LoL this is screwed up ! (Culture victory question)


Nov 10, 2003
NYC !!! Duh
I just conquered the world on Regent with china... the game end (time line wise) 1 turn before the very last city fell...and yet still i got cultural victory after millanium of non stop war...the replay was too cool all u saw was cities gettin conqured :mad:

but there is the question why I got cultral victory ? ? ? :confused:
Not your first post, but I'll still welcome you to CFC.

Anyway, there's two ways to trigger Cultural victory. If your entire empire has 100,000 culture points, and no AI has more than half your total culture, you win.

The other method is a one city cultural win. If a single city hits 20,000 culture individually, you win. On this one, I can't honestly recall if there's a stipulation that the city be twice the culture of any other city? I'm sure plenty of people here do know.
I seem to recall that the 20k city doesn't need to be twice as high as any other city, but 10k+ cities are rare anyway.

Did you by any chance build Temples in all conquered cities? I often get a late-game culture spike by conquering a foreign continent for that reason.

Being at war as such doesn't harm your accumulation of culture, BTW, except it may cause you to build fewer cultural improvements than you would otherwise. Unless you spent a millennium in Mobilization? Then it is indeed weird, since that cuts your cultural output by 50%.
I would guess you hit the 100k Culture point, and since everybody else was virtually wiped out, nobody alive had at least 50K culture. ;)

superslug: I'm pretty sure the 20K city doesn't need to have double the culture of the nearest competitor. But, like TLC said, 10K+ cites tend to be rare.
I been at war since begging of time ! no contenats just one large pengia with 16 civs :soldier: my soldiers where victorious finaly for the true age of chinese =) i think i burned down and nuked the last civ lol..i should not even have culture i only had like 10 cities where truely build up from begging i think it was first 5 cities i build and rest got conqured =\

btw when i sold all the units i started making like 10 gc in a singel turn lol

Oops ment to say 10k

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