LK173, Civ=Scandinavia, CCM3, Island Hopping

Greebley, here is what I did to update the files:
Besides adding CCM3-Succession.biq to the scenario folder and updating the Civilopedia, I updated the other files that were changed after we started LK172.

I added AdmiralYi-Splash to the folder Conquests/Scenarios/CCM3/Art/Wonder Splash/

I changed 2 files in the folder Conquests/Scenarios/CCM3/Text/
The 2 files are: “labels.txt” and PediaIcons.txt
What tech path are we going to follow after getting Scientific Method? I like, Improved Steam Engines-> Electric Grid -> The Corporation -> Nationalism -> Communism? Hopefully we can trade for Nationalism. Atomic Theory doesn't offer any incentive to learn it.

After the Mongol are we going to finish off the Maghreb, Italians and Egyptians, before changing land masses?

Also, as we get Great Leaders we should update our Armies by disbanding the old ones. I would disband the Armies in this order: (1) Axeman Army; (2) Knight Army (3) Army with 1 Hussar in it. Maybe keep the last army until we can build Armored Cars and replace that Army with an Armored Cars Army.
Thanks, elephantium, it is coming back to me how these things work

Looked at the pedia icons and I see (so buillding and not units)

But the error says it should be:

It looks like I did have the pcx ok so it is the pedia icon download I had and the one from post 2 which differ from what the save file has (I think)

so which is right?

Either way I think to load the save I need to change the pedia icons entry to match. Correct???
Here's my

@Jersey Joe That tech path sounds fine to me.

Def agree with finishing off Maghreb, Italians, and Egyptians before changing land masses.

I don't want to disband armies -- I'd rather see them die like Klingons in glorious battle!


I'd rather see them die like Klingons in glorious battle!
Wouldn't, die like Vikings in glorious battle and go to Valhalla, be more appropriate? ;)

There is an easy way to get Karlskrona to over 125 shields per turn. Build the Capital Ship Dock there (a 1 turn build) instead of building it in Babylon.

Also, we should rail the 7 mines at Korrkoping and use the steamroller as a prebuild for X-Ray Machine.
Heh, good point. My wife and I have been watching Deep Space 9 recently, so I have a bit of Star Trek on the brain. But hey, Klingons are basically Space Vikings, right?

Capital Ship Dock...woulda coulda shoulda, oops. I think that would have been perfect to do about 2 turns ago, but now it wouldn't actually gain us any time :(

Arms Race is 600 shields - 5 turns at 120spt, 6 at 100+spt
Delaying its start by 1 turn to shave 1 turn off the build, probably not worth it.
Elephantium, The pediaIdcons you sent me was the same as mine and did not work either.

I eventually realized a "PediaIcons.old" would work: I am unsure what version the old extension would be but it is a manual save from some previous version. (I also had issues with the ' when trying to figure things out since it is unicode)

What I still don't understand is why everyone else can load the save.

In any case I think I can play now and will start. I am using the old version and not the new one.

diff PediaIcons.old
< #ICON_BLDG_Vasco da Gama�s Voyage
> #ICON_BLDG_Vasco da Gama
< #ICON_BLDG_Admiral_Yi�s_Navy
> #ICON_BLDG_Admiral_Yi
< #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Arc de Triomphe
> #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Arc_De_Triomphe
Strange that this would break now. You played the previous save just fine. Maybe something with the .biq?

Civilization III Complete/Conquests/Scenarios$ ls -la CCM*
-rwxrwxrwx 1 brian brian 1110511 Nov 18 14:49 CCM3-Succession.biq
-rwxrwxrwx 1 brian brian 1110511 Jun 25  2024 CCM3.biq

Oh - I did just see one discrepancy -- the CCM thread mentions "July 28, 2024 update of CCM 3", so my files aren't from the latest in the thread. I do remember Admiral Yi coming up as an error before, though.
Greebley, attached is the PediaIcons.txt file I use. It is the file updated July 28, 2024.
The file replaces the file in Conquests/Scenarios/CCM3/Text/
I am not using the "Steam" version of Civ 3.


