LK163 - AWM, India

Nubia is right next to us, I think we were really lucky to go this long without meeting them. That mountain in the east really helped, but I am surpised Nubia never sent around a scouting unit.

We have seen the black outline where we almost met them for most of the game.
At this point I think our best bet is to continue to push toward Maghreb. I agree to push the roads toward Oran. The other fronts need time to get rid of the initial rush. I don’t want to be totally stuck. Any weakened civ will help, and Maghreb don’t have any initial rush left. Plus the rush from the Aztecs and South Africa came from that area. There is a good chance of multiple weak civs in that area.
Another reason, to push north, is that the Maghreb's have the Wonder we need for our Golden Age in the city of Carthage.
Elephantium (up)
Jersey Joe (on deck)
I got it.

Edit: Greebley: You did declare war on Nubia and no cities are about to riot.
Last edited:
Continuing 1844 AD: Victory Screen: 10% world area 16% world population
Swap some builds from Universities to Observatories (same 50% research bonus for 100 shields less and gaining culture is not important).
Galleass sinks Inca Galleass (1, 0).

IBT: Knight defending Belem killed by Invisible unit (1, 1).
After that, we endure time consuming bombardment from various enemy ships.

1846 AD:
Northeast of Iznik: If the Nubians had settled in place last turn, I might have let them live till town was size 2. However, they moved toward us an are in range of our knights.
Knight kills Nubian Medieval Catapult (2, 1). The settler party provides us with a new slave.

Near Rio: Camel Musketeer kills Egyptian Musketeer (3, 1). We capture a settler and get a slave. The slave sees that we were attacked by a Lawyer at Belem.

Near Belem: eKnight kills Lawyer (4, 1) (1 elite kill, 0 GL). Knight kills Egyptian Medieval Infantry (5, 1).

Near Sao Paulo: Knight killed by Egyptian Cuirassier (5, 2); Knight killed by Cuirassier (5, 3); Knight of the Realm kills Cuirassier (6, 3) and then blitz kills another Cuirassier (7, 3).

Near Curitiba: eBombard kills British Musketeer (8, 3) (2 elite kills, 0 GL); Bombard kills Musketeer (9, 3); eKnight kills Musketeer (10, 3).

Near Guarulhos: Enslaver kills Austrian Medieval Infantry (11, 3); Brahmin kills Crossbow (12, 3); Brahmin kills Spearman (13, 3).

IBT: We learn about Ballistics and the Royal Tournament becomes obsolete.

1848 AD:
Near Curitiba: eKnight kills British Crossbow (14, 3) (3 elite kills, 0 GL); Knight kills Crossbow (15, 3).

Near Rick’s Cafe: eBombard kills Magheb Musketeer (16, 3) (4 elite kills, 0 GL); Knight kills Cuirassier (17, 3);

Near Oran: eKnight kills Maghreb Late Pike (18, 3) (5 elite kills, 0 GL); eWar Elephant killed by Crossbow (18, 4); eRatha kills Crossbow (19, 4) (6 elite kills, 0 GL); eKnight of the Realm kills Late Pike (20, 4) (7 elite kills, 0 GL); Camel Musketeer kills Late Pike (21, 4); eWar Elephant kills Crossbow (22, 4) (8 elite kills, 0 GL); eWar Elephant kills Late Pike (23, 4) (9 elite kills, 0 GL);

IBT: eWar Elephant killed by Maghreb Hussar (23, 5).

1850 AD:
Near Oran: eCamel Musketeer kills Bedouin Musketeer (24, 5) (9 elite kills, 0 GL); eKnight of the Realm kills Hussar (25, 5) (10 elite kills, 0 GL); eCamel Musketeer kills Bedouin Musketeer (26, 5) (11 elite kills, 0 GL); Brahmin kills Grenadier (27, 5); Brahmin kills Late Pike (28, 5); eKnight kills Late Pike (29, 5) (12 elite kills, 0 GL).

