
Military Grade: 3/2/2
Army: 2 Regiments
Navy: 13 Gun-boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Yucatan: Merida
Federal Republic: Liberal
Stability: 61%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 26(+1)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 7 Regiments
Navy: 12 Gun-boats
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons

Central American Union: Managua
Confederacy: Socialist
Stability: 49%
Economic Power: 4/1
Industrial Power: 86(+1)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 6 Gun-boats
Airforce: 2 Fighter Squadrons

Antillean Confederation: Havana
Confederacy: Progressive
Stability: 55%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 86(+1)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 4 Regiments
Navy: 15 Gun-boats, 5 Destroyers
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons

Carribean League: San Juan
Parliamentary Republic: Liberal
Stability: 62%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 100(+4)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 4 Regiments
Navy: 12 Gun-boats
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Taking back the Virgin Islands

Dixie Republic: Richmond
Democratic Republic: Conservative
Stability: 77%
Economic Power: 12/2
Industrial Power: 179(+13)
Military Grade: 3/3/4
Army: 20 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 18 Gun-boats, 5 Destroyers, 4 Submarines
Airforce: 16 Fighter Squadrons, 5 Bomber Squadrons, 4 Sparrow Fighter Squadrons
Project: Tax Breaks(1/4), Sparrow(10/10)

United States of the Atlantic: Philadelphia
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 82%
Economic Power: 11
Industrial Power: 88(+13)
Military Grade: 4/3/3
Army: 24 Regiments, 4 Armored Brigades, 5 Minute Men Militias
Navy: 9 Gun-boats, 1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine
Airforce: 18 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Project: Interstate Highway System(14/14)
Interest: Re-forming the United States

Commonwealth of New England: Boston
Commonwealth Republic: Liberal
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 8
Industrial Power: 100(+5)
Military Grade: 3/4/3
Army: 9 Regiments
Navy: 24 Gun-Boats, 6 Destroyers, 7 Submarines
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons

Québec: Québec City
Parliamentary Republic: Parti Libéral (Liberal)
Stability: 75%
Economic Power: 22/1
Industrial Power: 178(+52)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 13 Regiments, 4 Armored Brigades
Navy: 12 Gun-Boats, 5 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Airforce: 12 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Project: Naval Academy System(5/5), Trois-Rivieres Locks(12/12), Rail Connection(3/3), Sagamie-Nord Métamorphose(20/X), FDRM(X/X), Blanc au Nord Hydrocarbures Métamorphose (6/6)

Canada: Toronto
Republic: Liberal
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 9
Industrial Power: 155(+12)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 16 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigades
Navy: 9 Gun-boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 14 Fighter Squadrons
Project: Blanc au Nord Hydrocarbures Métamorphose (6/6)
Interest: Reclaiming Southern Ontario

Jamaica: Kingston
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 60%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 27(+4)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 2 Regiments
Navy: 9 Gun-boats
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons

Spoiler South American Stats :

Gran Colombia: Bogota
Confederacy: Liberal
Stability: 59%
Economic Power: 6
Industrial Power: 132(+3)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 12 Regiments
Navy: 12 Gun-boats
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons

Acre: Rio Branco
Totalitarian Dictatorship: Cezar Silva
Stability: 54%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 106(+1)
Military Grade: 2/0/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Access to the Pacific

Andean Republic: Lima
Federal Union: Conservative
Stability: 67%
Economic Power: 8
Industrial Power: 255(+8)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 10 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 3 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Airforce: 12 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons

Bolivia: Sucre
Socialist Republic: Worker's Party
Stability: 57%
Economic Power: 6
Industrial Power: 177(+1)
Military Grade: 3/3/2
Army: 10 Regiments
Navy: 9 Gun-boats, 3 Destroyers
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Argentina: Buenos Aires
Dictatorship: Ricardo Cobos/Reactionary
Stability: 55%
Economic Power: 5
Industrial Power: 142(+0)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 10 Regiments
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 12 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Annexing Patagonia

Republic of Sul: Montevideo
Dictatorship: Jose Astori/Reactionary
Stability: 69%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 96(+1)
Military Grade: 3/2/2
Army: 5 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigade
Navy: 9 Gun-boats
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

Brazil: Nuevo Brassilia
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 67%
Economic Power: 14
Industrial Power: 273(+16)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 14 Regiments, 4 Armored Brigades
Navy: 15 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers, 2 Submarines
Airforce: 14 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Project: Renewal Project I(3/3)

Greater Guyana: Georgetown
Republic: Reactionary
Stability: 50%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 21(+2)
Military Grade: 2/1/1
Army: 4 Regiments
Navy: 9 Gun-boats
Airforce: 2 Fighter Squadrons

Patagonia: Rawson
People's Republic: Communist
Stability: 75%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 114(+1)
Military Grade: 3/2/1
Army: 7 Regiments
Navy: 12 Gun-boats
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Chile: Santiago
Republic: Conservative
Stability: 75%
Economic Power: 6
Industrial Power: 116(+0)
Military Grade: 3/2/3
Army: 7 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 12 Gun-boats
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Paraguay: Asuncion
Presidential Republic: Socialist
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 66(+1)
Military Grade: 3/0/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Ecuador: Quito
Constitutional Monarchy: Simon Moreno /Conservative
Stability: 62%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 126(+1)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 6 Regiments
Navy: 9 Gun-boats
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons
Spoiler European Stats :

