Looking to hire an Iroquois Vice President


Jan 15, 2003
Welcome aboard! You're already hired. All right, so a Monarchy doesn't exactly allow for Vice Presidencies, but we'll manage. ;)

Here is the situation, my esteemed colleagues. I currently occupy the northern part of this little continent in the year 350 AD on Regent. I have just "persuaded" Rome to give me 13 gold per turn for peace. Spain is currently at war with them and the Greeks. Exempting Spain, all opponents have a RoP and peace with each other.

Other than that, I am currently ho-hum in the head about what to do next. It has been since July that I have saved this, and the strategy that was once shiny and gold has since rotted to forgetful non-memory.

Any ideas? You get a raise if you do a good job.
I think that you should invade the Mongols and then Rome. The Mongols are jungle choked and dont look like they have any resources so it should be easy. Then after you conquer them and Rome you will have a good size territory and can go for whatever type of win you want.
The Mongols being choked off with terrain could make it a slow Conquest. Honestly, I'd leave Rome alone for the moment, given the gpt. The nation I'd put my eye on would be Spain. It looks as if they have supreme terrain and if they're already at war with two other civs, they may be weak enough to be takable.

I think if you were able to knock Spain off, then Greece would be wiped down pretty good and make a good next 'domino'. That would hypothetically give you half the map and probably make the rest easy....

Just my thoughts off of one screenshot though, you're the one playing the game. The Mongols might for all I know be a good incrememntal advancement...
I downloaded your save and took a look. I'm going to change my mind from my earlier post. I'd take out the Mongols and then Rome as silver 2039, said.

Here's my reasoning why: You currently have two luxuries, furs and ivory, IIRC. If you invade the Mongols and then Rome, you'll get your hands on four or five more distinct luxuries (spices, wines, incense, dyes, etc). There's also an unclaimed Gems to your southeast.

Get your hands on those, and you'll have no need for temples/colloseums, etc. If the luxuries in themselves weren't enough for happiness needs, marketplaces would be with that much hooked up.
The Mongols have Spices and Dyes pretty close to you. They would be first. Hit Karkorum, Kazan and Tabriz in a three pronged attack. Then get the forces from Karkorum and Kazan to Ta-To as quick as you can. When thats taken sue for peace or go for the last city (me Id anialate them).

Build up your forces and head for Either Rome or Spain, probably Rome by the way things are now cause by them your gpt deal will just about be through. That should set you up nicely in the middle with the optio of taking out whichever side seems easiest.

Spain looks pretty big so id try and get the green guys to prod them in the back and split their forces. If necessary start the war. Dump on the green guys as soon as possible. Wait until Spain has most of its forces beating up the green guys and then hit them hard at the top.
The green ones are the Greeks and Spain is already at war with them...
Whatever military response you decide on, get Rome to ally with you until you and Rome are the last two standing.

Then destroy them at will.
Keep them economically poor...do you have tech to wave as a carrot for alliance?

Start with the Mongol capital, then trade it for other cities. Then re-take the capital.

I think you should invade the Mongols first. Once things have calmed down, reinforce your army and take out the Spaniards. After that, it should be pretty easy.
taking out mongols and then spain is the best strategy, of course.
but even if you wanna play a peaceful game, it will be absolutely necessary to conquer rome as fast as possible, so the spains wont get their territory and become too powerful
then just care for peace between mongols and spain, trade a lot, and the diplomatic or space race victory should be reachable
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