Near Curitiba: Cannon kills British Musketeer (30, 5); eKnight kills Medieval Infantry (31, 5) (13 elite kills, 0 GL); eKnight kills Lifeguard (32, 5) (14 elite kills, 0 GL); eKnight kills Crossbow (33, 5) (15 elite kills, 0 GL).

Near Manaus: Brahmin converts Jewish Late Pike (34, 5).

Near Sao Paulo: Camel Musketeer kills Egyptian Medieval Infantry (35, 5); Cuirassier kills Cuirassier (36, 5); Cuirassier kills Grenadier (37, 5).

IBT: We encounter a Russian sailing vessel. The Russians are about equal with us in tech. The result of their not wanting to join our Hegemony is a Declaration of War.
The British land a small force near Belo Horizinte.

1852 AD:
Near Rick’s Cafe: eBombard kills Maghreb Grenadier (38, 5) and gets a Great Leader (16 elite kills, 1 GL). Great Leader starts on journey to Aydin.

Near Bengal: Galleass sunk by Inca Paddle Wheeler (38, 6); Galleass sinks Paddle Wheeler (39, 6).

Near Belo Horizinte: Cuirassier kills British Medieval Infantry (40, 6); Cuirassiers kill 2 Crossbow (42, 6); Knight kills Bombard (43, 6).

Near Manaus; Cannon kills British Lifeguard (44, 6); Cuirassier killed by Cuirassier (44, 7).

IBT: Near Curitiba: Musketeer kills British Lifeguard (45, 7); Musketeer killed by Camel Musketeer (45, 8).
At Sao Paulo: Camel Musketeer kills Egyptian Cuirassier (46, 8).

1854 AD:
Near Curitiba: War Elephant kills British Camel Musketeer (47, 8); Cannon kills Ironside (48, 8); Knight kills Invisible Unit (Lawyer?) (49, 8); Knights kill 2 Camel Musketeers (51, 8).

Near Manaus, Knight kills Israeli Late Pike (52, 8).

Near Guarulhos: Cuirassier kill 2 S. African Late Pikes (52, 8); Cuirassier kill 2 Crossbow (54, 8); Brahmin converts Crossbow (55, 8).

Near Bengal, our Pirate Ship sinks a Ship (56, 8) headed toward our shores.

Near Sao Paulo: Cuirassier kills Egyptian Hussar (57, 8); Cuirassier kills Grenadier (58, 8); Cuirassier kills Musketeer (59, 8).

IBT: North of Oran: Musketeer fights off Invisible unit; Musketeer forces Maghreb Hussar to retreat.
We learn about Bastion Fortifications and Walls become obsolete. We meet and declare war on Canada.

1856 AD:
Near Sao Paulo; Knight of the Realm kills Egyptian Hussar (60, 8).

Near Curitiba: Cannon kills British Bombard (61, 8); Cuirassier kills Grenadier (62, 8); Knight kills Bombard (63, 8); Cannon kills Cannon (64, 8); War Elephant kills Grenadier (65, 8); Knight kills Medieval Infantry (66, 8).

Near Manaus: Knight kills S. African Medieval Infantry (67, 8).

North of Rick’s Cafe: Cuirassier killed by Maghreb Hussar (67, 9); Cuirassier kills Hussar (68, 9). Knight of the Realm kills Musketeer (69. 9).

North of Oran: War Elephant kills Hussar (70, 9) and blitz kills Invisible Unit (71, 9) (must of been the one that attacked between turns). War Elephant has found Carthage.
Cuirassier kills Hussar (72, 9); Knight of the Realm kills Camel Musketeer (73, 9);

IBT: Near Giza: Our Exploring Ship sinks a Canadian Ship (74, 9), then our Exploring ship sinks 2 Egyptian Ships (76, 9). Finally it is sunk by an Egyptian Paddle wheeler (76, 10).

North of Rick’s Cafe: Musketeer is killed by Maghreb Grenadier (76, 11).

North of Oran: Cuirassier kills Invisible unit (77, 11); the Cuirassier is then killed by Maghreb Trebuchet (77, 12).