Ireland: Dublin
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 73%
Economic Power: 12
Industrial Power: 167(+20)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 10 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 15 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons
Projects: Economic Improvement (3/3), Trade Expansion(4/4), Industrial Growth(4/4), Central African Investments(8/X), Maritime Organizations (3/3), Longbow(1)(11/12)

England: London
Constitutional Monarchy: Edward IX/Union Party(Nationalist)
Stability: 72%
Economic Power: 13
Industrial Power: 63(+25)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 5 Regiments, 4 Armored Brigades, 5 Colonial Militia Regiments
Navy: 13 Gun-Boats, 3 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Airforce: 17 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Project: CIPP(8/X), Green Research(11/X), Colonial Development(3/X), Dutch Investment(4/4), Merchant Fleet(3/X), Industrialization Program(5/X)
Interest: Empire

Scotland: Inverness
Parliamentary Republic: Unionist
Stability: 75%
Economic Power: 6
Industrial Power: 24(+4)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 7 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 5 Gun-Boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 9 Fighter Squadrons

The Northumbrian Free-State: Nottingham
Parliamentary Republic: Nationalist
Stability: 58%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 45(+5)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 7 Gun-Boats
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons

The Republic of Occitania: Marseille
Presidential Republic: Nationalist
Stability: 77%
Economic Power: 7
Industrial Power: 80(+9)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 6 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigades
Navy: 2 Gun-Boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons
Projects: French Campaign (2/X), Pan-France Infrastructure(3/3)
Interest: Reunification of France

The Republic of Brittany: Brest
Presidential Republic: Liberal
Stability: 69%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 64(+5)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 5 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigades
Navy: 4 Gun-Boats, 1 Destroyers
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons

The Portuguese Free-State: Lisbon
Constitutional Monarcy: Pedro Esteves/Conservative
Stability: 64%
Economic Power: 14
Industrial Power: 144(+5)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 15 Regiments, 3 Armored Brigades
Navy: 15 Gun-Boats, 5 Destroyers
Airforce: 12 Fighter Squadrons, 1 Bomber Squadron
Interest: African Empire

The Basque Republic: Bilbao
Federal Republic: Nationalist
Stability: 61%
Economic Power: 4/1
Industrial Power: 60(+4)
Military Grade: 3/2/2
Army: 8 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigades
Navy: 3 Gun-Boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Andalusia: Granada
Constitutional Monarchy: Sancho Aguirre/Unionist
Stability: 73%
Economic Power: 5
Industrial Power: 122(+2)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 8 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigades
Navy: 9 Gun-Boats, 2 Destroyer
Airforce: 7 Fighter Squadrons

Kingdom of Spain: Madrid
Constitutional Monarchy: Alfonso XIV/Socialist
Stability: 70%
Economic Power: 13
Industrial Power: 130(+17)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 10 Regiments, 3 Armored Brigades
Navy: 17 Gun-Boats, 5 Destroyers, 4 Submarines
Airforce: 14 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Project: Proyecto Midas(3/3), Proyecto Seneca(3/3), Proyecto Fénix(3/6), Proyecto Faetón(3/4)
Interest: Empire

The Dutch Republic: Amsterdam
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 61%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 62(+2)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 2 Gun-Boats
Airforce: 2 Fighter Squadrons

Flanders: Antwerp
Parliamentary Democracy: Nationalist
Stability: 70%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 30(+2)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 3 Regiments
Navy: 3 Gun-Boats
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons

Padania: Milan
Constitutional Monarcy: Giorgio I/Conservative
Stability: 61%
Economic Power: 7
Industrial Power: 136(+3)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 2 Regiments
Navy: 18 Gun-Boats, 3 Destroyers
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons

Naples: Naples
Constitutional Monarcy: Luigi Vico/Reactionary
Stability: 71%
Economic Power: 7
Industrial Power: 15(+9)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 3 Gun-Boats, 1 Destroyers
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Acquiring Sicily, South Italy and the rest of Sardina

Greater Albania: Tirana
Constitutional Monarcy: Sali Pollo/Conservative
Stability: 62%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 108(+1)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 12 Gun-Boats
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Acquiring Sicily, South Italy and the rest of Sardina

Bosnia: Sarajevo
Constitutional Monarcy: Nikola Inzko/Conservative
Stability: 62%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 42(+2)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 13 Regiments
Navy: 9 Gun-Boats
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons

Croatia: Zagreb
Constitutional Monarcy: Ivo Bebić I/Liberal
Stability: 64%
Economic Power: 7
Industrial Power: 72(+2)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 10 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 15 Gun-Boats, 2 Destroyer
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

Vatican City: Vatican City
Theocracy: Magistris I/Conservative
Stability: 80%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 26(+2)
Military Grade: 0/0/0
Army: None.
Navy: None.
Airforce: None.

Taranto: Taranto
Republic: Unionist
Stability: 80%
Economic Power: 1
Industrial Power: 10(+1)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 2 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: None.

The Franco-Germanic Empire: Berlin
Military Dictatorship: Pierre Breland/Conservative
Stability: 56%
Economic Power: 6
Industrial Power: 9(+2)
Military Grade: 4/3/3
Army: 9 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 4 Gun-Boats, 3 Destroyers, 2 Submarines
Airforce: 15 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Projects: Robotics(14/X), Active Defensive Systems(6/15)

Lord of Elves
The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia: Copenhagen
Constitutional Monarchy: Henric III/Conservative
Stability: 73%
Economic Power: 12
Industrial Power: 67(+35)
Military Grade: 3/4/3
Army: 12 Regiments, 4 Scandinavian Militia, 2 Volunteer Regiments
Navy: 14 Gun-Boats, 5 Destroyers, 6 Submarines
Airforce: 15 Fighter Squadrons, 5 Bomber Squadrons
Project: Economic Programs (5/5), Revitilization(3/3)

The Hellenistic Empire: Constantinople
Constitutional Monarchy: Alexander III/Nationalist
Stability: 64%
Economic Power: 10
Industrial Power: 156(+4)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 10 Regiments, 3 Armored Brigades
Navy: 10 Gun-Boats, 3 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons, 1 Bomber Squadron
Projects: Hellenization(8/X), Mix the Economy (4/5), Education (4/10)

Bohemia: Prague
Democratic Republic: Liberal
Stability: 58%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 52(+3)
Military Grade: 2/0/2
Army: 8 Regiments
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Silesia: Wrocław
Democratic Republic: Liberal
Stability: 63%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 64(+3)
Military Grade: 3/0/2
Army: 7 Regiments
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

Galicia: Lviv
Democratic Republic: Socialist
Stability: 63%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 103(+1)
Military Grade: 2/0/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

Hungarian Empire: Budapest
Absolute Monarchy: Otto Tisza I/Conservative
Stability: 63%
Economic Power: 7
Industrial Power: 164(+3)
Military Grade: 3/0/2
Army: 14 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: None.
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

J.K. Stockholme
Bulgarian Empire: Sofia
Absolute Monarchy: Boris IV/Conservative
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 8/3
Industrial Power: 138(+10)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 18 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 3 Destroyers
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons
Projects: Government Corporations (2/3), Sofia Stock Exchange, (2/3), Cultural Media(2/X)

Poland: Warsaw
Democratic Monarchy: Wojciech Casimir Kosciuszko/Liberal
Stability: 57%
Economic Power: 11/2
Industrial Power: 233(+11)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 9 Regiments, 3 Armored Brigades
Navy: 8 Gun-boats, 3 Destroyers
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons
Projects: Economic Development(3/3), Aerospace Development(3/X), Trinary Systems(3/X)

Free-City of Riga: Riga
Republic: Liberal
Stability: 69%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 9(+0)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 1 Regiment
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 2 Destroyers
Airforce: 2 Fighter Squadrons

Transcaucasia: Elista
Federal Republic: Nationalist
Stability: 62%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 2(+3)
Military Grade: 3/2/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons

Baltic Union: Tallinn
Unitary Republic: Conservative
Stability: 69%
Economic Power: 8
Industrial Power: 236(+5)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 14 Regiments
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 2 Destroyers
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Lithuania: Vilinius
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 64%
Economic Power: 5
Industrial Power: 216(+3)
Military Grade: 3/0/3
Army: 8 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons

The Republic of Kiev: Kiev
Unitary Republic: Liberal
Stability: 63%
Economic Power: 10
Industrial Power: 368(+11)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 13 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 2 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Airforce: 12 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons

Republic of Ossetia: Vladikavkaz
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 58%
Economic Power: 1
Industrial Power: 42(+3)
Military Grade: 0/0/0
Army: 1 Regiment
Navy: None.
Airforce: None.

Republic of Daghestan: Makhachkala
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 58%
Economic Power: 1
Industrial Power: 42(+3)
Military Grade: 0/0/0
Army: 1 Regiment
Navy: None.
Airforce: None.

Republic of Georgia: Tbilisi
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 60%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 96(+5)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 6 Regiments
Navy: 6 Gun-boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

Spoiler African Stats :

Tripolitan States: Tripoli
Elective Monarchy: Abdullatif Jalil
Stability: 60%
Economic Power: 5
Industrial Power: 17(+4)
Military Grade: 3/3/2
Army: 4 Regiments
Navy: 12 Gun-Boats, 1 Destroyer, 1 Submarine
Airforce: 2 Fighter Squadrons

Grand Senegambia: Dakar
Theocratic Matriarchy: Nkoyo Toluwalase/Progressive
Stability: 64%
Economic Power: 16
Industrial Power: 344(+23)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 8 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 2 Destroyers, 3 Submarine
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Projects: ASM Defenses(6/X), Bay of Guinea Oil(3/3), Indigenous Grain(3/3), Nigerian Mining (4/4), Nigerian Re-education Program(5/X), Agriculture(3/6), Mining Re-boot(2/X), Port Expansion(3/4)

Mali Confederation: Bamako
Oligarchic Confederation: Conservative
Stability: 68%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 122(+2)
Military Grade: 2/0/1
Army: 7 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons

Nigeria: Nguru
Confederation: Conservative
Stability: 58%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 90(+4)
Military Grade: 1/0/1
Army: 3 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons

Confederation of Niger: Tahoua
Confederation: Conservative
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 55(+3)
Military Grade: 2/0/2
Army: 3 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons

Union of Chad: Mao
Unitary Republic: Conservative
Stability: 63%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 45(+3)
Military Grade: 1/0/1
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 2 Fighter Squadrons

Union of Cameroon: Yaounde
Unitary Republic: Conservative
Stability: 57%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 72(+5)
Military Grade: 3/1/2
Army: 9 Regiments
Navy: 5 Gun-boats
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

Congolese Commonwealth: Luanda
Military Junta: Thabo Ngouabi
Stability: 67%
Economic Power: 1
Industrial Power: 24(+0)
Military Grade: 3/1/1
Army: 4 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

