Well, this makes much more sense. Because normally a division means about 10,000 men, so assumed they were all the same size. But it appears that is not the case, so it's all good
Upper Class (10% of population) Businessmen, politicians and diplomats, leading grand lives traveling, making business deals and running every aspect of the lives of the common people.
Serfs (70% of population) Serfs make up the majority of the population of the Federation. Farm and factory work, with no room for improvement. Bars are the only legal escape for these people, however many an illegal Brothel, Fighting Ring and Drug House have opened, unharassed for decades by the authorities.
Slaves (20% of population) Slavery is an entirely legal practice in the Hussick Federation. If a person is unable to pay off debts, they can use their younger descended family members as pay, or their own lives. Once you've a slave, you're a slave forever. Often mistreated and misused, slaves have become the official backbone of the Federation's Grand Projects Section of government. Monuments to the State and projects for the ease of production and transportation have been worked on by these slaves for many, many decades.
Political Parties:
Pateks. The Patek Political Party (the PPP) is the only legalized political party in the Federation. Candidates from the PPP always win the elections, though this matters little, for Luca Pasquale has been re-elected President by landslide victories countless years in a row.
Pictured above: Serf from the eastern reaches of the Federation.
Political Institutions:
The Chief Administration of Corrective Labor Camps and Colonies (CACLCC), or "CACKLE" (WHOOOOO GULAGS!): CACKLE funds and mans massive projects of State, such as trans-continental railroads, canals, expanding cities, erecting monuments, sewer systems and aqueducts.
Religion(s): Myriad of world religions. Official state religion is Pra, to get on good terms with the Federation's (distant/near?) neighbor the Mi'ao Empire. People practicing other religions are not ridiculed or harassed.
the Hussick Federation is an ancient one, born of the slow unification-through-force of hundreds of now-forgotten Kingdoms, Fiefdoms and Empires in the past 1000 years, though that is another story for another day.
Our story begins with the birth of the future President of the Hussick Federation, Emanuel Vasques, 100 years ago today, in the year 1209 HC. Born in a small farming village in the sparser Eastern Reaches of the Federation, no one expected him to end up where he did. At the age of 17, he was called for military service in the name of the Federation's most recent land grab.
He was an ambitious boy, born with nothing and given much in the way of Honor from joining the Federation's growing ranks of the military. He worked his way up the ranks, ignoring his family and paying for his military schooling with his draft pay.
In the year 1250 HC, the Federation was struck a serious blow by it's then enemy, the Husqbah Empire. It's overseas colonies were blockaded, looted and dispersed. It's citizens fled into the wilderness, only to be shot down by native soldiers and Husqbahkan Elites. Emanuel was a Captain in the Hussick Seventh Elite Squadron of Zeppelin Students, and a skilled sharpshooter. He would be catapulted on an ambitious journey that would end with his death as the President for Life by a Husqbakhan poison.
His success as a Soldier and General made him a success as a Politician. He fought his way bloodily up through the ranks and assumed control, declared President for Life by his political allies and enemies alike. He had them all killed, needless to say, and groomed his two young Commanders, Luca Pasquale, and Imgrel Katan.
In the year 1270 HC, The Husqbah Empire was subdued and absorbed, it's vast grain and oil fields adding little to the immensity of the Federation's.
In the year 1290, Emanuel died of a rebellious Husqbahkan's assassin's poison. Supposedly in his drink, though no one lived to tell the tale, save for Luca Pasquale, and Imgrel Katan, his surviving political vassals. Luca took control in a bloody coup and banished Imgrel to the Mi'ao Empire in the (whichever direction it is.)
Description at Current: Oppressive, wanna-be-thought-controlling totalitarian regime, currently orchestrated by the President Luca Pasquale and his Cabinet of Heroes, so they're named. Vast and limitless manpower reserves can be called up during times of war(pretty much all the time), though it's mines and infrastructure are emptying and falling apart recently. Ethnic and religious tensions are high and the cities are cramped and filthy. Endless plains already "technically" under the control of the Federation lay in the east, ready for further colonization and industrialization. The overseas colonies have never been recovered, though have reformed and set up as their own nations, under the influence of the Hussick Federation. How much control it has over them, has yet to be seen.
Hope that's alright, LOD. I didn't add much in the way of history, unfortunately, as I am quite tired. Also, there's an Iron Curtain. Yeah. Might as well go Full On USSR. IRON CURTAIN, HO!!!!!!
Nation Name:The Imperialist Kingdom of Surria
Government Type: Absolute Monarchy
Head of State/Ruler: King Arthoc Draconus the 3rd
Classes of Society
Royal Family: 1% of the population but has the most power concentrated in its hands and easily has complete control over their kingdom by the use of their loyal knighthoods but most of the monarchy has been known for its benevolence.
