[Looking for feedback/ideas] The Pirates Civilization (Multiple Leaders)


May 18, 2013
Hey! I'm thinking of dabbling with modding a complete civilization, and I thought why not throw this idea out there. I understand that naval combat and naval domination isn't particularly strong or useful atm, but who knows. Also,the idea is to create a civ with no clear end-goal. You basically roleplay pirates!

City List: Each leader starts with a different city (their home city). All subsequent cities are randomized.

Civilization ability - Brethen of the coast
Starts with a captain unit. Incoming trade routes from other civilizations grant increased gold. Pillaging trade route grants increased gold.

Unique Unit: Captain
Cannot be trained/created.
Passive - Grants all nearby naval units +5 combat bonus against other naval units. Grants all nearby land units +5 combat bonus against other land units. Can be killed.

Unique Unit: Bucaneer
Replaces Swordsman, Does not require iron. Grants increased yields when pillaging. Pillaging movement cost reduced.


Leader 1: Ching Shih
City: ZhuHai

Ability: Red Flag Fleet
Forms fleets earlier. Destroying coastal encampments, coastal cities and barbarian naval units create a naval raider unit before the Modern era.

Agenda: Queen of the East Sea
Hates civs with high gold and high trade route counts. Likes civs with trade routes to Ching Shih's cities.

Unique unit: Junk
Replaces Privateer. Cheaper, slightly lower combat power.


Leader 2: Hayreddin Barbossa
City: Algiers

Ability: The Savior of Mudejar
Units trained in newly conquered cities with a different dominant religion starts with increased exp gain bonus

Agenda: The Pasha of Algiers
Prioritizes Naval power and conquering cities. Hates civs with coastal cities and civs with low district counts.

Unique Units:

Mudejar - Replaces Swordsman/Bucaneer
Requires Iron. Grants increased yields when pillaging. Gains combat bonus against units from civilizations of a different main religion.

Algiers Quarter - Replaces Dockyards
Increased production bonus when building naval melee and naval ranged units


Leader 3: John Hawkins
City: Plymouth

Ability: The Queen's Slave Trader
Pillaging Trade Routes create a worker unit. Can disband worker units in city-states for a large sum of gold.

Agenda: Triangle Trade
Prioritizes Naval power and trade. Hates civs with high gold and high trade route counts. Likes civs with trade routes to John Hawkins' cities.

Unique Units:
Galleon - Replaces Frigate
Has +1 movement and +5 combat power more than a Frigate.


Leader 4: Henry Morgan
City: Port Royal

Ability: Governor of Jamaica
Units stationed inside cities gain +2 combat power. Units near coastlines gain + 3 combat power. Artillery units attacking naval units gain + 5 combat power.

Prioritizes artillery and naval power. Hates civs with high gold and high trade route counts. Likes civs with trade routes to John Hawkins' cities.

Unique improvement: Distillery
Generates +1 gold for each nearby luxury resource. + 1 production for each nearby bonus resource.

[Need ideas.]

Surprisingly, it's the more famous few that are harder to come up with ideas. These are the next few leaders that I would really like to discuss:

- Edward Teach (Blackbeard; Scourge of the West Indies)
- Francis Drake (likely something to do with letter of Marque)
- William Dampier (Biologist, explorer, known for cataloging the fauna of Australia)
- Kunjali Marakkar (4 successive Indian Ocean pirate lords that defeated the Portuguese. Base: Puthpattanam)
- Wangzhi (Chinese pirate leader based in Goto, Japan. Led what was to be known as the Wokou - Japanese pirates.)
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