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LK173, Civ=Scandinavia, CCM3, Island Hopping

1770 AD (5)
The assault on Da Nang begins. I kill 2 spears. (22-10)

I found no tech trades this round. I just picked up scraps for our map.

I killed Indochina: 1 spear and 1 elephant. (24-10)
I killed Japan: 1 crossbow. (25-10)
I lost: 1 knight. (25-11)
[End of session 1]
(IT) Japan lost 1 ship. (26-10)

1775 AD (6)
The assault on Phnom Penh begins. I kill 2 spears. (28-10)
I captured 3 workers. This city is not connected to the road network. The workers begin to fix that problem.

I ship Greece fossil energy for cotton, furs, $51 and $212/T.
I ship Oceania tobacco, camel and wine to get coffee back.
Turkey must be exploring the ocean. I must pay them to update WM.
I give Isreal engineering for $26 and $62/T.
I give Lowlands free artistry for $98 and $84/T.

I lost: 1 knight of the realm. (28-11)
(IT) I lost 2 crossbows. (28-13)
I killed 2 Japanese ships. (30-13)
1780 AD (7)
Gävle is founded.

The assault on Hanoi begins. I kill 3 spears. (33-13)
Bombard the Indochinese arrived during that assault. Hanoi gets a rushed castle.
I found 1 worker inside.

I give Persia exploration for $90, and $73/T.

I killed Indochina: 1 elephant, 2 spear, 1 warrior and 1 settler. (38-13)
I gained 1 worker.
(IT) I lost an exploring ship and 1 badly injured knight. (38-15)
I don’t know what happened to the worker underneath.

1785 AD (8)
The assault on Mandalay begins. I kill 2 spears. (40-15)

The assault on Kampong Cham begins. I kill 2 spears. (42-15)
I captured 4 workers.

The blasted AI completed economics when we still needed 5 turns. So much for that being trade material.
I give the Inca $4941 to top it off. No rubber is currently on the trade network. However, we do have sources to connect.
Steam power is the only tech I can see to research for trade bait. I’m not buying ballistics. I prefer to use our cash for rushing and upgrading.
I give Russia naval guns for $75/T.
I send Korea spices, tobacco and wine for silks and $1/T.

I killed Indochina: 2 spears and 1 catapult. (45-15)
I kill Japan: 1 pike and 1 settler. (47-15)
I gained 1 worker.
(IT) I lost 1 enslaver and 1 knight. (49-15)
1790 AD (9)
The assault on Vientiane begins. I kill 1 spear. (50-15)
Indochina has left the game. :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

I give Persia jurisprudence for $92 and $328/T.
I give China spices for $6 and $5/T.
I give India spices, wine and tobacco for silver and $2/T.
I give Israel theology for $57 and $19/T. They only get this tech that cheap because it is so old.

I kill Japan: 4 crossbows and 1 pike. (55-15)
(IT) I must give China dark ages to keep getting gems.
I debated saying no, but I gave into the Incan demand for coal. I want to concentrate on Japan and the rest of the big land mass.
I lost 1 axe.

1795 AD (10)
The assault on Ise begins. I kill 2 pikes. I lost 1 camel and 1 chariot. (57-17)
I gained 1 worker.

Super Duper Chariot arrives. We finally have enough towns for another army. Three knights are loaded in it.

I ship wine to Turkey for $176.
I send Russia exploration for $13, $51/T and fruit.
I send China world religions for $18 and $19/T. I’m amazed how many totally backwards civs this map created.
I send Portugal dark ages for $12 and $12/T.

I kill Japan: 4 crossbows, 1 pike and 1 cannon. (63-17)
I lost: 1 knight. (68-18)
I gained 1 worker.

[End of session 2]
The newest city site. Blue dot is the one I propose for after that. With harbor, port and dry-docks it will be another late game shield monster.

The current front:

The current front has a road break issue. Once the workers by Saigon finish up the missing road segment, they will need to head to the Japanese front. Please cover those workers with one of our armies to keep them safe.

I took Ise because it was small and disconnected. We need 2 or 3 turns to get the rest of the troops to the front. Once that happens, we can go full steam on Japan. The sad thing is Japan is now broke. I was hoping to get a lot of cash from their cities. The big block of cash is now with the Inca. I don’t even want to think about them until we conquer this land mass.

I’ve been trying to get our troop ships protection. The free ships of the line have been joining them. I’m building Galleass for coastal protection. I’m trying to get excess ships in every convoy, as I understand the empty ships die first.

Please keep the massive trading going. That cash let me rush 3 buildings already in Galve for high growth. I part rushed a lot of buildings in the homeland. A ton of cash will be needed to rush factories and get to full military mode. I’ve rushed multiple troops already on the new land mass. Please keep rushing there.

So far I've seen mainly slow units from Japan. If this keeps up, our job will be much easier.
Elephantium (up)
Greebley (on deck)
Jersey Joe


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Ooh, we're in for a challenge!
:yup: In my eyes this will be by far the greatest challenge you have ever faced in any of your CCM succession games.This not only will be game management, but also patience, when the very loooooong lasting interturn times will start in the game.

I MM a bit.


Persia cancels the Dyes deal. It's expensive to renew, requiring that we send Spices, Tobacco, and Wine.

Japanese Ship of the Line sinks one of ours near Rangoon

1800 AD:

Swedish Knight dies to Otomo Pikeman
Nordic Axeman kills him
Swedish Knight dies to MDI
Swedish Knight dies to MDI
Camel Rider kills crossbow

Nubia gives us 2gpt + 20 gold for Camels
Byzantines give us 2gpt for Camels
Israel gives us 1gpt + 43 gold for Camels
Canada gives us 1gpt + 36 gold for Gold
Lowlands give us 77gpt + 74 gold for Jurisprudence
Portugal gives us 1gpt+16 gold for Tobacco
Russia gives us 5gpt + 15 gold for Spices


Ship of the Line sinks our Pirate Frigate

We lose Elephants and Iron

1805 AD:

Bombard kills Crossbow

Probing the walls of Nagoya:
Knight retreats
Camel Rider retreats

Missionary kills Crossbow

I sell Economics to Greece for Elephants, 102gpt, and 18 gold
I sell University to Russia for 62gpt + 9 gold


Korea completes Angkor Wat in Seoul

1810 AD:

Battle of Nagasaki:
Bombard vaporizes Otomo Pikeman
Swedish Knight retreats
Army kills Otomo Pikeman
Army kills Otomo Pikeman
Nordic Axeman kills Yamato Crossbow
City is ours

Siege of Nagoya:
Camel Rider retreats
Swedish Knight dies
Swedish Knight dies
Swedish Knight kills defender - warrior monk, I think?
Swedish Knight retreats
Swedish Knight retreats
Swedish Knight kills Otomo Pikeman
Army kills Otomo Pikeman
Enslaver kills Yamato Crossbow
Chariot dies
Army kills Otomo Pikeman and seizes the city

I sell Alchemy to Canada for 22gpt + 30 gold
I sell Feudalism to Portugal for 17gpt + 30 gold
I sell Feudalism to China for 15gpt + 20 gold


Nagoya riots

1815 AD:

Nordic Axeman dies
Nordic Axeman kills Otomo Pikeman
Nordic Axeman kills Otomo Pikeman
Nordic Axeman kills invisible unit - Enslaver?
We get a Leader!
I can't build an Army, though.

Galleass sinks Japanese Merchantman

I sell Alchemy to Israel for 38gpt + 33 gold
I sell Feudalism to Austria-Hungary for 3gpt + 35 gold


Yamato Crossbow dies on our Musket
We see a convoy heading west towards our lands...

1820 AD:

Inca and Carthage know Steam Power now.

Battle of Edo:
Swedish Knight retreats
Swedish Knight retreats
Swedish Knight kills Otomo Pikeman
Knight of the Realm kills Otomo Pikeman, promotes
Knight of the Realm kills wounded Otomo Pikeman
Enslaver dies
Camel Rider kills Yamato Crossbow and takes the city!

We sell WM to Carthage for 2gpt? I'll take it.
We sell Physics to India for 108gpt + 73 gold
We sell WM to Italy for 34 gold
We sell Gold + WM to Egypt for 4gpt + 54 gold
We sell WM to Nubia for 49 gold
We sell WM to Mongolia for 38 gold
We sell WM to Israel for 2gpt + 6 gold
We sell WM to Canada for 2gpt + 16 gold
We sell WM to Korea for 34 gold
We sell WM to Lowlands for 34 gold
We sell WM to Oceania for 49 gold
We sell WM to Persia for 45 gold
We sell WM to Turkiye for 30 gold
We sell WM to Britain for 29 gold
We sell WM to Inca for 29 gold
We sell WM to Poland for 5 gold
We sell WM to Russia for 2gpt + 25 gold
We sell WM to China for 3gpt + 6 gold


Japanese MDI dies against one of our Knights

1825 AD:

Pirate ship sinks attacking Japanese Merchantman
Second Pirate ship captures Japanese Merchantman

Battle of Osaka:
Knight kills Otomo Pikeman
Knight retreats
Axe Army kills two Otomo Pikemen
Knights of the Realm ride down two Yamato Crossbows
... we get a Leader as we raise our flag over the city!

Enslaver retreats
Enslaver captures Yamato Crossbow
Enslaver captures Yamato Crossbow


Three Japanese ships sink while attacking ours.

1830 AD:

Battle of Kagoshima:
Nordic Axeman dies
Nordic Axeman dies
Nordic Axeman dies
Nordic Axeman kills Otomo Pikeman
Nordic Axeman kills Otomo Pikeman
Nordic Axeman kills Otomo Pikeman and takes the harbor!

Knight of the Realm rides down Crossbow
Bombard crushes Yamato Crossbow
Enslaver kills Yamato Crossbow
Enslaver kills Yamato Crossbow
Lawyer captures Yamato Crossbow
Enslaver kills Yamato Crossbow, promotes

Slider to 40%, Steam Power due in 1

More map trading. We pick up:
7g from Carthage
49g from India
21g from Italy
5g from Nubia
49g from Greece (we also sell them Spices for 12gpt)
9g from Israel
23g from Korea
7g from Portugal
15g from Persia
5g from Turkey
15g from Austria-Hungary
12g from Inca
17g from Russia
10g from China


Japanese Crossbow dies on our Musket
Bombard crushes him, though :(
Japanese Fireship explodes while attacking our Merchantman

Japanese ships come out of the fog near Phnom Penh and Saigon

Steam Power > Ballistics

Osaka deposes us, we lose ~3 units

1835 AD:

Retaking Osaka:
Knight dies
Knight kills Otomo Pikeman
MDI kills Otomo Pikeman, our flag flies there again

Battle of Kyoto:
Knight Army drops to 3/13 before killing Otomo Pikeman, but it does promote one of the units
Axeman Army kills Otomo Pikeman
Knight Army kills Otomo Pikeman
Bombard dies
Bombard kills Otomo Pikeman
Bombard kills Otomo Pikeman
Bombard kills Otomo Pikeman
Axeman Army kills a second Otomo Pikeman
Knight of the Realm retreats
Knight of the Realm dies
Knight of the Realm kills Otomo Pikeman
Knight Army kills invisible unit
Knight of the Realm kills Otomo Pikeman
Knight of the Realm kills Otomo Pikeman
The city finally falls!

I pick up some pocket change trading maps, and then...