East African Confederacy: Dar Es Saleem
Plutocratic Confederacy: Conservative
Stability: 53%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 96(+1)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 9 Gun-boats
Airforce: 9 Fighter Squadrons

Bugunda: Kamapla
Absolute Monarchy: Danieri Mwanga
Stability: 63%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 56(+1)
Military Grade: 3/0/1
Army: 6 Regiments, 1 Armored Division
Navy: None.
Airforce: 9 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Taking over the interior of Africa

Somalia: Mogadishu
Islamic Republic: Conservative
Stability: 56%
Economic Power: 1
Industrial Power: 62(+0)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 6 Gun-boats
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

Kenya: Nairobi
Democratic Republic: Reactionary
Stability: 56%
Economic Power: 1
Industrial Power: 22(+0)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 4 Regiments
Navy: 2 Gun-boats
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons

Ethiopia: Addis Ababa
Democratic Republic: Liberal
Stability: 63%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 196(+1)
Military Grade: 3/2/3
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 6 Gun-boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons

Egypt: Cairo
Socialist Republic: Socialist
Stability: 67%
Economic Power: 8/4
Industrial Power: 212(+10)
Military Grade: 3/2/3
Army: 8 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigade
Navy: 6 Gun-boats, 2 Destroyers
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons
Projects: Overhaul(3/3), Suez Repair(4/4)

Eritrea: Asmara
Presidential Republic: Reactionary
Stability: 52%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 54(-2)
Military Grade: 2/1/1
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 6 Gun-boats
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Annexing Sudan
Spoiler Asian Stats :

Turkey: Ankara
Military Dictatorship: Abdullah Gökçek/Reactionary
Stability: 59%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 66(+1)
Military Grade: 3/2/2
Army: 6 Regiments
Navy: 1 Gun-boat, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Reclaiming the Bosphorus

Mesopotamia: Baghdad
Federal Republic: Liberal
Stability: 66%
Economic Power: 18/5
Industrial Power: 364(+28)
Military Grade: 3/3/4
Army: 12 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigade
Navy: 15 Gun-boats, 5 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Airforce: 16 Fighter Squadrons, 4 Bomber Squadrons
Projects: Industrial Reforms(3/3), Agricultural Reforms(3/3), Palestine Line(10/10), Suez Repairs(4/4), Ahmatann Dam(4/10), Green Technologies (9/X), Mass-Transit Improvement(3/9) Kurdish Wall(5/15)

Arabia: Riyadh
Islamic Absolute Monarchy: Ibn Saud IV/Reactionary
Stability: 72%
Economic Power: 11
Industrial Power: 132(+6)
Military Grade: 3/2/3
Army: 14 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigade
Navy: 15 Gun-boats, 3 Destroyers
Airforce: 12 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Interest: Spreading the Faith

Oman: Muscat
Unitary Republic: Conservative
Stability: 70%
Economic Power: 7
Industrial Power: 117(+1)
Military Grade: 2/3/2
Army: 4 Regiments
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Profiting off of Arabian Trade

Qatar: Doha
Unitary Republic: Conservative
Stability: 68%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 46(+1)
Military Grade: 2/3/2
Army: 2 Regiment
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons

Kurdistan: Tabriz
Presidential Republic: Conservative
Stability: 68%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 148(+1)
Military Grade: 3/0/3
Army: 6 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigades
Navy: None.
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Existing

Kingdom of Azerbaijan: Baku
Constitutional Monarchy: Majid Rasizade/Conservative
Stability: 58%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 66(+3)
Military Grade: 2/1/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 6 Gun-boats
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Republic of Armenia: Yerevan
Unitary Republic: Conservative
Stability: 58%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 36(+5)
Military Grade: 1/1/1
Army: 2 Regiments
Navy: 3 Gun-boats
Airforce: 4 Fighter Squadrons

Persia: Tehran
Theocratic Socialist Republic: Socialist
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 16(-2)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 6 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigade, 15 Persian Militia Regiments
Navy: 9 Gun-boats, 3 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Airforce: 2 Fighter Squadrons
Interest: Destroying Kurdistan

City State of Jerusalem: Jerusalem
Protected by Mesopotamia
Republic: Conservative
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 1
Industrial Power: 5(+0)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: None.
Navy: 2 Gun-boats
Airforce: None.

Afghanistan: Kabul
Islamic Constitutional Monarchy: Mirwais Shah I/Conservative
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 6
Industrial Power: 122(+0)
Military Grade: 2/0/2
Army: 6 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

Balochistan: Turbat
Presidential Republic: Conservative
Stability: 61%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 102(+0)
Military Grade: 2/1/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 6 Gun-boats
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons

Pakistan: Hyderabad
Presidential Republic: Conservative
Stability: 59%
Economic Power: 5/1
Industrial Power: 106(+1)
Military Grade: 2/1/2
Army: 6 Regiments
Navy: 6 Gun-boats
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons

Khalistan: Ahmadabad
Theocracy: High Council of Gurus
Stability: 69%
Economic Power: 5
Industrial Power: 18(+4)
Military Grade: 4/2/2
Army: 19 Regiments, 3 Armored Brigades
Navy: 9 Gun-boats
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons

India: New Dehli
Democratic Republic: Conservative
Stability: 58%
Economic Power: 7
Industrial Power: 268(+9)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 10 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigade
Navy: 9 Gun-boats, 2 Destroyers
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

The Kingdom of Mysore: Bangalore
Absolute Monarchy: Chamaraja Gowda
Stability: 69%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 114(+6)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: 6 Gun-boats
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