High Nobles:10% They are the main land owners but have been losing power over time recently by the centralization of the royal territory. They now have no control of their serfs which has made the remainder of them having to adopt the benevolence of the royalty.
Lower Nobles:10% mainly made up of the loyal knighthoods they are mainly employed as policing forces to be used against the high nobles in return for land many of which are taken from the lower classes and the families which used to be just serfs this has caused outrage but has benefited the royal family as a whole
Middle Class:20% they have recently developed mainly being merchants and high ranking craftsmen capable of rivaling the nobility in wealth and some have even joined the lower ranks by owning land and not through combat. Much of the middle class though is benefiting from the industrialization of the nation.
Low to low middle classes:59% This class is made up of the menial labor groups and struggling artists which have rose into the lower part of the middle classes and now dominate it but their wealth is not great enough to bring them fame only the greatest artists rise higher than this level and only in prestige. Many farmers and factory workers are benefiting from their recent freedom given to them allowing them to grow their own crops and find their fortunes in the cities.
The main factions come from many of the walks of life in the kingdom each with its own goals.
The Royalists:Mainly devoted to the royalty's new reforms and is made up of the royal family, the lower nobility and a large percentage of the lower classes.
The League of Nobles:Is an unofficial alliance of the highest nobility and most ancient families which control some the core lands in the kingdom but are losing power at a rapid rate because of the new reforms which continue to come forth from the new king.
The Confederation:Is a group of merchants and some of the lowest class which have been working together to increase their power and wealth to allow them to rival the nobility which has been oppressing them for centuries.
Religion(s)/State Religion: There isn't a state religion currently but three religions dominate the nation. A monotheist religion of chivalric order takes root in the lower nobility mainly as it also pertains to the arts of combat and the arts of wit which are needed to be a good merchant so it has even influenced the middle class. While no religion is supported by the royal family the upper nobility remains tied to the order of the light an old crusading religion that lead them to victories of conquest over Surri's early neighbors. The lower classes though follow the same old folk religion that has been a part of their culture for millenniums.
History: The past 100 years of the Kingdom has been filled with change from the industrialism to the reforms of the latest King to free the middle classes and serfs from the oppression of the upper nobility while also establishing loyal knighthoods to protect them. Though the industrialism has lead to the beginning of a standing army and the mass adoption of fire arms in the kingdom the old knights have not fallen many have become the elite core of rifle armed calvary in the kingdom. Meanwhile this has not stopped the imperialist aggressions of the kingdom as it has expanded engulfing the independent vassals of old and ending its feudal system establishing a more absolute monarchy.
Description at Current: Currently the nobility is licking its wounds from the Monarchy's new stance on just about every aspect of the kingdom in its attempts to modernize itself. The lower nobility meanwhile gains power as it retains its loyalty to the royal family. The royal family is growing in strength and support as it turns against the high nobles and supports the down trodden masses. The masses are free and developing into their own with many supporting the monarchy as repayment for their new freedoms.
Nation Name: Thalassocracy of Theti Government Type: Titular Bicarmel Republic Head of State/Ruler: Chief of the Navy Aelias/First Minister of the Marine Acorde Political Factions/Movements/Classes of Society:
There is no doubt that the Thalassocracy of Theti is a democracy. Every five years like clockwork constitutional and democratic procedures are adhered to -- political parties begin to campaign, votes cast, candidates elected and a new house constituted -- but it is important to note that it has one function to approve the First Ministers performance. Sometimes it even gets to set the new benchmarks for the Five Year Plans (it knows in advance what it should write) and occasionally it gets to elect a new First Minister (bayonets ever ready). At the end of the approval process the body is dissolved. The navy always gets what it wants.
The Upper House when its called upon (almost never; there is no constitutional requirement to call it) is half appointed by the First Minister, a quarter elected from the navy with the remainder going to the political parties. Technically it can pass legislation but it would need to be called before it would be allowed to do that. Its not, so there's nothing much it does. It does give the officer holders a nice pay-check. When it is called invariably most of the politicians are long dead and appropriate appointments can be made to ensure unanimity in decision making. A final insurance policy is that only ex-professional-serviceman can vote.
Political Factions:
Formal political parties are not allowed to meet until the campaign season starts every five years. Most of them are pro-military anyway. The few that aren't are watched rather carefully by the Naval Police for potentially deviant behaviours. What exists is usually garden-variety pro-Navy. Why people would feel the need to make there love of the navy explicit is beyond most people...