1858 AD:
Great Leader rushes University in Aydin.

Near Curitiba: Cannons kill 3 British Bombards (80, 12); Cuirassier killed by Lifeguard (80, 13); Cuirassier killed by Dragoon (80, 14); Cuirassier kills Lifeguard (81, 14); Cuirassier kills Dragoon (82, 14); eKnight kills Cannon (83, 14) (17 elite kills, 1 GL).

Near Manaus: eCannon kills Israeli Musketeer (84, 14) (18 elite kills, 1 GL).

Near Guarulhos:eCuirassier kills S. African Medieval Infantry (85, 14) (19 elite kills, 1 GL); Cuirassier kill 3 Late Pikes (88, 14); eKnights kill 2 Crossbow (90, 14) (21 elite kills, 1 GL); Brahmin kills Crossbow (91, 14); Brahmin converts Crossbow to a Monk (92, 14).

Liberation of Tangier:
eCamel Musketeer kills Bedouin Musketeer (93, 14) (22 elite kills, 1 GL); eKnight kills Musketeer (94, 14) (23 elite kills, 1 GL); eKnight kills Hussar (95, 14) (24 elite kills, 1 GL). The city joins our benevolent monarchy.
eWar Elephant kills Late Pike (96, 14) (25 elite kills, 1 GL). Brahmin Converts Late Pike (97, 14).

Liberation of Carthage:
eWar Elephant kills Maghreb Trebuchet (98, 14) (26 elite kills, 1 GL); Musketeer killed by Musketeer (98, 15); Camel Musketeer killed by Musketeer (98, 16); Cuirassier kill 2 Musketeers (100, 16); Two (2) Cuirassier killed by Musketeers (100, 18); Cuirassier kill 2 Musketeers (102, 18); Cuirassier killed by Musketeer (102, 19); Cuirassier kill 3 Musketeers (105, 19); Knights of the Realm kill 2 Musketeers (107, 19); Cuirassier killed by Musketeer (107, 20); Cuirassier kills Musketeer (108, 20). The city is joins our benevolent monarchy.
eWar Elephant kills Camel Musketeer (109, 20) (27 elite kills, 1 GL).

Carthage has 2 Great Wonders “The Arsenal” and “East India Company” which have the commercial trait. We are now eligible to start a Golden Age.

By Bengal: Galleass sunk by Inca Ship (109, 21).

IBT: South of Sao Paulo: Musketeer killed by Egyptian Grenadier (109, 22); Musketeer kills Grenadier (110, 22); the same Musketeer kills Invisible unit (111, 22) and is promoted to elite. Musketeer killed by Hussar (111, 23).

At Guarulhos: eKnight kills Israeli Hussar (112, 23) (28 elite kills, 1 GL).

Near Fez: eKnight kills Maghreb Medieval Infantry (113, 23) (29 elite kills, 1 GL); Bombard kills Grenadier (114, 23); eRatha kills Knight (115, 23) (30 elite kills, 1 GL).

Annexing Alexandria:
eKnight of the Realm kills Egyptian Hussar (116, 23) (31 elite kills, 1 GL); Cuirassier kills Grenadier (117, 23); Two (2) Cuirassier killed by Musketeers (117, 25); eCuirassier kills Musketeer (118, 25) (32 elite kills, 1 GL); Camel Musketeer kills Musketeer (119, 25); Cuirassier kills Musketeer (120, 25). The city has joins our benevolent monarchy.

IBT: A break in the pointless time consuming bombardment, from various enemy ships, came when our Pirate ship was sunk by an Inca Ship (120, 26).

1862 AD:
Near Manaus: eCannon kills British Bombard (121, 26) (33 elite kills, 1 GL); eCannon kills Grenadier (122, 26) (34 elite kills, 1 GL).

