Looking for information on roads


Jul 21, 2010
Grand Rapids, Mi
I am trying to nail down a few bugs in my mod and one that has been pestering me is how roads are detailed in the game.

What XML controls the roads positions and angles? How does one control a direction, path, or entrance or exit of a road?

If I wanted not to have roads laid down in my towns, is there a control I could turn off?

If anyone has knowledge of the XML, python, or SDK files that contain road info, I am interested in reading about them.
I'm not sure if I'm answering your question but the graphics for roads are located in "Assets\Art\Terrain\Routes\Roads". As far as I know the nif files in that folder determine how the roads appear including merging with other roads etc. There is an XML file that controls some aspects of roads called "Assets\XML\Misc\CIV4RouteInfos.xml" but it doesn't do the things that you want.
I am aware of those two xmls. I was hoping to find some secret little nugget stashed away somewhere else -- something that turned on and off town graphics for all roads.

EDIT: I found reference to some files in the SDK called CvCity (.cpp, & .h). I located them in the CDGameCoreDLL and would like to change them

Question: Can I just alter these files with Wordpad and that is done and good. Or do I have to recompile these files into some integrated DLL file? I am completely a noob here and any help would be appreciated.
Look at the associated schema file for all the possible tags for roads. You can use any plain word editor
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