LK173, Civ=Scandinavia, CCM3, Island Hopping

When I get the next Great Leader, if I can't build an Army, I am going to disband our Armies, starting with the Axeman Army followed by our obsolete mounted armies. The Armies will be replaced by Dragoon Armies.
We have a trade deal with Nubia the has 10 turns to run and a trade deal with Italy that has 13 turns to run. I will not be trading with those 2 nations.

We learn Enlightenment this IBT. I will be trading it for Naval Guns and start research on Democracy.
IMO we should stop trading with Egypt, Mongolia, and Carthage, too. Maybe Korea and the Lowlands? Just to avoid the awkward waiting half a turnset between wars...
IMO we should stop trading with Egypt, Mongolia, and Carthage, too. Maybe Korea and the Lowlands? Just to avoid the awkward waiting half a turnset between wars...

I would stop deals with anyone of the same landmass with former Japan.
Ya, that's Egypt/Mongolia/Carthage.

Korea and the Lowlands are S/SW of our main island -- an easy ship transfer if we build up some units near Babylon and Akkad. That might wait a while, though.

JerseyJoe will finish off India. LK will nix Nubia. I'll probably fight the war with Mongolia.

Somewhere in the next 15-30 turns, we can consider diverting troops from the home country to attack Italy or the Lowlands. I'm roughly thinking troops from home = new target, troops from Old Japan = reinforce the Nubia->Mongol->Berber front. Shorter supply lines should help the war effort.
If they are giving us something with us not giving them anything we can just break them by declaring war.

I think I did get silver from one civ on our continent which we can break that way (we can get silver first from a closer civ - nubia?). Otherwise I tried to stay away, but may have made a mistake and collected gpt. I certainly dropped the deals where we were trading resources out.
I think I did get silver from one civ on our continent which we can break that way (we can get silver first from a closer civ - nubia?).
We get Silver from India in about 2 turns when I finish conquering them.

Have you forgotten about Italia? They just build a town on the spot we were discussing a few messages back. It makes a nice canel and the Italians have large amount of land.

We are going to learn Military Tradition, Democracy, and possibly Napoleonic Age before the end of my turn. LK should learn Industrialization and Railroad before the end of his turn. Plus, with a little luck, we build the Crystal Palace and get Improved Steel and Explosives.

Are we going to do anything different when building Steamrollers? Normally, it doesn't matter much where we build Steamrollers. Now we have to take shipping into consideration. We probably should spread out our building more than usual and try to avoid shipping Steamrollers.

We should consider something like building 6 Steamrollers in the Homeland, building the thin railnet and then not shipping them out but begin railing the mines and irrigated lands and repeating similar procedures on the other islands.
Teaser: Showing most of our newly acquired territory.


Can you get any transports around the peninsula from Kolhapur to Irtjet? An amphibious landing there would complement the land route through Hyderabad quite nicely.

I'm not sure how that will look for timing...
I can get transports there, the problem :confused: is finding Grenadiers to go in the transports. I have 5-6 turns to get it sorted out.:) The other problem is building roads down there.:think: The road builders are mostly up north, or over in old Japan.
Continuing 1895 AD:
Near Madras, Grenadiers kill an Indian Medieval Infantry and a Siege Crossow (2, 0).

IBT: Persia wants to stop sending us Dyes. I let the deal expire intending to get the dyes back when I trade them Enlightenment.
Near Madras, we lose a Grenadier and a Musketmen to Indian troops (2, 2).

We learn Enlightenment and begin to study Democracy.
Trade Enlightenment to Persia for Naval Tactics, Dyes, their world map and 25 gold.
Sell Enlightenment to the Inca for 10,112 gold.
Sell Enlightenment to the Berbers for their world map, 694 gold and 282 gpt.

July 1895 AD:
Near Punjab, Hussar kills Indian Crossbow (3, 2) and we get a Great Leader. We have enough towns that I do not have to disband an Army. The Great Leader organizes the First Dragoon Army.