Japanese Tekkousen sinks our Galleass
Yamato Crossbow kills our Swordsman

1840 AD:

Battle of Nara:
Nordic Axeman narrowly dies
Nordic Axeman narrowly kills Otomo Pikeman
Nordic Axeman dies
Nordic Axeman kills Otomo Pikeman, promotes, and takes the city

Pirate ship sinks Japanese Junk
Footknight kills Yamato Crossbow

Camel Riders kill two Yamato Crossbows

I buy Bastion Fortifications from Carthage for 4800 gold
Absolutism is now due in 7


Japanese Ship of the Line sinks one of our War Galleons
Yamato Crossbow dies against our Musketman.

1845 AD:

Enslaver kills Yamato Crossbow

Battle of Tokyo:
Swedish Knight retreats
Swedish Knight dies
Swedish Knight retreats
Swedish Knight retreats
Swedish Knight kills Otomo Pikeman
Swedish Knight kills Otomo Pikeman
Swedish Knight kills Otomo Pikeman
City is ours!

Battle of Izumo:
Swedish Knight retreats
Swedish Knight retreats
Swedish Knight retreats
Swedish Knight retreats
Lawyer retreats
Camel Rider dies
City holds for now :(

Handoff notes:

The ships full of units N of Yokohama are heading for Hakodate. They should be able to storm the harbor in 2 turns. After that, I suggest backtracking towards Sapporo to meet in the middle with forces that are currently at the isthmus.

There are a bunch of units in and near Kampong Cham. They can board the boats and support the attack on Izumo or on Satsuma.

Behold, the might of the Japanese empire!



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Glad to see Japan going down easy. Greebley may be able to finish them off. After Japan I want to continue to sweep the current land mass. I won’t want to move to another land mass until after we get a rail-net on this one.

Getting a good discount on one tech with Persia was nice. We can get another right now with improved camel training. There are three civs we can buy it from. We may as well max the strength of our camel units.

I’m glad to see we continue to get glutted with cash. Keep rushing / upgrading where we can.

Greebley (up)
Jersey Joe (on deck)
Elephantium, :thumbsup: Good progress.
Behold, the might of the Japanese empire!
Shouldn't you have replaced Japanese with Viking? :lol:

Question: Did you take the wrong worker option and start chopping down a forest at Akkad? It has enough food to get to 20 population without needing any forests chopped.
Elephantium, :thumbsup: Good progress.

Shouldn't you have replaced Japanese with Viking? :lol:

I did! Our troops were busy :D

For the screenshot label, in the game Japan is roughly as mighty as the real-life empire was in April of 1945 :mischief:

Question: Did you take the wrong worker option and start chopping down a forest at Akkad? It has enough food to get to 20 population without needing any forests chopped.

Hmm, good point. I was thinking about getting irrigation to the other side of the forest, but maybe I shouldn't have started that chop.

Edit: I just noticed that my turn log was ambiguous about Izumo. The city held (visible in the screenshot), but I didn't actually note that in my log. I've updated it now.
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Greebley (up)
Jersey Joe (on deck)
Preturn: Checked trades. We got improved Camel training for one of our tech and picked up about 500 gpt. Cities looked good - minor tweaks

For chop at Akkad there is a way through a forest square not in our radius so I moved the chop. We don't have town there yet, but I do agree it is a decent place for one in the future so irrigation would be nice.

1850 AD:
We capture Izumo which annoyingly red-lines all 3 attack 9 cannon including one retreat avoiding loss

For Yokohama, I we have mostly knights with 3 losses vs 3 defenders. I upgrade them all which we can do despite no barracks and no land connection to our other cities. Actually we have many vet Knights that become PestoWriters.
["The pen is supposed to be mightier than the sword, but the pesto is so thick it just clogs the pen. We may have to spy on the Italians to figure this out" - Early notes when researching the new unit]

We now have enough large Japanese cities that our research is reduced by a turn when the cities are starved.

1855 AD: Capture Hadoke from boat. It was the farthest city.

Move on Satsuma but no units reach this turn except one Axeman which wins.