These have to be expressly non-political in content and are usually ignored by everyone (the admirals) who matter. These are also watched carefully for deviant behaviour. Religious associations, private associations aimed at self betterment or development, veterans groups and cooperatives are usually given a wide ambit in terms of what they can do provided it isn't political in intent.
Classes of Society:
Technically all adult males between 18 & 60 are members of the navy liable for call-up in advent of war. In practice only a fraction of those serve under arms (10%). This doesn't include those who are part of the military but serve in the parallel civilian administration (5%). A substantial swathe serve in the vast merchant marine and its allied industries (20%). Still others work in the trading consortium and there vast holdings (5%). The remainder work in the huge factories that perforate the landscape (30%), on the land in the vast rapidly mechanising farms (30%) or in other functions (10%). This doesn't amount to much because the navy is rather keen on enforcing social egalitarianism by way of punitive taxes. Conversely, it sees nothing wrong with doling our privileges to those loyal to the regime. The closest approximation to class conflict is between the military and the non-military although this is at best muted owing to the simple fact that everyone is at titularly a member of the military and that anyone can join and rise up in the ranks. It is no surprise that strict meritocracy is also employed. Although this doesn't stop a number of old families exercising a disproportionate influence on the navy: more out of skill that anything.
Religion(s)/State Religion:
There is no official religion and this probably owes something to the polyglot nature of the inhabitants of Theti. Official navy policy is ambivalence. That said, cults from all over flourish in the last bastion of intellectual freedom available - religion. It isn't uncommon for Republican ships to be decked out in charms from this cult or that cult; temples and shrines to this dead potentate or that; playing devotional music at all times. Prayers to the safety of the navy are ubiquitous whatever cult the sailors follow.
History (Going back at least a century):
NOTE: Each paragraph is approximately a century in length.
The wars that led to the foundation of Theti are obscure. It isn't entirely clear what happened. The State is at least five-hundred years old now. Originally a refuge from those fleeing the war, it grew to become a great mercantile state. This proved to be a successful model and it began to export its model to other sites spread across the seas. This saw it grow in stature eventually taking over much of the known worlds coastal trade. (The huge land-based empires proved no match for its deft hand at trade and its willingness to fight to extract concessions). In 'The First War' it found out about Imperial overstretch as it was dragged in every direction before finally collapsing in a broken heap.
This proved to be only a temporary set-back as none of its would-be conquers had the least idea how to make money from its commercial enterprises. They had become in the interim dependant upon the revenues it offered them. A number suffered fiscal collapse. The new state that arose from it euphemistically termed the Second Republic set about rebuilding. It was largely successful and still more cities were settled and lands opened up. This time around it made a show of effort to conquer the hinterlands adjoining its cities. This gave it strategic depth and the ability to project its military might in far more profound ways. Theti armies and the navy protected its new-found acquisitions. Unfortunately, it hashed the job of integration and found itself exposed to a series of perpetual wars as its hinterlands rebelled against it. This 'Second War' was again exploited by its larger land-based neighbours and it collapsed once more.
The reconquest this time around took longer and the reintegration of the hinterlands even longer than that. The final result was the compact that allowed the hinterlands and the cities an equal voice. This allowed an economic and cultural efflorescence that later generations would call a Golden Age. The cities were rebuilt on monumental scales with huge land-walls constructed to protect against the hostility of Theti's jealous neighbours. This proved to be highly successful and all manner of commercial practices flourished. The end came progressively as city after city fell to enemy invaders totting around cannons that made short work of the land-walls. The collapse when it came inadvertently set much of the world into economic crisis as the vast trade networks carefully managed by the Theti fell apart.
Fortunately it wasn't all together than large of a collapse. The navy which had grown in prominence and was now wholly professional rallied around the first First Minister of the Marine and proceeded to liberate the cities. This was not always peaceful and the scrounging of Heti and Theti (itself) is usually glossed over. The result was a trading league that had metamorphosed overnight into a military dictatorship designed solely to protect the trade itself. Competition was ruthlessly destroyed and enemy coastal cities were torched. Rebels were brutally massacred. The period ended with the Revolutions a series of attempts by moderate reformers in the navy to restore some semblance of democratic government. This grew to be supported by the vast trading consortium which despite being massively wealthy were effectively closed out of the political process. The Loyalists composed of the hard-liners ultimately escalated what had been a previously amicable discussion into a fully blown war.