Annexing Delhi: 2 Knight Armies kill 4 Indian Late Pike (7, 2). The city is captured.
Missionary converts a Crossbow (8, 2); Hussar kills Siege Crossbow (9, 2); Hussar kills Crossbow (10, 2).

Annexing Bangalore: Axeman Army kills 2 Indian Late Pike (12, 2); Grenadier kills Late Pike (13, 2), Grenadier killed by Late Pike (13, 3); Grenadier kills Late Pike (14, 3); Grenadier kills Crossbow (15, 3). The city is captured. Grenadiers kill a Late Pike and a Crossbow (17, 3).

IBT: Naval Explorer sinks Priate Ship (18, 3).
We lose our supply of Elephants

1896 AD:
South of Delhi: Hussar kills Indian Crossbow (19, 3); Lawyer kills Crossbow (20, 3); Missionary converts Crossbow (21, 3).

Northwest of Lahore, we lose a Paddle Wheeler while our navy sinks an Indian Ship of the Line (22, 4).

Annexing Lahore, Grenadiers kill 3 Indian Late Pike (25, 4) and the city is captured.

Annexing Kolhaour; Axeman Army kills 2 Indian Late Pike (27, 4); Grenadier kills Late Pike (28, 4). The city is captured.

Annexing Indus, Hussars kill 2 Indian Late Pike (30, 4) and the town is captured.

July 1896 AD:
Most towns with Castles rush Dragoons, a few rush other troops (anticipating Castles going obsolete).

Troops position themselves for what they hope are the final battles with India.

1897 AD:
Near Pnujab, Pirate ships sink an Indian Galleas and a Naval Explorer (32, 4).

Annexing Dacca: Cannon kills Indian Late Pike (33, 4); Dragoons kill 2 Late Pike (35, 4); The town is captured.

Annexing Bengal, Grenadiers kill 2 Indian Late Pike (37, 4) and the town is captured.

Annexing Karachi: Cannon kills Indian Late Pike (38, 4) and we get a Great Leader. First Dragoon Army kills 2 Late Pike (40, 4) and the town is captured. The Indian Empire has been added to our happy hegemony.

The Great Leader could build an Army, but with no battles to fight, at the moment, he is going to construct the Capital.

July 1897 AD:
Preparations for the next acquisition begins.

Unfortunately the Inca and Maghreb learned different tech :sad: and so they both know Democracy and Military Tradition.

I buy Democracy from the Inca for our world map and 4507 gold.
Trade Democracy to Persia for Military Tradition and their world map.
Sell Absolutism to the Greeks for 279 gold and 97 gpt.

IBT: 3 Pirate ships are sunk, but we capture a Maghreb ship (41, 7).

1898 AD:
Linkoping starts Battlefield Medicine as a pre-build for Code Civil.

July 1898 AD:
East of Lahore, Lawyer signs Nubian (?) Enslaver to dance contract (42, 7); Missionary converts Yogi into a follower of Wotan (43, 7).

IBT: The Greeks no longer wish to purchase Spices from us and cancel the deal. :sad:

1899 AD:
East of Dacca, Pirate Ship captures Nubian Catapult ship (44, 7).

Sell Napoleonic Age to Inca for 4885 gold.
Sell Napoleonic Age to Maghreb for 982 gold and their world map. I could have gotten an additional 86 gpt but didn’t want to delay an invasion of the Maghreb.

July 1899 AD:
Near Karachi, Lawyer signs Nubian War Elephant to circus contract (45. 7).

1900 AD:
Trade Enlightenment to Greece for 167 gold and 227 gpt.
Trade Steam Power to Lowlands for 66 gold and 146 gpt.

Screen shots will be in my next post.