I am just transferring to a new computer. I hope I can have a look at the problem tomorrow.
Using PediaIcons.old => PediaIcons.txt will allow me to play. So in that sense I am set.

Our PediaIcons differ by a good bit.

diff PediaIcons.txt /mnt/c/Users/Owner/Downloads/P
> #ICON_PRTO_SSN Training Sub
> art\civilopedia\icons\units\Nautilus-LG.pcx
> art\civilopedia\icons\units\Nautilus-SM.pcx
< art\civilopedia\icons\buildings\Synagogue-LG.pcx
< art\civilopedia\icons\buildings\Synagogue-LG.pcx
< art\civilopedia\icons\buildings\Synagogue-LG.pcx
< art\civilopedia\icons\buildings\Synagogue-SM.pcx
< art\civilopedia\icons\buildings\Synagogue-SM.pcx
< art\civilopedia\icons\buildings\Synagogue-SM.pcx
< #ICON_BLDG_Vasco da Gama�s Voyage
> #ICON_BLDG_Vasco da Gama
< #ICON_BLDG_Admiral_Yi�s_Navy
> #ICON_BLDG_Admiral_Yi
< #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_TempleMount
> #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Temple_Mount
< art\wonder splash\Buddha1.pcx
> art\wonder splash\Buddha.pcx
< #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Arc de Triomphe
> #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Arc De Triomphe
< #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Westminster Palace
> #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Palace of Westminster
> #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Great_Zimbabwe
> art\wonder splash\GreatZimbabwe-Splash.pcx
> #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_The_Jomsvikings
> art\wonder splash\Jomsborg-Splash.pcx
> #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Golden_Age_of_the_Incas
> art\wonder splash\Machu-Splash.pcx
> art\wonder splash\AdmiralYi-Splash.pcx
> #WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Vasco da Gama
> art\wonder splash\diazsplash.pcx
> Nautilus Class
< Early Fighter
> Hawk 75
< Zenta Class
> Zenta
< Iron Duke Class WWII
> Iron Duke Class
< Reshadieh Class WWII
> Reshadieh Class
< USS Delaware Class WWII
> USS Delaware Class
< Espana Class WWII
> Espana Class
< Salamis Class WWII
> Salamis Class
< Tegetthoff Class WWII
> Tegetthoff Class
I still have no access to the special biq I made for this succession game and several other files of CCM 3. But when having a look at this post (and the post before), according to the screenshot of that biq, the pediaIcons entry for that GW in your special biq is BLDG_Admiral _Yi.

A problem seems to be, that the pediaIcons file in post 2 of the CCM 3 thread was updated several times. The updated pediaIcons file in post 2 of the CCM 3 thread holds for building 220 the entry Admiral_Yi`s Navy. This must be changed to the entry used in your special biq, so it seems that simply the pediaIcons entry for building 220 must be changed to BLDG_Admiral _Yi .

I have attached such a pediaIcons file to this post, but at present I have no possibility to test it.


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So on the first IBT, Persia, the other tech leader dropping off 4 units next to Cape Town. With rails we are able kill their units after asking them to leave by using the defenders from other cities and a single Dragoon just built. (If it had been before rails we would have lost the city). I think our two starting continents need a bit more forces including a reserve of offensive units. Will work on that.

I did solve the problem of getting to 121 shields rather than 119 to build arms race in 5 total turns.
So on the first IBT, Persia, the other tech leader dropping off 4 units next to Cape Town. With rails we are able kill their units after asking them to leave by using the defenders from other cities and a single Dragoon just built. (If it had been before rails we would have lost the city). I think our two starting continents need a bit more forces including a reserve of offensive units.

I'm amazed at how many issues islands bring up. I'm so use to one giant stack that can cover everywhere. We now need to leave some small stacks on each land mass.
Any teasers yet?
Here is a teaser:
I think I will go for the Italians next. Don't want to start a war with the Stronger Berber with our two new opponents.
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