Near Guarulhos: eKnight kills Austrian Medieval Infantry (123, 26) (35 elite kills, 1 GL); eKnight kills Spearman (124, 26) (36 elite kills, 1 GL); eKnights kill 2 Crossbows (126, 26) (38 elite kills, 1 GL); eCuirassier kills Bombard (127, 26) (39 elite kills, 1 GL); eCuirassier kills Crossbow (128, 26) (40 elite kills, 1 GL).

Near Alexandria: Cuirassier kills Grenadier (129, 26).

Near Algiers: eCamel Musketeer kills Maghreb Hussar (130, 26) (41 elite kills, 1 GL).

IBT: Near Fez: A Maghreb Bombard uses the road through the Desert to appear from the fog and kill a Musketeer (130, 27).

1864 AD:
Near Guarulhos: eCuirassier kills Israeli Hussar (131, 27) (42 elite kills, 1 GL).

Near Alexandria: Cuirassier killed by Egyptian Grenadier (131, 28); Musketeer killed by Grenadier (131, 29); Cuirassier kills Grenadier (132, 29);

Annexing Abydos: Two (2) Musketeers killed by Egyptian Musketeers (132, 31); Cuirassiers kill 2 Musketeers (134, 31); Cuirassier kills Late Pike (135, 31). Abydos joins our benevolent monarchy.

Annexing Algiers: Cuirassier kill 3 Maghreb Musketeers (138, 31); Cuirassier killed by Hussar (138, 32); Camel Musketeer killed by Hussar (138, 33); eCamel Musketeer kills Hussar (139, 32) (43 elite kills, 1 GL). Algiers joins our benevolent monarchy.

South of Fez: Cuirassier kills Maghreb Bombard (140, 32).

Victory Screen: 11% world area 18% world population

  • When we learn Absolutism we can build The Great Place (works as a barracks and lets us use spies). I think a good spot for it is in Rheims (when we lose barracks). I was using the worker crew at Rheims to fully improve Rheims. I think a fully improved Rheims will equal Bombay. I was going to add the lone Slave by Lyons to the Rheims crew.

  • This turn Rheims started an Observatory prebuild for The Great Place (requires 300 shields).

  • I originally planned to use the worker crews by Recife and Pyrrhus’s Port to road from Manaus to Santos.

  • Egypt landed a Grenadier south of Salvador.
Some Pictures of our expanding monarchy.
Spoiler Northern Front 1864AD :

Spoiler Western Front 1864AD :

Spoiler Southern Front 1864AD :


  • LK163-1864 AD.SAV
    1.3 MB · Views: 40
Glad to see at least one front moving with Carthage. :)

LKendter (up)
Greebley (on deck)
Jersey Joe
1864 AD (0)
Unit costs are brutal. I’m going to work on getting more markets in banks in place. I don’t want to get to the point that I am forced to reduce science.
(IT) Something invisible died by Alexandria. (1-0)
A Maghreb crossbow was killed, but we lost an exposed elephant and cuirassier. (2-2)

All the bombardment continues to be annoying, and a time suck.
1866 AD (1)
I kill a stray Aztec pike by Fez. (3-2)

I kill a stray Egypt cannon by Alexandria, but lost a cuirassier. (4-3)
It looks like I can move again on this front once I get a large healthy stack. With the additional map knowledge since my last turn it is clear that there are only a handful of Egypt cities in that area.

I lost an enslaver trying to kill stray Maghreb crossbow. A cuirassier takes revenge. (5-4)
I killed a stray Maghreb camel by Carthage. I barely kill a stray Maghreb cuirassier. (7-4)

Britain crosses our border near Curitiba. I kill 4 lifeguards. (11-4)

BLEH - something just moved on auto-pilot.

