Load Failed

Warden USA

Dec 3, 2004
Trying to join the GOTM on a new computer running Vista and am encountering the following problem.

After making the files readable and setting up the files to run as an administrater when I try to load the savefile it says:

"The save file you have selected is protected to ensure the assets in your mod folder have not been changed". I then click Ok and and then it says load failed.

I can get the HOF mod to run fine, but when i try to run the games it fails.

This is on Civ4, Warlords and Beyond
looking through other posts I tried to change my user settings and turned off my UAC. That didn't seem to help. I made a second Admin account and that did not work. I can make HOF games that are legal, but I can't load GOTM games without the error and the game crashing
Alright, When I told Steam not to update Beyond the sword is now working. Warlords and Vanilla are still having the same error. Here's the result of the Asset checker:

Vanilla Files - Path: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization iv beyond the sword
Vanilla: PublicMaps\aDebugMap.py,<-- Error: Extra file

* * * Vanilla: 1 Errors have been found * * *

Warlords Files - Path: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization iv beyond the sword\Warlords
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\autolog.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\autologEventManager.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\Civ4lerts.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\configobj.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\CvCustomEventManager.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\CvEventManager.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\CvUtil.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\DomPyHelpers.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\EntryPoints\CvEventInterface.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\EntryPoints\CvHOFCallbackInterface.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\EntryPoints\CvOptionsScreenCallbackInterface.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\EntryPoints\CvScreensInterface.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\HOFContext.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\HOFSettings.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\HOFUtil.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\MoreCiv4lerts.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\Screens\CvDawnOfMan.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\Screens\CvExoticForeignAdvisor.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\Screens\CvMainInterface.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\Screens\CvModSpecialDomesticAdvisor.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\Screens\CvOptionsScreen.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\Screens\CvVictoryScreen.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\python\Screens\IconGrid.py,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\art\CIV4ArtDefines_Interface.xml,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\BasicInfos\CIV4BasicInfos.xml,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\text\CIV4AdvisorInfo.xml,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\text\CIV4EnhancedTextInfos.xml,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\text\CIV4GameText_HOFmod.xml,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\text\Civ4lertsTextInfos.xml,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\text\CIV4ModSpecDomAdvisorInfo.xml,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\text\HOFGraphicsOptionsTextInfos.xml,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\text\MoreCiv4lertsTextInfos.xml,<-- Error: Not Found

* * * Warlords: No Errors were found * * *

BTS Files - Path: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization iv beyond the sword\Beyond the Sword

* * * BTS: No Errors were found * * *


* * * 34 Errors have been found * * *

Not sure why warlords isn't working if there are no errors ???
I can't find that file in vanilla anywhere on my system or i would try to delete it. Thanks for the help, hopefully you have an idea?
Alright, When I told Steam not to update Beyond the sword is now working. Warlords and Vanilla are still having the same error. Here's the result of the Asset checker:

Vanilla Files - Path: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization iv beyond the sword
Vanilla: PublicMaps\aDebugMap.py,<-- Error: Extra file

* * * Vanilla: 1 Errors have been found * * *

Warlords Files - Path: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization iv beyond the sword\Warlords
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll,<-- Error: Not Found


Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\text\CIV4ModSpecDomAdvisorInfo.xml,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\text\HOFGraphicsOptionsTextInfos.xml,<-- Error: Not Found
Warlords: Mods\HOF-2.13.004\Assets\xml\text\MoreCiv4lertsTextInfos.xml,<-- Error: Not Found

* * * Warlords: No Errors were found * * *

BTS Files - Path: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization iv beyond the sword\Beyond the Sword

* * * BTS: No Errors were found * * *


* * * 34 Errors have been found * * *

Not sure why warlords isn't working if there are no errors ???
I can't find that file in vanilla anywhere on my system or i would try to delete it. Thanks for the help, hopefully you have an idea?

Have you looked specifically for the extra vanilla file at this location?
c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization iv beyond the sword\PublicMaps\aDebugMap.py

The Warlords "no errors" message looks like a bug in Assets Checker, since there is a long list of files it couldn't find, and the total errors message says 34. Have you installed HOF-2.13.004? If so, is the \HOF-2.13.004 folder at the location where Assets Checker is looking, or is it somewhere else.
Assets Checker is saying there are 33 files missing in c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization iv beyond the sword\Warlords\Mods\ Is it correct? That probably means the mod is somewhere else, because there *are* only 33 .dll, .py and .xml files in the mod.
Thank you AlanH, you posting that helped me find the file in 2 seconds what i spent 90 minutes yesterday looking for. I think when i was trying to fix something yesterday I messed up one of the files and I am getting this now..
Vanilla Files - Path: c:\program files\steam\steamapps\common\sid meier's civilization iv
Vanilla: Assets\CvGameCoreDLL.dll,<-- Error: Files do not Match

* * * Vanilla: 1 Errors have been found * * *


* * * 1 Errors have been found * * *
Can someone post the file? Should be up and running then.
For warlords it was putting some of the HOF files in the wrong directory, so the mod could run but the game wasn't finding it. Thanks again!
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