The Republic of Ceylon: Colombo
Democratic Republic: Progressive
Stability: 69%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 118(+7)
Military Grade: 2/3/2
Army: 3 Regiments
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Khanate of Khiva: Khiva
Islamic Khanate: Ilbars III/Reactionary
Stability: 80%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 42(+2)
Military Grade: 1/0/1
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Emirate of Bokhara: Bokhara
Islamic Emirate: Abdul Kharat/Reactionary
Stability: 80%
Economic Power: 1
Industrial Power: 51(+1)
Military Grade: 1/0/1
Army: 1 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 7 Fighter Squadrons

Tibet: Lhasa
Theocracy: Doje Gyatso/ Conservative
Stability: 70%
Economic Power: 2
Industrial Power: 56(+1)
Military Grade: 2/0/1
Army: 2 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 5 Fighter Squadrons

The Siber Confederacy: Tomsk
Confederation: Conservative
Stability: 69%
Economic Power: 3
Industrial Power: 104(+3)
Military Grade: 3/0/2
Army: 5 Regiments
Navy: None.
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

Chernorussiya: Vladivostok
Soviet Technocracy: Socialist
Stability: 77%
Economic Power: 16
Industrial Power: 342(+23)
Military Grade: 3/3/4
Army: 8 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers, 1 Submarine
Airforce: 20 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Projects: ITER(30/30), Омар(10/10), Твo(14/14), Kзвмрщ sistema(10/10), Commercialism(3/3), ПгС(1/12), ДрЧ(1/10)
Interest: Knowledge.

The Korean Empire: Seoul
Constitutional Monarchy: Liberal
Stability: 85%
Economic Power: 17
Industrial Power: 445(+25)
Military Grade: 4/3/3
Army: 16 Regiments, 4 Armored Brigades
Navy: 15 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers, 2 Submarines
Airforce: 18 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Projects: ITER(30/30), Medical Industry(5/5), Merchant Marine(5/5), Financial Industry(4/4)

Manchuria: Harbin
Constitutional Monarchy: Gai Xiaolian I/Liberal
Stability: 62%
Economic Power: 5
Industrial Power: 186(+6)
Military Grade: 3/2/3
Army: 8 Regiments, 3 Armored Brigades
Navy: 12 Gun-Boats, 1 Destroyer
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons
Project: ITER(30/30)

Julius Gandi
The People's Republic of Mongolia: Ulaanbaatar
Totalitarian Communist Regime: Sükhbaataryn Altai/Communist
Stability: 95%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 104(+4)
Military Grade: 3/0/3
Army: 14 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: None.
Airforce: 11 Fighter Squadrons, 3 Bomber Squadrons

Ezo Republic: Sapporo
Federal Republic: Liberal
Stability: 68%
Economic Power: 7
Industrial Power: 124(+8)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 7 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigade
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 2 Destroyer
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

The Greater Japanese Empire: Tokyo
Emergency Absolute Monarchy: Hisahito/Conservative
Stability: 74%
Economic Power: 13
Industrial Power: 166(+14)
Military Grade: 3/4/3
Army: 13 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 18 Gun-boats, 10 Destroyers, 4 Submarines
Airforce: 20 Fighter Squadrons
Projects: ITER(34/34), Highway System(5/5), Naval Institute(8/X), Car Industry (8/8)

The Chinese Empire: Beijing
Absolute Monarchy: Wu Xiaoping
Stability: 52%
Economic Power: 9
Industrial Power: 410(+11)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 20 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers, 2 Submarines
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons
Projects: ITER(30/3)

Burma: Naypyidaw
Military Dictatorship: Thein Kham
Stability: 69%
Economic Power: 5
Industrial Power: 83(+0)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 9 Regiments
Navy: 9 Gun-boats, 2 Destroyers
Airforce: 6 Fighter Squadrons

Siam: Bangkok
Democratic Corporatocracy: Conservative
Stability: 67%
Economic Power: 13
Industrial Power: 330(+9)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 16 Regiments, 4 Armored Brigades
Navy: 24 Gun-Boats, 4 Destroyers, 6 Submarines
Airforce: 12 Fighter Squadrons, 2 Bomber Squadrons
Project: ITER(30/30), Entertainment Industries(5/5), Shipping Investment(6/6),

Indochina: Hanoi
Federal Republic: Liberal
Stability: 68%
Economic Power: 5
Industrial Power: 227(+3)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 10 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigade
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 2 Destroyers
Airforce: 12 Fighter Squadrons

Sumatra: Jakarta
Islamic Republic: Reactionary
Stability: 73%
Economic Power: 5
Industrial Power: 90(-1)
Military Grade: 2/2/2
Army: 10 Regiments
Navy: 24 Gun-boats, 5 Destroyers
Airforce: 9 Fighter Squadrons

Sarawak: Brunei
Constitutional Monarchy: Conservative
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 125(+3)
Military Grade: 3/2/2
Army: 10 Regiments
Navy: 18 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers
Airforce: 9 Fighter Squadrons

Spoiler Oceanic Stats :

Grand Papau: Port Moresby
Absolute Monarchy: Jusuf Abal I/Reactionary
Stability: 68%
Economic Power: 12
Industrial Power: 214(+8)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 16 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigades
Navy: 18 Gun-boats, 9 Destroyers, 4 Submarines
Airforce: 12 Fighter Squadrons