I find Leptis Magna in the fog. The assault begins. I kill 1 musketeer and 1 pike. The city is captured with $2. (13-4)
(IT) Egypt wants to talk. They consider it an insult to give up all there cities and tech. The war will continue.
I kill 1 Maghreb crossbow. I lost 1 musket and 1 cuirassier. (14-6)
1868 AD (2)
More British troops have crossed the border. I kill 1 musket, 1 dragoon and 2 grenadiers. I lost 3 cannons, 2 cuirassiers and a knight. (18-11)

I kill Maghreb 2 cuirassiers.
The assault of Casablanca begins. I lost 4 cuirassiers and 1 camel. At this point I am forced to abort the attack. The blasted hill is killing us. (18-16)

The assault of Utica begins. I lost 3 cuirassiers. There were too many retreats and injured units. I retreat quicker this time. (18-19)
I hit 3 strays near Utica. I killed 2 grenadiers. I lost 1 knight of the realm and 1 cuirassier. (20-21)
Sadly, the bad luck has me stalled for a while vs Carthage.
[End of session 1]
(IT) With how many damaged units there were near Utica, I’m very happy to just lose 1 cuirassier. Egypt lost a grenadier. Egypt killed an exploring cuirassier. (21-23)
Another problem in Maghreb is no good healing spot.
1870 AD (3)
I kill a stray South African pike near Avignon. I have no idea how it got there. I also kill a Maghreb cuirassier in the area, but lost a cuirassier. (23-23)
I killed a Maghreb crossbow. (24-23)
(IT) The next research project is mercantilism. That is still 4 turns. The bad news is military tradition needs 5 turns.
It is time for another round of upgrades to Hussar.
Britain must have built the Great Palace. They were caught trying to plant a spy.
Our explorer near Israel was killed. Egypt lost a cuirassier. Maghreb killed a cuirassier. (25-25)
1872 AD (4)
The mass upgrade to Hussar begins. It gets halted when I run out of cash. There are still 85 cuirassiers to upgrade!

Two stray Maghreb crossbows appear by Fez. They promptly die. (27-25)
I try to Israel musketeer, but lost 2 cuirassiers. (27-27)
I kill 2 British muskets. (29-27)
Lucky Indian Knight arrives. Curitiba gets a rushed observatory.
I kill a British dragoon and 1 cannon. I lost 2 knights and a cuirassier. (31-30)
This front is getting ugly as a decent stack is on the way.
[End of session 2]
(IT) The Aztecs lost 2 camels. (33-30)
Our exploring musket near Egypt was killed. (33-31)
I suffer my first flip. Alexandria goes back to Egypt. :mad:
One musket was lost in the flip. (33-32)
British troops go further into our territory. I don’t know where Israel is going to. I hope another front won’t open up. A small Aztec stack is wandering around near Carthage.
1873 AD (5)
I kill a Maghreb cuirassier that landed by Carthage. (34-32)
I kill an Aztec pike that walked next to Carthage. (35-32)
Another assault begins on Casablanca. I kill 4 musketeers and 1 pike. I lost 1 cuirassier. (40-33)
The city comes with Jewish Religious Art. It is useless at the moment, but if we can capture something giving Jewish communities it will be nice. It comes with a steam engine. :eek:
We are down by 4 visible techs. That means we are down at least 6 techs when adding in 2 techs we can’t see yet.
In looking at the visible borders I think that is as far as Maghreb goes that direction.
I kill a Maghreb musketeer capturing a supply shipment. (41-33)
I kill a stray Maghreb pike and a cuirassier. (43-33)
I kill a stray Aztec bucket. (44-33)
The recapture of Alexandria begins. I kill a grenadier losing a camel. (46-33)
The city is ours again.
I start working on the British stacks. I kill 1 MDI, 2 muskets and 1 grenadier. I lost 1 cuirassier. (50-34)
The fresh Hussar on the way can’t arrive soon enough.
(IT) Britain lost a dragoon. (51-34)
We get a settler from East India Company. :)
The Russians are building Kremlin.
1874 AD (6)
I continue to kill British units. 1 mounted crusader, 1 musket, 5 crossbows, 1 spear, 1 grenadier, 1 MDI and 1 redcoat are dead. I lost 4 cuirassiers. (62-38)
A new monk arrived.
Late Game Enslaver arrived. The leader will wait to next turn to rush in Recife.
I kill a stray Egypt musketeer. (63-38)
A stray South Africa pike is killed by Fez. (64-38)
(IT) Britain killed a musket. (64-39)
Egypt lost 2 grenadiers. (64-41)
1875 AD (7)
An observatory is rushed in Recife.
Whack a troop continues with Britain. I kill 1 lifeguard, 1 camel and 2 muskets. I lost 2 Hussar and 1 MDI. (68-44)

