Thank you very much for reporting that issue. The problem behind that issue is known, but with the fixes of Firaxis for starting positions of capitals of seafaring civs, the problem that the capitals of seafaring civs are appearing in non-coastal tiles, should appear only very rarely - but here it appeared.
Actually the human player might wander inland with Carthage. It would likely annoy them if they then had boats they couldn't use so play wise coastal is better than palace.
For the correct English spelling, I had to look into the wikipedia, too.The Cothon change seems best to me as well, though I did need to look up the word.
And a very good work of Flintlock, too, as it shows, that his fix of the houseboat bug in C3X, avoiding a freeze of the game, is working well.Good work on tracking down the lone Settler at sea to get rid of Nubia.
After we learn Radio, maybe we should drop research to zero (0%) and get more gold for rushing troops.
Tech Radio allows to build the GW ITC, giving a building to each city of a civ that provides an additional cummulative reduction in corruption.What does radio get us? If I recall it kills Town Clocks which is 25% less production.
I think at this point in the game it is getting newly captured or founded cities to a third ring is worth more than the extra shields Town Clocks provide.What does radio get us? If I recall it kills Town Clocks which is 25% less production.
I know that feeling, at least in between turns start going faster not having to watch 100's of foreign troops moving.To give you an idea why this set is taking to long. I will definitely kill 500+ units. With 4 (1 partial) to go, 700+ units is very possible.
As you can tell from the above teasers, a decent chunk of these are from inside cities.
I know that feeling, at least in between turns start going faster not having to watch 100's of foreign troops moving.