Gold was down so I did some trades and got about 1/2 of our gpt back. Traded Rubber with Inca but not Berber because the Berber are last civ on the Japanese continent. Incans we may never fight depending on which way we go.

IBT: Japanese Boats attack we win a bit over half.

1860 AD:
More boat fights. Japan manages to win about half despite many boats being red-lined.

Capture Satsuma and can also just reach Matsuyama with forward units to capture as well.
Used an Artist in Matsuyama. Will help with India along with Japan

1865 AD:
Capture Shimonoseki leaving only one town left.

Berber gets Absolutism with us having one turn left. We can buy for 696 gold.

Spot a red border that is not Japan. Must be someone new in the blackness near the top of the map or possibly Canada but the red is less dark than them. Will find out next turn.

1870 AD:
We capture the last Japanese town and they have no settler and are gone.

Also the red border was backward Spain. They had a lovely start.

There are 4 turns left on a turn with India. The other option would be to turn around gather some workers to get through the swamp to reach Italy which is much longer than 4 turns, so India it is. There are a surprising number of civs on Japan's continent.
To the south: Italy and Egypt
To the west and south: India, Nubia, Mongols and then finally the very rich Berber. There are further short hops we can follow after that if needed.
You could remove three land squares from the map and have 4 separate islands instead.

Also Akkad is centrally located (equatorial) and was in the middle of a University build so it is on the Great Palace.

IBT: Dutch Golden Age

1875 AD: Moving units

1880 AD: Into position

IBT: Ganges is completed 1 turn before we attack.

1885 AD: For war next turn

1890 AD:
Spend cash on steal plans so we can look for settlers before we declare war.
Declare war.

Capture Madras using Grenadier amphibiously (upgrade of our axmen)
Capture Chittagong which was close enough to our border.
Move troops toward Calcutta and Bombay.

IBT: Korea plants a city on one of our islands. We can take it back once we can capture it.

1895 AD:
Capture Calcutta and Bombay with some loss. We can reach Punjab behind Calcutta and also take Jaipur on the other side of the gap

Oh we now have the Great Palace (in Akkad) and Spies. I plant one in India.

Our cash was up to 45k so I spent some on getting Japan and Indochina cities up and running - mostly courthouse and admin centers.

India's units are mostly slow with their artillery type (and workers) being the exception. There was no settler to be seen.

India may get a counter on the IBT. I accidentally moved one army off the units it was defending.

We built 2 towns because Kyoto made a settler (If we get another put towards Italy where the continent narrows so our boats can get through). I didn't use kyoto settler very well. The other went to the place Elephantium was considering and is near the Korean Intruder city.

Berber went for Naval Tactics which is actually the tech we want more (dockyards are big this game + better boats). So we might have a monopoly when we get Enlightenment next turn, if no other AI was close enough to finishing it. As usual we don't want to obsolete castles until we have to.

Here is an image of the Indian Front to Nubia behind it:


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Japan has left the game. :dance: :dance: :dance:

I agree Spain got a horrid start. On par with the rotten French start. Island games seem to come with a few disastrous starts for the AI civs.

I 100% wanted India as the next target. We may as well clear this land mass.

LKendter (on deck)
Jersey Joe (up)
I agree Spain got a horrid start. On par with the rotten French start.
Yes, but it would have been a wonderful source for iron and saltpeter directly in front of your "housedoor" (invading Madrid and shiping the resources back via Spain´s new capital Barcelona and its airtrade connection to your capital).
Great to see Japan annexed and a very good start on annexing India. :thumbsup:
We built 2 towns because Kyoto made a settler (If we get another put towards Italy where the continent narrows so our boats can get through). I didn't use kyoto settler very well. The other went to the place Elephantium was considering and is near the Korean Intruder city.
I like the spot that creates a "canal" and get pearls and rubber. Maybe should be our next spot. I don't think we are going to get another Settler from Kyoto, that settler was from the Great Light House which goes obsolete when we learn Naval Tactics.

I got it.
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