Eventually this cumulated in the Battle of Henori where fully a thousand ships clashed. Moderate forces ultimately carried the battle when they employed ships armoured with iron. The Loyalists surrendered when the centre of their line collapsed entirely with fully six huge five deckers sinking in the space of four hours. This even the most significant in Theti history and the significance of technology in winning it inoculated in subsequent an appreciation of what it could achieve. This combined with the significant new position the consortium now had led to Theti becoming the worlds premier largest industrial power (at least that's what it says) with a navy that rapidly became a league of its own not only in terms of size and quality but also in technology. This fed into its land based weapons ultimately cumulating in a series of unexpected triumphs on the ground fighting against the 'old' terrestrial based enemies.
In the time since Henori the consortium have been incorporated into the formal government structure. It isn't entirely clear where the one ends and the other begins. The consortium do keep a low profile and leave the navy to run affairs but the two are inextricably linked inseparably. A number of curious factors have crystallised as well. The Hinterland/City divide has ceased to be significant for either party. Political parties have been thoroughly discredited. Even politics is viewed as something dirty. The navy's position has become unassailable. And the economy has continued to grow. On the whole the situation remains bright. But it is only time before one of the old enemies get uppity again and the populace must be mobilised to man the fortresses and the navy must be called upon to shell the gibbering hordes.
Description at Current:
A thalassocracy with cities spread all over the world and an effective monopoly over much of the worlds trade. It has thrived largely because its large number of neighbours are all flat footed autocracies with naff' all commercial ability. Its cities are increasingly militarised and are surrounded by massive breastworks and bastions from which phenomenally large numbers of artillery pieces poke out of. The dominant entity in society is the navy which is composed of technologically vastly superior ships and lots of them. Almost wholly defensive in attitude and fanatical on the defence it has few to no ambitions on land. This hasn't stopped it developing something approaching a pathological dislike of its neighbours. Standard operating procedure involves punitive reprisals. Its best to avoid the coast when the Republican navy is out in force.
I'd say that cavalry should be 5 times as cheap as infantry. They still require training and you still need to purchase weapons and a horse. I'd say maybe 2 for one EP sounds slightly better. Just a recommendation.
Hence it being a recommendation, not a fact I'm not exactly an expert, so nobody should listen to what I have to say on the matter.
But I would be interested in what you think the prices should be, in a non-sarcastic or mean way, since you probably know more about this stuff than I.
I'm just gonna erase this post and say this never happned.... I'm not that creative, and in NES'es where you have to make up a country just don't work for me because, as I said before, I'm not very creative. So let's just say this never happned........
Nation Name: The Republic
Government: Federal Republic
Head of State/Ruler: Cheif of State Jacen Solo/ Supreme Commander Palpatine
Political Factions/Movements/Classes of Society: The Upper Class
The upper class of the Republic consist of the highest, most important people in society. Including Generals, The Chief of State, Supreme Commander, and other senetors, and or other important people. This class of society has the higest tax pay, and income. Lower Class
This class includes the slaves, serfs, poor people, ect. This class has the lowest tax pay, but the lowest income per capita.
Religion(s)/State Religion:
The Republic follows the Jedi religon. The Jedi are a unique group that can't be accesed by just any being. The Jedi are one with this mysterious thing called the Force, which causes them to have amazing powers and abilities.
History (Going back at least a century):
The Republic was formed as a result of numorous wars along a moderently sized island in the North Eastern part of the world. The wars that were fought on the island that the citizens call the Galexey, lasted for centuries with high casuties. Then, the people ralled under Lord Hoth and finally destoryed the last remains of the heathins. Ever since then, The Republic has lived a quiet and prosperous life.
Description at Current:
For the last 1,000 years, the Republic has been groing prosperously and evermore expanding.
Nation Name: The Republic
Government: Federal Republic
Head of State/Ruler: Cheif of State Jacen Solo/ Supreme Commander Palpatine
Political Factions/Movements/Classes of Society: The Upper Class
The upper class of the Republic consist of the highest, most important people in society. Including Generals, The Chief of State, Supreme Commander, and other senetors, and or other important people. This class of society has the higest tax pay, and income. Lower Class
This class includes the slaves, serfs, poor people, ect. This class has the lowest tax pay, but the lowest income per capita.
Religion(s)/State Religion:
The Republic follows the Jedi religon. The Jedi are a unique group that can't be accesed by just any being. The Jedi are one with this mysterious thing called the Force, which causes them to have amazing powers and abilities.
History (Going back at least a century):
The Republic was formed as a result of numorous wars along a moderently sized island in the North Eastern part of the world. The wars that were fought on the island that the citizens call the Galexey, lasted for centuries with high casuties. Then, the people ralled under Lord Hoth and finally destoryed the last remains of the heathins. Ever since then, The Republic has lived a quiet and prosperous life.
Description at Current:
For the last 1,000 years, the Republic has been groing prosperously and evermore expanding.
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