Westralia: Perth
Federal Republic: Progressive
Stability: 65%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 152(+5)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 7 Regiments, 1 Armored Brigade
Navy: 9 Gun-boats, 2 Destroyer
Airforce: 8 Fighter Squadrons

Australia: Canberra
Federal Republic: Conservative
Stability: 68%
Economic Power: 7
Industrial Power: 260(+7)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 9 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigade
Navy: 9 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers, 2 Submarines
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons

Zealand: Wellington
Presidential Republic: Liberal
Stability: 63%
Economic Power: 5
Industrial Power: 160(+2)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 6 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigade
Navy: 12 Gun-boats, 5 Destroyers, 2 Submarines
Airforce: 12 Fighter Squadrons

South Island: Christchurch
Military Dictatorship: Adam Key
Stability: 70%
Economic Power: 6
Industrial Power: 112(+5)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 12 Regiments, 2 Armored Brigade, 5 Militia Regiments
Navy: 15 Gun-boats, 8 Destroyers, 3 Submarines
Airforce: 13 Fighter Squadrons

Pacific Commonwealth: Port Vila
Parliamentary Documentary:
Stability: 58%
Economic Power: 4
Industrial Power: 12(+0)
Military Grade: 3/3/3
Army: 8 Regiments
Navy: 15 Gun-boats, 4 Destroyers
Airforce: 10 Fighter Squadrons
Spoiler Starting Map :

Spoiler Starting Map, With Names :

2100-2140 1, 2
2140-2170 1, 2
2170-2199 1, 2
2200 1, 2
2201 1, 2, 3
2202 1, 2, 3
2203 1, 2, 3
2204 1, 2, 3, 4
2205 1, 2, 3, 4

The Treaty of Canterbury, 2159, England, The Norse Imperium, The Northumbrian Free State

The Treaty of Suez, 2200, Mesopotamia, Egypt

The Treaty of Helsinki, 2200, The Norse Imperium, The Kingdom of Poland, The Russian Republic of Russia

Treaty of the Mongolian-Turkic War, 2204, The People's Republic of Mongolia, East Turkestan

Treaty of La Haya, 2204, The Franco-Germanic Empire, The Kingdom of Spain, Poland, Brittany, Padania,The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia, Scotland, Northumbria, England


Union of Unfederated Pacific States Mutual Support Agreement The Republic of Siam, The Empire of Korea, The Republic of Ezo, The Manchurian Kingdom, Sumatra(as of 2204), Sarawak, Indochina
The Grand Coalition Against Norse Aggression, The Franco-Germanic Empire, Padania, Brittany, The Kingdom of Poland, The Kingdom of Spain, The Hellenistic Empire, Norway
Pact of Iron United Commonwealth of Scandinavia, England, Scotland, Northumbria, The Dutch Republic, South Island
Free America Alaska, Cascadia, The Republic of Texas, Deseret, The Rio Grande Republic
St. Lawrence Alliance Quebec, New England, Canada
Anglo-Basque Alliance The Basque Republic, England


Union of Unfederated Pacific States Co-Prosperity Agreement: The Republic of Siam, The Empire of Korea, The Greater Japanese Empire, The Republic of Ezo, The Manchurian Kingdom, The Chinese Empire, Sumatra(as of 2204), Sarawak, Ceylon, Republic of Alaska, Indochina
Greater Caucasia Economic League: Georgia, Ossetia, Daghestan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Transcausaia
The Black Sea Trade Organization: Bulgaria, Armenia, Georgia, The Republic of Kiev
Unique Units

The Sparrow Fighter
Created by the Dixie Republic
Can be built by: The Dixie Republic

1 EP and 20 IP can build 2 Squadrons

'A high maneuverability, high speed dogfighting interceptor specifically focused on air to air combat at the expense of air-to-ground capabilities'

The Great North American War
Alaska, The Republic of Texas, Cascadia, Deseret, Rio Grande vs. Panama, The People's Hudsonist Republic of Mexico, Californian Union, Chernorussiya

The Scandinavian Invasion of the Congo
The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia vs. The Republic of the Congo

Namibian Brush War
England vs. Namibian Rebels

Chinese Civil War
The Chinese Empire vs. The Chinese Red Youth Movement

Previous Wars

Sonoran War
The California Union vs. Sonora

South Italian War
Naples, Hellenistic Empire vs. Tripolitania

The Great Russian War
The Norse Imperium, Poland, Chernorussiya, Ossetia, Daghestan vs. The Russian Republic of Russia, Finland

Norse-Senegambian War
Grand Senegambia vs. The Norse Imperium

The War of Scandinavan Unification
The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia, England, Scotland, Northumbria vs. The Franco-Germanic Empire, Brittany, Poland, Padania, The Kingdom of Spain, The Sapmi Republic, Norway, Finnish Rebels

Invasion of South Africa
England vs. South Africa

Senegambian-Nigerian War
Grand Senegambia vs. Nigeria

The Mexican Civil War
The Californian Union, vs. The Mexican Empire

Texan Invasion of the Rio Grande Republic
Republic of Texas vs. Rio Grande

Somalian War
Somalian Islamists Alliance vs. Somalia, Somaliland

Fars War
Persia, Bokhara vs. Kurdistan

Franco-Germanic Civil War
Occitania, French Liberation Front, Italian Nationalists, Flemish Nationalists vs. The Franco-Germanic Empire

Ordu War
Turkey vs. The Hellenistic Empire
Hall of the Fallen

BT. The Missouri River Confederacy, NPC'd

Formed by several major population centers in what was the Mid-Western United States, lack of domestic control led to it's eventual disbandment and absorption by the United States of the Atlantic and Dixie Republic.

