I beleive that there are websites for that...but I'll try to outline Chess in a Nutshell.
Chess is played on an 8 x 8 squared "Checkerboard". Each of the two players control 16 peices arranged on their side of the board: 8 Pawns (P), 2 Rooks (R), 2 Knights (N), 2 Bishops (B), 1 Queen (Q), and 1 King (K).
..A B C D E F G H
8|R|N|B|Q|K|B|N|R| --- Black's Side
7|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P| /
6| | | | | | | | |
5| | | | | | | | |
4| | | | | | | | |
3| | | | | | | | |
2|P|P|P|P|P|P|P|P| \
1|R|N|B|Q|K|B|N|R| --- White's Side
(The numbers and [A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H] are Algebreic Notation, the way that you play online...more about that later)
The goal of the game, simply put, is to "capture" the opponent's King. This is done with a "Checkmate", or "cornering the King".
Each peice is very different in appearance, purpose, and movement.
1. The Pawn is the most complicated IMO. Normally, it moves one space forward. However, if it is its first move, it can move two spaces. For it to "Capture" another peice (remove it from play), it the attacked peice must be diagnol from the pawn.
| |R|*|N| |
| | |P| | |
| | | | | |
In the above example, the Pawn has the option of either capturing the Rook or the Knight OR it can move one space forward (marked by the asterick *).
The other way that a Pawn can capture is by En Passant. A pawn can capture another pawn if it had just used its move-forward-by-two starting move. It can do this just as if it had only moved one. I can't properly explain this without use of images, but En Passant occurs so rarely (and needed even more rarely) that you probably won't ever encounter it. Remember that you cannot capture your own peice. When a peice is captured, it is removed from play.
The last quality of a pawn is its transformation ability. If a pawn ever happens to reach the other side of a board, it has the ability to change either into a Rook, a Knight, a Bishop, or a Queen. Since a Queen is a combination of a Rook and a Bishop, it is often the choice. However, a Knight can get you out of touch situations like stalemates.
2. The Rook is much simpler than the pawn. It can move horizontally or vertically as many spaces as it can before it bumps into another peice. In order to capture, all it must do is land on another peice.
..A B C D E F G H
8| | | | | | | | |
7| | | | | | | | |
6| | | |P| | | | |
5| | | |*| | | | |
4| | | |*| | | | |
3|N|*|*|R|*|*|B| |
2| | | |*| | | | |
1| | | |B| | | | |
(In the above example, the Rook can capture the Pawn, the Knight, and the two Bishops)
3. The Knight is fairly simple. It can move in "L" shapes. Something special about it is that it can jump over other peices. However, it cannot land on your own peices. If it lands on your opponent's peices, that peice is captured.
..A B C D E F G H
8| | | | | | | | |
7| | | | | | | | |
6| | | |*| |Q| | |
5| | |*|R| | |*| |
4| | | | |N| | | |
3| | |*|B|B| |*| |
2| | | |*| |*| | |
1| | | | | | | | |
(In the above example, the Knight can move to any of the Starred spaces, and it can capture the Queen.)
4. The Bishop is almost the opposite of the Rook - It can move only diagnols. This limits its movements, for example. A bishop taht starts on a black square will stay on a black square for the rest of the game, and same for the white square bishop.
..A B C D E F G H
8| | | | | | | |*|
7|P| | | | | |*| |
6| |*| | | |*| | |
5| | |*| |*| | | |
4| | | |B| | | | |
3| | |*| |*| | | |
2| |R| | | |*| | |
1| | | | | | |N| |
(In the above example, the Bishop can capture the Pawn, the Rook, or the Knight, and it can land on any of the Starred spaces)
5. The Queen is basically a combination of the Bishop and the Rook. It is your most powerful peice.
..A B C D E F G H
8|*| | |*| | |*| |
7| |*| |*| |*| | |
6| | |*|*|*| | | |
4| | |*|*|*| | | |
3| |*| |*| |*| | |
2|*| | |*| | |*| |
1| | | |*| | | |*|
(Heh...anything standing in the way of that Queen is in trouble)
6. The King is your most important peice. If it is captured or cornered, you loose. Immediately. If your King is even in danger of being captured, you must get it out. If you cannot, then you loose.
However, your King is also weak. It can only move 1 space in any direction.
..A B C D E F G H
8| | | | | | | | |
7| | | | | | | | |
6| | | | | | | | |
5| | | | | | | | |
4| | | | |*|*|*| |
3| | | | |B|K|*| |
2| | | | |*|*|*| |
1| | | | | | | | |
(In the above example, the King can only to the starred spaces, and can capture the Bishop)
SPECIAL MOVES: Besides En Passant and the Pawn's Transformation, there is the "Castle". It is when the King and the Rook "switch". For this to happen, there must be no peices inbetween, and both teh Rook and the King must never have moved before in the game.
| | | | | |.....| | | | | |
|R|K|R|K| |.....|K|R|K| |R|
(Before Castle, After Castle)
Keep in mind that this should only be used as a defensive move, and you cannot castle while in CHECK.
When a King is in danger of being captured, it is considered a CHECK and the only thing that you are allowed to do for the turn is to get your king out of check by either moving it out of the attacker's path, blocking the attacker, or capturing the attacker.
If by any chance the King cannot get out of check by any of the three ways, it is a CHECKMATE, and the player under attack looses.
..A B C D E F G H
8| | | | | | | | |
7| | | | |R| | | |
6| | | | | | | | |
5| | | | | | | | |
4| |B| | | | | | |
3| | | | | | | | |
2| |N| | |K|P|B| |
1| | | | | | | | |
In this example, the King is in CHECK by the Rook. It cannot move out of the way, it cannot block the attacker, and it cannot capture the attacker, even if the Pawn is on the King's side. This is a CHECKMATE.
Algebreic Notation is the way that we play Chess online. If you have used Graphs in basic Math, you should know how this is. For example, Pe2-e3 would mean moving a pawn from E2 to E3. Bg2xc6 would mean that the Bishop on G2 captures whatever peice is on C6. A move followed by + denotes a Check, a ++ denotes checkmate.
At home, the player physically moves the peices on their own chessboard to correspond with the AN given to them. That way you can play an entire game.
eg. (White moves first, then black)
1. Pe2-e4, Pa7-a5
2. Bf1-c4, Pe7-c6
3. Qd1-h5, Ng8-f6
4. Qh5xf7 ++
(that was an extraordinarily short game, but you get the point.)
well...i'm not very good at explaining things, but here it is.