i tried to look at your save and got a runtime error. any ideas?
i like running up the aesthetics and lit path, but probably wouldn't declare a war because an ai didn't pay. but when the ai has twice the number of cities as you, usually a war of conquest is a good move. anyway, both those techs are good for trades. but you have to hope that the ai goes for alphabet early, among other things.
i keep spacing out; watching "greatest tanks ever" on the military channel.
so why can't i open this save?
elephants are probably a pretty good city defender, unless they've got pikes. but the ai usually only makes one coordinated offensive on the player before it totally loses focus and starts sending troops at you one at a time. defending captured cities can usually be accomplised by whipping angry new citizens.
"The best techs to start with for any non-religious strategy are worker techs. Bigger more developed cities are better for longer term research plans than a cheap tech like mysticism." i would put an asterisk by this. so, building riverside cottages is really great for financial civs- like maya or mali- and any charismatic leader gets more from agriculture, and lots of other stuff. and, of course, it depends on the map.
waging war early means less war weariness. go and tear up the rest of the ai cities- those you don't intend to keep- with a knight/xbow/pike raider team. this would also work as a horse archer/xbow/spearman team; it is sufficient as the latter, *indestuctable as the former.
do huge marathon games require many more units, in general? i've never finished a game like this, win or lose.
but now, journalist peter snow recounts the key moments of the tet offensive.