Notes and Suggestions:
  • I didn’t check for any trades other than the 2 I made.
  • I tried to set up for attacking either Nubia or Italy. Maybe a 2 front war?
  • The Paddle Steamer at Edo is waiting to pick-up and transport the supply shipment that will get there next turn.
  • There are 2 Paddle Steamers fortified at sea that can assault Buhen when you declare war on Nubia.
  • I think the Inca will learn Industrialization 2-3 turns before we do.
  • In my opinion, we should only rush factories (if at all) in cities producing 50 or more shields and use the saved gold to rush more Steam Rollers.


Here is a look at our next potential acquisition:

Here is a secondary possible acquisition (Italy):
Got it
I was already stacking up troops, and getting ready for war. I guess they were getting impatient for me to declare. :lol:

Hopefully, they killed off all the visible mounted troops attacking Karachi (with no loss of life to us). ;)
I don't recall ever seeing them at war. I wonder how large their army is.
We are in the late game stage. 2 good sessions, and I've only wrapped up turn 6. Going to take at least another 2 or 3 days to finish.

I've already killed over 100 Nubian troops despite the fact that the majority of our troops are waiting to heal.
Jan 1900 AD (0)
We are at the annoying part of the game with almost no barracks. There are a ton of older defending units to upgrade, but I have no way to do so.
The only trades I can find are some scraps for maps.

Jul 1900 AD (1)
We have a new clan. Sadly, we have no preparation done for the new city.

The number of ships on the map is getting overwhelming. I can’t wait until rail transport takes over as the main transport method.

I put our hidden units to work. I kill Nubia: 1 elephant and 1 knight. I lost 1 missionary. (2-1)

I sell the Dutch enlightenment for a marginal $36 and $56/T.
I sell Russia steam power for $95 and $69/T.
The deals have really gotten light. Outside of the Inca there simply isn’t much gold to go around. We can’t even play games to get the money from them. $1000/T will only get 2904 from them.

(IT) Nubia declares war on us. I guess they didn’t want to give me another turn or two to get organized. :crazyeye:
It took a long time to watch the movement. It is all obsolete, but there is still a lot of it. Without a nearby barracks, I’m going to lose a lot of time to heal.

I killed Nubia: 1 ship, and 2 knights. (5-1)
I lost 2 Grenadier. (5-3)

Code Civil is completed. :dance: :dance: :dance:
Jan 1901 AD (2)
Ugg, I missed a large stack of dragoons near Italy. I have no intention of trying to manage 2 fronts so separated. They begin the long journey toward Nubia.

Grenadier of Death arrived. We have a new army.

The assault on Irtjet begins. I kill 2 pikes. I lost 2 grenadiers. (7-5)
I killed ships in port.

I give Russia economics for WM, $60 and $87/T.
I give Oceania free artistry for $136/T.

I kill Nubia: 1 lion warrior, 2 ansar warriors, 1 chariot, 1 siege-bow, 4 catapults, 4 catapult ships, 5 knights, 1 pike and 15 elephants. (41-5)
I lost: 2 dragoons. (41-7)
(IT) I watch our army ping a lot of Nubian units passing it.
I lost 1 dragoon and 2 artillery pieces. (41-10)
Jul 1901 AD (3)
The assault on Ballina begins. I kill 3 pikes. I lost 1 dragoon. (44-11)

The assault on Meroe begins. I kill 3 pikes. I lost 1 grenadier. (47-12)
I killed ships in port.

I sell Turkey absolutism for $26 and $159/T.
I sell Britian sacred art for a marginal $62 and $48/T.
I sell Oceania naval guns for $13 and $112/T.
Now that we have finished exploring the sea, WM trading has little cash return.

I kill Nubia: 7 siege bows, 5 buckets, 7 pikes, 1 MDI, 5 elephants, 3 catapults, and 1 settler. (76-12)
I lost 1 enslaver, 1 dragoon and 1 grenadier. (76-15)
I gained 1 worker.
[End of session 1]
(IT) I missed one pathway to our fast units and paid the price.
I killed 3 chariots, 1 knight, and 1 ansar warrior. (81-15)
I lost 1 grenadier, and 7 dragoons. (81-22)
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