Continuing 1670 AD:
Switch Norrkoping to building Dry Dock. Switch towns building Temples (soon to be obsolete) to building Castles. MM some towns.
Trade University to Lowlands for 63 gpt.
IBT: We renegotiate our Dye trade with Persian, giving them Tobacco plus 112 gold for a 20 year supply of Dyes.
The Byzantine Empire destroys The Aztecs.
1680 AD: Building and war preparations continue.
IBT: The Inca destroy the Germans.
When we renegotiate our deal with the Lowlands, they receive a good customer discount and are only charged 8gpt instead of the 10 gpt we were charging.
India wants to swap World maps, instead I buy theirs for 4 gold.
1690 AD:
Trade Dark Ages and 560 gold to Israel for Iron.
Trade Feudalism to Israel for 560 gold and their world map.
Trade Exploration to Greece for their world map, Elephants, 300 gold, and 108 gpt.
Trade Dark Ages to Nubia for their world map, 36 gold and 10 gpt.
Trade Free Artistry to Persia for 178 Gold and 10 gpt.
Trade World Map to Japan, Maghreb, Korea, Oceania, Turkey, Britain, and the Inca. We net 244 gold and 7 gpt.
1700 AD: Building and war preparations continue.
1710 AD:
Sell world map to Turkey for 28 gold.
Sell world map to Austria-Hungary for 29 gold.
IBT: Off the coast of Johannesburg our Galleon is sunk by a Pirate Ship (0, 1).
1720 AD:
Our War Galleon sinks the offending Pirate Ship (1, 1).
We sell our world map to Indo-China for their world map and 31 gold.
We declare war on Indo-China.
Annexing Saigon: Beserker killed by Indo-Chinese Spearman (1, 2); Beserker kills Spearman (2, 2) and we get a Great Leader. Nordic Axeman kills Spearman (3, 2) and the city is captured. Missionary converts Spearman (4, 2) who brings needed culture to Saigon.
Annexing Rangoon: Axemen Army kills an Indo-Chinese War Elephant and a Spearman (6, 2); Axemen kill 3 Spearmen and an Archer (10, 2); Axeman killed by Spearman (10, 3); Axeman kills Spearman 11, 3); Beserker killed by Archer (11, 4); Axeman kills Archer (12, 4); Axeman killed by Archer (12, 5); Axemen kill 2 Archers (14, 5) and the town is captured.
Knight of the Realm kills Chariot (15, 5).
Annexing Bangkok, 2 Axemen die their comrades kill 2 Indo-Chinese Spearmen (17, 7) and the town is captured.
IBT: At Bangkok, 2 Musketmen are killed by Indo-Chinese War Elephants (17, 9); Musketman kills Chariot (18, 9).
We learn Jursiprudence start researching Mercantilism.
1725 AD:
Trade Jurisprudence to the Inca for Mercantilism and 3901 gold.
Trade Jurisprudence, our world map, Spices, Camels and 596 gold to Japan for Physics.
Sell Mercantilism to Japan for 5131 gold.
Sell Physics to the Maghreb for 253 gpt.
Sell Jurisprudence to the Maghreb for 113 gpt.
Sell Free Artistry to India for 32 gold and 19 gpt.
Sell Physics to the Inca for 4346 gold.
Sell Spices to the Inca for 226 gold.
Trade world map to Inca for their world map, and 10 gold.
Sell Jurisprudence to the Greece for 72 gold, and 86 gpt.
Sell Chivalry to Oceania for 593 gold and 6 gpt.
Sell Renaissance to Eqypt for 39 gold and 24 gpt.
At Saigon, Missionary converts Indo-Chinese Spearman (19, 9).
Based on the amount of Indo-Chinese troops ready to attack Bangkok, I decide to abandon the town and move our troops to Rangoon.
At Bangkok: Knights kill 3 Indo-Chinese War Elephants (22, 9); Enslaver kills wounded War Elephant (23, 9). The Knights and Enslaver board a ship and the town is abandoned.
Near Rangoon: Horse Archer kills Indo-Chinese Spearman (24, 9); Knights of the Realm kill 3 Indo-Chinese Spearman (27, 9); Camel Rider kills Spearman (28, 9); Army kills Spearman (29, 9); Enslaver kills Spearman (30, 9); Bombards kill 2 Archers (32, 9);
1730 AD:
Near Rangoon, Knight kills Indo-Chinese Archer (33, 9); Bombards kill 2 Archers (35, 9).
At Saigon, Knight of the Realm kills Indo-Chinese Chariot (36, 9).
1735 AD:
Defending Saigon: Knights of the Realm kill 3 Indo-Chinese War Elephants (39, 9); We lose a Knight while killing 2 War Elephants and 2 Chariots (46, 10); Camel Rider kills Chariot (47, 10); Axemen kill 2 Spearman (49, 10); Beserker kills Archer (50, 10); Bombards kill 2 Catapults (52, 10).
IBT: Navel Explorer sunk by a Pirate Ship (52, 11).
Defending Saigon Musketmen kill a Catapult, a Chariot, and an Archer (55, 11). We get a Great Leader.
1740 AD: Great Leader builds a Hospital in Saigon.
At Saigon: Bombards kill 2 Indo-Chinese Spearmen (57, 11); Knight of the Realm kills War Elephant (58, 11); Axeman killed by Swordsman (58, 12); Axeman kills Swordsman (59, 12); Camel Rider kills War Elephant (60, 12); Missionary converts Enslaver (61, 12); Knight kills Chariot (62, 12); Medieval Infantry kills Spearman (63, 12); Axemen kill 3 Spearman (66, 12); Knight kills Spearman (67, 12); Crossbowman kills Archer (68, 12);
Defending Saigon, Musketmen kill 7 Indo-Chinese Archers and a Chariot (76, 12).
We lose our supply of Saltpeter.
1745 AD:
Trade Free Artistry to Turkey for Saltpeter, 2200 gold and 91 gpt.
In Saigon’s coastal waters, our Privateer captures a Japanese Castle Ship (69, 12).
At Saigon: Bombard kills Indo-Chinese Spearman (70, 12); Camel Rider kills War Elephant (71, 12); Crossbowmen kill 2 Spearman (73, 12); Axeman kill 7 Spearman (80, 12); Chariot kills Spearman (81, 12) and we get a Great Leader. Great Leader boards a Merchantman bound for the Home Island to rush a Small Wonder. Chariot kills Spearman (82, 12); Enslaver kills Archer (83, 12); Knight of the Realm kills Spearman (84, 12); Enslavers capture 2 Archers and kill 2 Archers (88, 12); Monk converts a Spearman (89, 12).
Notes and Suggestions:
- I didn’t check for any trades other than renewing our Saltpeter deal.
- The is a team of 4 workers a slave in Rangoon. Saigon has some slaves.
- The ships fortified next to Rangoon and Saigon are there to keep Japanese ships from blocking the sea entrance to our towns.
- The are 2 Monks in Saigon.
- I started Merchantman 3 & 4 towards the Home Island to provide ferry service.
- I think the Great Leader aboard a Merchantman should sail to Stockholm and build the National Observatory.
Here is what our position in Indo-China looks like: