Lonely Hearts 4 - Roosevelt

Checkpoint 1 - when we have explored the island and are aware of what resources it has. Its not so important when this is, but this is a time to discuss city sites etc. Don't look into a checkpoint 1 spoiler until you have reached this point yourself.

In terms of techs that means BW + AH or should wait until IW ( sometimes I postpone that one for a long time ) ?

Just trying to clarify.....
I dont want to spoil anything, I have a 3000BC save and a 2000BC save. So I guess I have already decided where to put some cites.

But I still lack a general direction for the game and havent explored the whole island yet.
Whoops, wrong thread.
My first checkpoint. 50BC

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Things going pretty well I think. I should have GL soon, after which I'll run more scientists and up the tech rate. I'll probably get Org religion (goes nicely with industrious) and head for metal casting afterwards. I will probably delay Civil service - not such a priority with my capital as a GP farm.

My next priority is REX. I am organized, have COL - time to settle the whole continent. Build cottages everywhere. I am planning a hybrid economy where I will get extra research from scientists - hence libraries, but the long term goal is to run Emancipation and have the capital as my GP farm. Capital will get Ironworks + National Epic.

The continent is pretty good. Lots of good city locations. Unfortunately the stone and marble weren't worth settling by early. Or at least so I though. I still got Oracle, Pyramids, Great Wall, hopefully Great Library. Might still be able to get Parthenon. Great Lighthouse and Temple of Artemis are gone though. Getting the collosus might be possible though.

Liberalism and early astronomy isn't really my goal - its economic strength. I am playing for a late game domination attempt so now the priority is good cities and lots of them.
2000 BC

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AH first, revealed horses to the south.
Warrior popped Hunting.
Mining – Wheel – BW
3000 BC was thinking of settling 2nd city to the west and building GW.

Build order was worker, warrior, warrior, settler.

2720 BC - warrior pops Sailing.
2440 BC - BW is in, went Pottery, Writing. I end up sending my first settler south to get the horses. NY City is on the grass tile directly north of the horses. It will have some hills to the east for hammers and a grass/river running north for food.

Boston went five tiles west and then one north of Washington, missing bronze in any of my first sities. That’s OK, I have chariots.

2000 BC – I have 3 cities, 1 chariot, and am 4 turns from writing. I also picked up a scout down south from a hut. I also have a barbarian city sitting to my SE. It worries me a bit. I still have no real direction. I probably should try and build something soon since I am industrious. Just not sure which way to commit.


I can recommend the Great wall. You can REX without worrying about barbarians - instead they just become virtual settlers as you can take their cities later.

My 1000AD update (no saves or pics):
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Just got optics - and an AI found me. Much later than in past games - no civil service to power research since my capital is a GP farm. I have build university of sankore though and just missed collossus.

I have 11 cities though which was my goal in REXing. I'm very happy with the continent and the cities. Now they can grow and I should be tech trading soon.
Update at 1640 AD (contains spoilers re other AIs)
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Hannibal was sniffing around just as I got optics, so I didn't really win that race. I finished REXing the continent and headed towards liberalism. Burnt a scientist on education and self researched the rest. Then I took a gamble and traded education to get philosophy and some other techs. It meant that Saladin also had the prereqs for Liberalism. Luckily I beat him to it. And beat HC by one turn I think (since I couldn't trade Liberalism to him). Took Astronomy.

The AI situation allows me to trade with everyone. HC is teching like crazy and has vassalized Hannibal who is a great trade partner. Saladin trades freely with me even though I have a different religion - opening the trading with a gift was enough to do it. Possibly we shared favorite civics too. Napoleon is my best friend. He vassalized Wang Kon and later I bribed him into war with HC. I'll keep doing this as much as I can. He's behind in tech so as long as he doesn't look my way it should be possible.

Ramses was also isolated. And close. What an attractive target. I teched to Chemistry, built some galleons and invaded. Everything went well and he is now totally destroyed which has given me some good land. Went steel next and then headed towards democracy and then communism.

My war civics were nationalism and theology. I mass drafted around 20 musketmen as my second wave. First my grenadiers took his closest city and I culture bombed it. Then I held for a few turns while my second wave arrived. The incoming musketmen were able to take over the city defense roles while my grenadiers continued the assault. Once I added cannon he was absolutely history.

At this point I would describe my economy as a true hybrid. I have a lot of cottages, but for a long time I was also running scientists in libaries. Its about to become a cottage powerhouse though.

I have switched to emancipation. And will get a lot of new cottages online soon from my egypt conquests. I am a couple of turns from communism and around four turns from the SOL - although I am worried that I might miss that and the Kremlin - HC got those techs long before and is at least four techs up on me.

If I get SOL, then I will stay in representation, switch to state property, free speech and org religion. If not I will switch to democracy also.

I have ironworks in my capital plus several settled engineers and priest. My build time for SOL was 10 turns.

Once I get communism, I am heading straight to assembly line and then industrialization. I expect to have the GDP lead and production lead with my new territories. Eventually I plan to launch a massive invasion against HC - who will probably be engaged in the space race by then. Hopefully Napoleon will join in.
Update at 1832

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Its pretty much going according to plan except I am attacking Saladin not HC. HC looked a bit ambitious before I had bombers and having a vassal on the mainland will help a lot. Also Saladin broke his defensive pact with me to attack my good friend Napoleon in the back. That must be punished!

Sent an advance wave of 20 cannon plus some defenders to just wait in HC's area next to Saladin. Teched to industrialism, turned of science and rush bought tanks and seals. Sent around 25 of them as the second wave and attacked when they arrived.

I don't have much of a tech edge - HC has already built Apollo and several casings - it will be a race between his space efforts and my military ones. But I am first in Power now and have 3 airports to drop units in every turn.

I've taken four of Saladins cities including his capital. SEALS are ridiculously good for taking coastal cities. Which is just as well - taking out Saladin's CG3 infantry takes a fair bit of effort. Planes are tremendously helpful though. I've been using fighters to weaken the top defenders and I'll have bombers soon.

I scored the SOL - probably just. Missed the Kremlin, and got the Pentagon. It takes my capital 5 turns to build wonders like rock and roll, so I'll pick up a few of them for extra happiness.

War weariness is starting to take a hold, but I have police state in reserve and built a lot of jails in advance so I don't expect it to be a big problem. I haven't even raised the culture slider yet.

The final war with HC will be the true test - he is second in Power. If he gets mech infantry it will be very interesting. Of course I could probably easily backstab Napoleon who won't have tanks and bombers, but attacking HC will be much more fun. Might even go for the nuclear option.

Domination victory in 1888, 56k points.

And I was ONE TURN from a conquest victory - when one of my vassals plonked down another city. My last opponent had just started talking. Hadn't reached capitulation, but I was about to take two of his last four cities and drop eight nukes on the remaining two. I think that would probably quell him into submission.

Roosevelt is so powerful for modern war. My stack of doom for attacking the last opponent was 60 units. Plus I had a fleet of destroyers and SEALs that sailed along the coastline demolishing a coastal city every turn or two. SEALS are fantastic units - a CG3 SEAL airlifted into a conquered city can fight off almost anything and combat 2 + pinch SEALS are great city raiders. With March they just keep going and going.

I won this game through sheer weight of production and military. I learned a few things about modern warfare too:

1) The power of a coastal task force. Enough destroyers to bombard defenses. A few cannon for collateral damage and marines/seals to destroy the city. Sailing along the coastline razing every coastal city drops their power very quickly.

2) The power of multiple airports airlifting in CG3 defenders and more attack troops.

3) The power of a fast moving tank/gunship stack supported by bombers. (Well I knew this one already).

4) The power of a cottage economy with 0% science in late game war. On the very turn I built the Manhattan project I rush built 8 nukes. Leading up to the war I was building 5-6 SEALS or tanks a turn through normal production and rushbuying.

5) The need for lots of backup troops in a modern war. Previously I have lost a lot of units due to enemy counter attacks. But having big attack stacks followed by big city defense stacks detered counter attacks.

6) The usefulness of Marines for detering artillery. Not only are they good at fighting artillery, but you seem to get a lot less artillery attacks against you when they are defending your stacks.

7) The usefulness of fighters - definitely still worth building before you have bombers.

8) Not to fear mech infantry - two of my opponents did get to mech infantry during my war with them - I never got beyond tanks/seals/gunships/bombers. But overwhelming numbers and collateral damage take them down too.
Domination victory in 1888, 56k points.

