With Roosevelt, my thinking is that I will try to build the Great Wall fairly early as a barbarian defense system so that I can work on more rapid expansion and Oracle-driven research.
My initial explorations confirmed a large neighborhood with some good resources (although the stone was fairly far away), and, once I got a warrior to the south (my scouts proved way too fragile), I confirmed the isolated start. My exploration was insanely productive in terms of research--I popped hunting, sailing, and writing from goody huts.
Resources: all three seafood health (although scattered), as well as cow, sheep, rice, and wheat--what a tasty little island we have here! However, there aren't the tremendous concentrations of food specials that scream "make me a specialist city" in any particular place.
Happy resources: silver in a decent location to the east, wine everywhere (giving me a double happy bonus from monarchy). If I can grab Confucianism, I should be set to grow some decent sized cities early on.
Land: the best land seems to be southeast, under jungle. It will take me a while to settle down that direction, anyway. Lots of rivers, which is good for either broad economy type.
I'm thinking cottage spam will be my plan, possibly fueled by Great Lighthouse and coastal cities. The good agricultural land being farther away plays a role in this decision, as well as the goodly number of health resources allowing for lots of larger cities. The capital will be the best GP farm for a while, but I can get another running in a while. My goal, after some initial wonder building, will be to settle the continent and grow the economy, hopefully leading to me having tech parity (and economic parity) around first contact. That's the hope, anyway.