Long turns

#1 Person

The Cow
Jun 15, 2003
In a grassy knoll with internet
I am playing a game. but unfortunatly my ally is sending large hords of men near my cities and it takes forever to end a computer turn.
i spend 5/6 of my time warcthing the computer move, ( i acculy timed it once 320 to 50 seconds about)
I looked in prefences no answer
Is there a way in the game or out of the game to change this
Originally posted by denogaret
You can also press the "shift" on your keyboard during the computer turn...

After a year+ of playing, I discovered that like 2 weeks ago.

Learn somethin new everyday :crazyeye:
Originally posted by WildFire

After a year+ of playing, I discovered that like 2 weeks ago.

Learn somethin new everyday :crazyeye:

I have been playing Civ3 since it came out but I also learned it now. :crazyeye:
what does 'shift' do?? what does 'shift' do??... u got my curiousity up... wish i have civ3 right now... :p
3 years of playing only to find about this "shift" business while reading this post!
We never stop learning!!! :)

(on the other hand, i usually like to watch what the AI's are doing...)
LOL, one time I had a huge-ass long turn. It must have taken ten minutes or so. The Egyptians were attacking the Babylonians' four cities. They had must have been fifty or sixty standing trooops and they took out all four cities in one turn. It was particularly annoying because not everything was railroaded and the game was slowed down when they were going from railroad to road.

Now that is what i call awesome!
Never had the chance to see that much of an AI military concentration in my games! (most of them end early in the modern era)
Originally posted by erix

I have been playing Civ3 since it came out but I also learned it now. :crazyeye:

I also leant this "shift thing" today. We never stop learning my friend . :lol:
What does Shift do? Just stop showing all computer moves?

BTW, I reccomend to leave "See Enemy Moves" on but turn "See Friend Moves" off in a war situation. I learned that the hard way, when Egypt (my ally) moved 20 minutes worth of troops through my territory, but then I missed the important enemy moves while I visted the bathroom.

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