From an isolated start! Well done!

I like your point about a coastal attack stack. I had the same thought recently and it's nice to hear it is very successful.

Your capital sounds sick :lol: 10 turns for SoL :lol:
My capital was sick - it wasn't even running bureaucracy. Late game wonders were taking five turns. Good starting position + settled priest and engineers + ironworks. I love the National Epic + Ironworks in your capital combo for Industrious. On Monarch its my favorite trait (not necessarily most powerful, but most fun!). Switch between production for wonders and specialists in the early game running scientists. Late game run engineers for an incredibly productive city.
I'll agree with budweiser, and I think it'll be easier to do years.

I've played to when I got civil service, a little after 200, but I'll stick with my 2000 BC save here:

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Got two cities, three in a few turns. Getting some cottages up. My first city went 5W and 1N, which is 1SE of the cow. Haven't built any wonders at this point, but I'll talk a little about the wonders I built at Invisible Stalke's checkpoint system.
Haven't built any wonders at this point, but I'll talk a little about the wonders I built at Invisible Stalke's checkpoint system

You don't really need to hide comments about your success and progress in spoilers. Just comments about the strategic resources and who and where the AIs are in case that affects the starting play of other players.

Welcome to the game.
I've played to 1550 ish. Heres the low-down

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I was first to liberalism in about 1040 AD IIRC. I put it off for a little while an got astronomy with it. I met hannibal and Nappy by that point (they found me), and I traded philosophy and paper to them to get up to optics for the astronomy jump. I started building catas while researching engineering->chemistry. I sent in a nice stack and easily marched through Ramses. I misjudged it by a little when I attacked Elphantine and his capital on same turn- I took elphantine and was 1 unit short of his capital :mad:. My plan was just to take those two and make him capitulate- the rest wasn't really worht it. He retook elphantine and got acouple people into his capital. I didn't have the guys to retake either city so I made him capitulate. During the war, I also didn't send in reinforcements as I felt it was enough. I guess one pikeman at .2 health proved me wrong. I'm the tech leader or atleast am with HC.

Right now I'm planning to do a domination via capitulation of the other people. I could end up going for space race though.
It's very late here and to be honest i'm a bit tired, played the game yesterday to get research going as soon as possible,i've played to 1200 ad and have a big decision to make now:

1. go from printing press right on to computers/genetics my tech lead is already huge, with constitution, demo and sol i might break my earliest space vic (1808 immortal 18 civs).

2. The others are so backward though that an domination vic is not out of the question(Ramesses is pathetic but has lot of good developed land) i have to make the decision now, space means scientific method, physics,electricity, radio etc, domination means nationalism, mil trad, steel asap and a lot of hours playing.

I'll have a hard look at he game at this point, think i'll try dom but it'll take time to play it right.
I played a little more and........

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I hate war. I teched democracy, traded for rifles with HC, and teched steel. As I teched steel, I drafted riflemen and built a couple more catas. When I got steel, I built the cannons I needed and upgraded my newly built catapults and my older catapults. I declared war on Hannibal, because his capital was nice and juicy on the coast. I easily took it on the 2nd turn of the war (1rst turn was landing). He ran off and became a vassel of Napoleon. I held on for acouple turns, but Napoleon took Carthage, raized it, and killed just about all my troops. I think I'll just head for a space race now. I don't expect a naval invasion to come before I can make peace, but I am starting to hurt. I'm still fine in tech- all I need to do is be able to make peace and make a spaceship. Won't be pretty win and will be late. Here was the start of the war
You can always reestablish your tech lead and come back for your nemesis when you have SEALs. It would be a shame to have a totally peaceful space win. How about this:

Assemble a task force of 6 destroyers and maybe a battleship or two, plus 6 transports containing 6 cannon and 18 SEALS (with pinch promotion).

Declare war, sailing along his costal cities. Drop the defenses on each city with the warships, throw in a cannon for collateral and then hit it with SEALS until you are done. Raze the city. Repeat all the way down his coastline. He cannot launch an invasion to reply. If you can spy out where his transports are and hit that first even better.
True, true, just that I've never really done modern warfare. I think it'll be easier to just go ahead and win by spacerace.
Finnaly I got time to play ( completely crazy week )

So :

300 BC
200 AD
1510 AD
1956 AD

Sorry for the absence of the 1st encounter save ( circa 1000 AD ) and the one from the time I commited to a victory type ( circa 1650 AD ), but I played til 4 am and was very sleepy.