The assault on Thebes begins. I kill 10 Nizam Infantry and 2 Grenadier. I lost 3 Hussars. (80-45)
I thought I overkilled with the stack I brought, but with how strong that defense was I’m glad I brought 20+ units at once.
Thebes comes with Islamic Art. It also comes with the obsolete Philosophers Stone and Sphinx. It also has Taj Mahal for a free happy face in every city. Spices are a new happy resource. It got an instant culture bomb.
Egypt Killing Cuirassier arrived during the assault. Thebes gets a rushed observatory.
I kill stray Maghreb 2 Hussar. I lost a knight. (70-45)
I have no clue where those Aztec units are going. I’m going to have to start on whack an Aztec stack. I kill 3 crossbows and 4 pikes. I lost 3 cuirassiers to a demonic pike on flatlands. (77-48)
I kill a cuirassier that landed by Fez. (78-49)
I kill an Israel musketeer. (79-50)
I kill 1 Egypt grenadier outside Thebes. (80-50)
(IT) I am in NO rush to obsolete castles. I am avoiding military tradition for now.
I start 4 turn research on fossil fuels. It only requires 50% for 4 turns. Extra cash to upgrade elephants and cuirassiers is very useful.
It will be nice to know where the coal is. With the size of the empire, I would be shocked if we don’t have some. However, it could easily be in a stupid spot. I will also appreciate a few balloons to expand our map knowledge at the edges.
Egypt lost a grenadier. (81-50)
Germany was caught trying to plant a spy.
1876 AD (8)
Sao Luiz is the target for Israel. I kill 1 MDI, 1 hussar and 3 cuirassiers. (86-50)
I kill a Maghreb musketeer that popped up near Avignon. (87-50)
The Aztecs reverse direction, so I can hit another small stack. I kill 3 crossbows, 3 pikes and 1 MDI. I lost 1 hussar, 1 knight of the realm and 2 cuirassiers. This didn’t feel like fighting in grassland. (94-54)
I picked up a new monk and worker.
(IT) :sleep:
1877 AD (9)
I kill stray Maghreb: 1 cannon and 1 crossbow. (96-56)
I kill British: 2 dragoons. (98-56)
I gained a new artist.
I kill an Israel musket. (99-56)
I kill an Aztec pike. (100-56)
I have no idea how a British bombard appeared by Thebes. It is promptly killed. (101-56)
(IT) Great Palace is completed.
We killed an Egyptian ship. (102-56)
Israel lost 2 Hussar (104-56)
1878 AD (10)
A small South African stack appeared by Fez. I killed 1 crossbow, 1 MDI and 3 pikes. I lost 1 Hussar.
The assault of Utica begins. I kill 3 musketeers, 1 camel (not promoted) and 3 pikes. 1 lost 2 Hussars and 4 cuirassiers.
The RNG is crazy again as I lost more units to the pikes than the musketeers. I killed a leader in the city. We gain Dome of the Rock (free Hebrew communities), and Holy City. The city gets an instant culture bomb.
I kill stray Aztecs near Utica: 2 crossbows. I lost 1 enslaver.
I kill a Spanish crossbow by Thebes.
I kill British: 2 crossbow, 5 muskets, 1 redcoat and 1 foot knight. I lost 2 hussars, 1 enslaver and 1 Brahmin.
I kill Israel: 2 Hussar and 1 camel. I lost 1 cuirassier.
[End of session 3]
The Egyptian Front

The stack that needs to heal to take out the rest of Egypt. The assault on Thebes injured a ton of troops

The Britain / Israel front. This won't be worth trying to move forward until all those units are freed up vs Egypt.

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