BT. The Connought Republic, NPC'd

The result of Irish Republican ideals, a small Republic formed in Ireland, but serious debt, and culture identification led to a merger with Ireland.

BT. The Republic of Virginia, NPC'd

The independent spirit of Virginia can never be denied. The establishment of a republic, and refusal to fold to the demands of either the Dixie Republic or the United States of the Atlantic for unification was a constant thorn in the side of both nations. Cultural heritage, and some backroom dealing ultimately swayed Virginia into accepting statehood in the Dixie Republic, however.

1. Finland, NPC'd

The Finnish state seems to have been created to be nothing more than a punching bag for both the Norse Imperium, and the Russian Republic of Russia. The Norse involvement in the Great Russian War saw to it that Finland, at least as we knew it, existed no more.

2. Sonora, NPC'd

A small dictatorship that took hold of the previous Mexican states of Sonora and the Baja Californias met an eventual end at the hand of the Hudsonists in California.

3. South Africa, NPC'd

The first victim of England's attempt at recreating it's old Empire. After a short war, in which fate seemed to work against it at every turn. It was put out of it's misery fairly quickly, in a mix of English assaults and political in-fighting.

4. The Russian Republic of Russia, arya126

A relatively large and important nation, throughout most of its existence. The RRR played a very large role in world affairs, which eventually came to be its undoing, after finding itself in 4 years of disastrous wars, with one European and Asian power after another. Finally, the nation was completely annexed by Chernorussiya, in a hope to finally unite Russia once more.

5. The Sapmi Republic, NPC'd

It was the first nation on the Norse Imperium's chopping block, when it was striving towards Scandinavian Unification. It was taken over, early on in the war of Scandinavian Unification, but officially existed until the signing of the Treaty of La Haya in 2204.

6. Norway, bestrfcplayer, NPC'd

Suffered a similar fate to their Sapmi brothers in the north. However, ironically, they declared war upon the Norse Imperium, which so far as one could tell wasn't planning on invading anytime soon. It was really taken over in 2203, but officially was still a nation until the signing of the Treaty of La Haya in 2204.

7. The Lowlands Union, NPC'd

As an offshoot of the War of Scandinavian Unification, the Lowland's Union found itself the battleground between the North Sea and Coalition forces, with Dutch Rebels mixed in. The northern part of the Union eventually became the Dutch Republic, while the Franco-Germanic Empire officially absorbed the southern part in the terms of the Treaty of La Haya.

8. East Turkestan, NPC'd

Never a notable or powerful country, East Turkestan was invaded by the People's Republic of Mongolia, and put up only a token defense against the attackers. It was completely annexed without much more fighting.

9. Morocco, NPC'd

Morocco attacked Spain in an offshoot of the Scandinavian War of Unification, and found itself fighting a losing war soon after the initial attacks. Spain wasted no time in completely annexing the North African state.

10. Somaliland, NPC'd

When the Somalian Islamists Alliance took over the Horn of Africa, no one flinched, or even gave a second thought to it. A by-product of this apathy, was the destruction of Somaliland.
Space Agencies
Spoiler :

Mesopotamian Air Aeronautics and Space Administration (MASA)

Mesopotamia, Siam

-1 Satellite
-1 Manned Space Launched
-1 Moon Landing

North American Space Program (NASP)
The Dixie Republic, The Republic of Texas, Deseret, The Republic of Alaska, Brazil

-2 Satellites
-1 Manned Launch

Agencia Española Nacional del Espacio y el Aire (AENEA)
The Kingdom of Spain

-1 Satellite
-1 Manned Launch

Polish Institute for Aerospace: Exploration and Research (PIAER)

-2 Satellites

Chernorussiyan Space Agency (CSA)

Germanic Extra-Planetary Program (GEPP)
Franco-Germanic Empire

Japanese Space Exploration Agency (JSEA)
The Empire of Japan

-2 Satellites

Major Organizations
Spoiler :

The Red Cross
Jerusalem, The Free-State of Jerusalem

New Church of the Latter Day Saints
Salt Lake City, Deseret

The Church of Magistris I Catholicism
Vatican City, Vatican City

The Norse Church
Stockholm, The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia

Fatherland Volunteers
Uppsala, The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia

The Red Crescent
Jerusalem, The Free-State of Jerusalem
Stories, Writings

Boring Time

A Permanent Mark: Theravada Buddhism, Siamese Culture, and National Rebuilding - Siam, Immaculate
Rebuilding England - England, Gamezrule
Rival of the House of Yi - The Korean Empire, Adrogans
The Postman - The Dixie Republic, Dreadnought
Press Release From The Reich - The Franco-Germanic Empire, Frozen In Ice
King of Poland, Tadeusz Kościuszko's Speech - The Kingdom of Poland, Polish Ghetto
Big Brother 'visits' Fort Lodz - The Kingdom of Poland, Polish Ghetto
A Letter From El País de los Libros - The Kingdom of Spain, Milarqui
The G'dansk Visits the Norse Imperium - The Kingdom of Poland, Polish Ghetto
The Final Frontier on Earth - The Republic of Alaska, Omega124
Alaska Joins the Pacific Co-Prosperity Agreement - Siam, Immaculate
Siamese Culture and Linguistics - Siam, Immaculate
The Rise of Zensunniism - Siam, Immaculate
England's New Constitution - England, Gamezrule
Siamese Media - Siam, Immaculate