Discussion (in spoiler because ther's still people that will play the game , like willpax)

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Started with a wonder fest: Henge, GW, Oracle , Collosus and Great Lighthouse. Had the luck of popping 2 techs from huts ( Myst and :eek: Metal Casting ( that allowed me to Oracle Machinery ) ) and to have a early gems mine pop in my 3rd city ( extra :) with the forges ) ReXed like a mad mad to the southeast ( west and north had feeble land ). Used a GE to get GL and got Tao with a GS. Was researching CS when Ramesses found me, followed by the Inca shorthly after. Got Lib and Natio at the sound of born and deceased GG ( later I discovered that Nappy had a war with HC and later with Wang , which he vassalised ). I decided that I had a solid base for a space race and beelined Computers ( I thinked that a space race against 3 Fin civs and a Ind one would be fun :crazyeye: ). When I got it ( even before Assembly line ), the free fin civs and Ramesses were already building thrusters and Nappy was warring Saladin ( that capitulated soon ). Seeing that I could be beaten both by space race ( Hannibal had the 5 casings and 2 thrusters when I started Apollo ) as by UN ( the candidates were Ramesses ( when in my games the guy always build it ) and Nappy (Han was pleased with Nappy and the vassals voted for him in the first count )). I take the shortest route ( like we say in Portuguese : Matar dois coelhos com uma cajadada só ( to kill two rabbits with only a bat move ) ) : bribed nappy to war HC and Han ( was cheap: Medicine ). And in the middle of the sound of trumphets, rising and fall of GG and some ICBM launches ( Han on Nappy ) I finished my space ship while $rushing ICBM and upgrading units ( just in case i needed to make a landing to stop a space ship launch )

What I should had done

I'm happy with the game until my decision to go to space. In retrospective, seeing how I could be $rushing a nuke every turn in the end of the game, maybe I could had got easily a dom victory far earlier. But well, what is done is done and one more star in my LHC path ( far easier than the Elizabeth one, I must confess :p )

@ all the participants of LHCs

There has been some requests of lower dificulties LHCs, so maybe in the next LHC we should make a map and set various levels of dificulty ( from maybe Noble to maybe Emperor/Immortal ( its easy to do that: just get a isolated save, go to the WB, save it as a WB save and load it: It will ask for the dificulty level. From there make the necessary copies ) .
And someone have a idea for the next leader? Until now we have played leaders with traits that we hope that will help us to cope isolation ( except the agressive trait of Shaka ( that was virtually non tested because no one tried a Dom victory out of that ( a shame IMHO : the map was very good for Dom ))). Maybe we should try something more exotic: maybe a Char or a Spiritual leader. Opinions?

Edit : I found this tool to change saved games without going to WB. Maybe can be helpful
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With Roosevelt, my thinking is that I will try to build the Great Wall fairly early as a barbarian defense system so that I can work on more rapid expansion and Oracle-driven research.

My initial explorations confirmed a large neighborhood with some good resources (although the stone was fairly far away), and, once I got a warrior to the south (my scouts proved way too fragile), I confirmed the isolated start. My exploration was insanely productive in terms of research--I popped hunting, sailing, and writing from goody huts.

Resources: all three seafood health (although scattered), as well as cow, sheep, rice, and wheat--what a tasty little island we have here! However, there aren't the tremendous concentrations of food specials that scream "make me a specialist city" in any particular place.

Happy resources: silver in a decent location to the east, wine everywhere (giving me a double happy bonus from monarchy). If I can grab Confucianism, I should be set to grow some decent sized cities early on.

Land: the best land seems to be southeast, under jungle. It will take me a while to settle down that direction, anyway. Lots of rivers, which is good for either broad economy type.

I'm thinking cottage spam will be my plan, possibly fueled by Great Lighthouse and coastal cities. The good agricultural land being farther away plays a role in this decision, as well as the goodly number of health resources allowing for lots of larger cities. The capital will be the best GP farm for a while, but I can get another running in a while. My goal, after some initial wonder building, will be to settle the continent and grow the economy, hopefully leading to me having tech parity (and economic parity) around first contact. That's the hope, anyway.

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