Load Error

Von Naumann

Feb 14, 2008
Calgary, AB, Canada
I need some help, and I haven't seen a discussion of the following: Load Error Error reading file missing entry in "text\PediaIcons.txt"; WON_SPLASH_BLDG-Palace; this is, verbatim, the text from the error message. If necessary I can grab a screen print and try to post it. B/ground: I have modified the "civilizations" tab, under "modify rules -> edit rules -> (civilizations)Germany in the CivIII Complete/scenarios editor.

Oh, Hey. I was able to post a screen shot!! Any/all help will be appreciated
If you have set the Palace to be a SW (may be to stop the human palace prebuild exploit) you have to do add an entry for the wondersplash in the pediaicons text file of your mod and to have a wondersplash graphic for this SW in the Art\Wondersplash folder. The easiest way to do this is to use the name of an existing wondersplash in the wondersplash folder.

Per example pediaicons entry:

art\wonder splash\pyramid.pcx

In this case no additional creation of a wondersplash is needed, as this wondersplash is still existing for the GW The Pyramides and is now used for the Palace, too.

Of course you can also create an own wondersplash for the Palace and use its name in the pediaicons entry for the SW Palace as it was done per example in the mod CCM 2.50.



"SW"??? Slash Wonder??? How/where do I put this entry? Cut & Paste does not appear to work
"SW"??? Slash Wonder??? How/where do I put this entry? Cut & Paste does not appear to work
SW = Small Wonder

The game only asks for a wondersplash, if a building is set to be a small (SW) or a great wonder (GW) - and to set the palace as a GW doesn´t make much sense. Copy and paste with the "pyramid example" is working well when done properly. If you want to use the solution with the palace-splash, you have to write those entries in the pediaicons text file in the section with the wonder splashes manually with a text editor.

The other solution is, to set back in the editor the setting for the building palace to be a normal building.
Well, ok...let's go with as if I know absolutely nothing about how the game/code is constructed (and I don't, really). I need to know where to go and what to do when I get there. I'm 76, I've been running CivIII -Complete since ~2004, I do have a fair computer background (e.g., Computer Technology diploma from S.A.I.T ('83), and I'm running Win 7 Home Premium. Does the following help?
Ok, so I've put an entry in the text\PediIcons.txt file (i.e., WON_SPLASH_BLDG_Palace). Now I'm getting a new Load Error, i.e.,

How do I fix this one.Where do I find the Palace picture???
This has nothing to do with the game code. You need to simply manipulate the text document and be consistent in where you put your files in this case a palace.pcx

You need to put a palace.pcx in place where from the error is coming, so in this case art\wonder splash. If you do not have for now a palace.pcx anywhere then duplicate any pcx from art/wonder splash folder and rename it as palace.pcx.
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