Regular NES

Collectivism has never been this Glorious! - Californian Union, <nuke>
The Dixie Military - The Dixie Republic, Dreadnought
Copenhagen Tribune Profile, of Emperor Henric III - The Norse Imperium, Lord of Elves
The Strawberry Meeting of Michael Boulder and his Cabinet - The Dixie Republic, Dreadnought
Imperial News Copenhagen -- His Majesty's Address - The Norse Imperium, Lord of Elves
Celebrations throughout Japan following the purchase of Siamese Taiwan - The Japanese Empire, Zeletdude
Norway's Call To Arms! - Norway, bestrfcplayer
English Declaration of War - England, GamezRule
The Tenets of Hudsonism - Californian Union, <nuke>
Imperial News Stockholm; Push Forward To Glory! - The Norse Imperium, Lord of Elves
Japan's Nightly News.. - The Japanese Empire, Zeletdude
Channel 4 News - Californian Union, <nuke>
Emperor Hisahito Speaks to a Joint Session of The Diet - The Japanese Empire, Zeletdude
Unity - Broadcast from the Office of Head Governor - The Franco-Germanic Empire, Frozen in Ice
Sitting By The Fire... - The Republic of Alaska, arya126
Somewhere In A Bunker - The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia, Lord of Elves
Mongolia; Cradle of Communism Part 1 - The People's Republic of Mongolia, Julius Gandi
Mongolia; Cradle of Communism Part 2 - The People's Republic of Mongolia, Julius Gandi
Propaganda Pamphlet - The People's Republic of Mongolia, Julius Gandi
Outskirts of Beni Mellal - The Kingdom of Spain, Milarqui
The People's Reporter - The People's Republic of Mongolia, Julius Gandi
The Call of the Bear - The Californian Union, <nuke>
A Visit To Austin - The Republic of Texas, germanicus12
VIDEO: For Japan! - The Japanese Empire, Zeletdude
Somewhere in Chernorussiya... - Chernorussiya, Kozmos
A Triumph for the Dixie Space Program - The Dixie Republic, Dreadnought
Another Fire-side Chat - The Republic of Alaska, arya126
The Tigris, Euphrates and Why We should Use Them - Mesopotamia, Eltain
English Victory Speech - England, Gamezrule
A Traveler's Guide to the United Commonwealth of Scandinavia, Part 1 - The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia, Lord of Elves
A Day In Texas - The Republic of Texas, germanicus12
La Voix Quotidienne, TREMBLAY DEAD!! - Quebec, DarthNader
A President in the Jungle - The Republic of Alaska, arya126
Stormaktskvalde Reform - The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia, Lord of Elves
Mieux Connaître D'Une Province, Part 1 of 20 - Quebec, DarthNader
Mr. Haulsee's Industrial Needs - The Republic of Alaska, arya126
Flags of the Texan Republic - The Republic of Texas, germanicus12
From Factory to Field; How Many Tears Must Fall? - The People's Republic of Mongolia, Julius Gandi
Stockholm Tribune: EDITORIAL: What's Alaska, anyway? - The United Commonwealth of Scandinavia, Lord of Elves
The Asashi Shimbun - The Japanese Empire, Zeletdude
A Snapshot of Texas Today - The Republic of Texas, germanicus12
A Reporter? - Brazil, Haseri
Alec Claymore Resigns- England, MusiclLord
La Voix Quotidienne - Quebec, DarthNader
Propaganda at it's Finest - Chernorussiya, Kozmos
Fishing With the Vice-President - The Dixie Republic, Dreadnought
Dukat Dynasty - Bulgaria, J.K. Stockholme
The People Have Spoken - The Shadow Government, erez87
Personality Focus: Adriana Lolova, Journal of J.P. Filov - Bulgaria, J.K. Stockholme
Pictures From the War - The Republic of Texas, germanicus12
A Quick Interview - The Dixie Republic, Dreadnought
Mieux Connaître D'Une Province, Part 2 of 20 - Quebec, DarthNader
A Message From The Shadow Government - The Shadow Government, erez87
A Day of Golf, Turned Sour - The Dixie Republic, Dreadnought
La Voix Quotidienne - Quebec, DarthNader
Liga Nacional de Fútbol Español - The Kingdom of Spain, Milarqui
Alaskan Special Forces - The Republic of Alaska, arya126
The Khan - The People's Republic of Mongolia, Julius Gandi
Dear Insane Soviet Warlord - The Republic of Alaska, arya126
Floating On A Frozen Sea Of Oil - Bulgaria, J.K. Stockholme

Spoiler :

Spoiler Californian Union :

Spoiler Japanese Empire :

Spoiler United Commonwealth of Scandinavia :

Spoiler The Dixie Republic :

Spoiler The City State of Jerusalem :

Spoiler The People's Republic of Mongolia :

Spoiler The Republic of Texas :

Spoiler Bulgaria :

Spoiler Grand Senegambia :

You may now post.

Right now, I will be teaking the front page. Changing spelling mistakes, adding ruler names to stats, and working on a map with capitols.
Norse Imperium posts first. Russia will be crushed!
Second post, California here, glory to the revolution :)
Looking good so far.

Hmmm... all player nations in Europe are better than me, not good for me.
Yes, but you are better than most of Africa and Asia. ;P

These are toned down, weaker stats. I fully expect SMW style stats within the first few years. Glad to see everyone here.

I still need a banner, if someone has any good ideas/suggestions. The orders for the first update by.. Wednesday if possible.

EDIT: Added a bit about the combat system.
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