Locust (BattleTech)


Mar 1, 2008
the Locust light Mech, my last unit this year :) The next mech will be a medium one, but atm i´m not absolut sure which one (the odds are good for a shadow hawk), but again it will not be my next model

the model comes with 7 skins (including one teamcolour, the one named "" is used) and own animation.

the model itself has 1218 vertices,1226 triangles a 256 skin (with 128 gloss)
uses included Locust animation


Wish you all a merry christmas (or insert the name what [if] you celebrate) and a happy new year :)


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Yes, yes , yes !!!!

That's absolutly great ! The Locust ! A so funny mech to play.

A great thanks !
I have the Locust and the NextWar-assaultmech in my mod, and when the animations aren't activated, and the both units move on the same field, i get this effect:



I knew, that not-activated animations can have strange effects (the FfH war-turtle, which transformes to an elephant), but this is the most weird one :D.

Can it be fixed? Or is this "normal"?
"normal"?. At least it wouldn´t be the word i would use ;)

at the moment i have no idea why the next war mech is attached to the locust. (especially because i used the marauder nif as base for the locust nif, or is there the same problem?). After my (reduced) understanding of frozen animation: There should be no frozen animation because they need files i don´t included* , but there should also no next war mech

so i can only advice you to not use frozen animations (how you already did)

* [if you look at some vanilla unit you will see some nifs with frozen (or an animation code) in the name, they are used for frozen animations, the used files are also linked to the used animation (this should be the reason for the model change)]. At least this is what i think about it
Yeah i get that same effect when playing on low graphics with mine also, an Assault Mech (Huge) on top of my Modern Armorer.(Some but not all)
And i dont even have any of these graphics in my mod.
Okay, that's weird :confused:.

I thought, it would be an problem with this model, because i only could see the effect with the locust (and some other strange effects, for example was on low graphics the assault-mech invisible when not selected [you can see the shadows on the pictures]), but after the notice of the capo, thze problem is surely on an other place.
-> okay, the advice: don't play with low graphics.

On medium graphics, it's a great unit :goodjob:!
looked at files of the assault mech and found something strange in his frozen files [the model had a shader applied there], perhaps this caused the trouble. Can somebody test this changed frozen files [removed the shader] for the assault mech if the error still occurs [if yes, i have again no idea :crazyeye: ]


I saved a battle tech file to my file. Now, how do I get it into my civ4 game so I can try it out?
Thanks for being so patient with a rookie!!!
first welcome to the fanatics :),

second: here are some tutorials about adding a new unit to your game (you have to edit the xml files to have them ingame - eg notepad ++ is a good tool for this, but every text editor should work)

(here is a list with tutorials:

if it is your first try to add a unit, as hint, do not change your original files, make a mini mod with only adding this (or more) unit

I´m not aware of an released mod which you could donwload including this unit so far
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