DJ Bonebraker
a.k.a Laura
Ok, I got a wierd idea one day after playing Lord of the Mods, although the general idea has been kicking around in my head for quite some time now (I'm a big fan of crossover fiction): What if, somehow, the factions from the various Final Fantasy games ended up in Arda, particularly Middle Earth during the early Third Age (i.e. right after Sauron was defeated in the epic battle, if I remember my LoTR chronology right)...
Note: This isn't going to be just "The Final Fantasy Mod ported to a Middle Earth map", but an actual fusion of the concepts.
Here are the Middle Earth Factions that are going to be included (and yes, they'll get their alignment-specific techs and wonders, just like the Final Fantasy factions, possibly different ones, and their own unique summoning techs):
Gondor (Good)
Arnor (Good)
Easterlings (Neutral)
Northmen (Good)
Southrons (Neutral)
Isengard (either Neutral or Evil)
Angmar (Evil)
Mordor (Evil)
Rohan (Good)
The Shire (Good or Neutral)
The Dwarves (Good)... As a matter of fact, this faction already, more or less exists
Moriquendi (a.k.a. Wood Elves) (Good)
Noldor (Rivendell) (Good)
Here's a list of current Final Fantasy factions and ones most likely to be cut to make room for the Middle Earth factions:
Light Warriors (G)
Dark Warriors (E)
Fynn Alliance (G)
Paramekian Empire (E)
Sasune (G)
Forbidden Land (E)
Baron (N)
Tycoon (N)
Vector Empire (E)
Returner Alliance (G)
Shinra (E)
Galbadia (E)
Esthar (N)
Garden (G)
Alexandria (N)
Lindblum (G)
Yevon (E)
Al Bhed (G)
Aht Urhgan (N) (Easterlings?)
Bastok (G) (Gondor?)
San d'Oria (G) (Noldor?)
Windhurst (G) (Definitely Shire)
Jeuno (E) (Angmar?)
Orcs (E) (Mordor?)
Dalmasca (G)
Archades (E)
Bervenia (N)
Lesalia (N)
Dwarves (To be modified to their LoTR Equivalent)
Alfitiria (N) (Soutron?)
...and I still need to replace 5 other FF civs to make room for the LoTR factions.
I have the map mostly finished (It's a modified version of the standard Middle Earth Map for Lord of the Mods, but with Tol Fuin, Meneltarmos and the Stone of the Hapless added to the West, and the huge desert area in the Southeast modified into plains and hills).
Basically, the LoTR Civs will have fixed starting locations, and will ALWAYS be in the game, while the Final Fantasy factions will start at a group of additional start points scattered in unpopulated areas of the map to help fill in the gaps quicker and make the game more interesting.
So what do you think of the general idea? Comments, questions, flames, etc welcome.
Note: This isn't going to be just "The Final Fantasy Mod ported to a Middle Earth map", but an actual fusion of the concepts.
Here are the Middle Earth Factions that are going to be included (and yes, they'll get their alignment-specific techs and wonders, just like the Final Fantasy factions, possibly different ones, and their own unique summoning techs):
Gondor (Good)
Arnor (Good)
Easterlings (Neutral)
Northmen (Good)
Southrons (Neutral)
Isengard (either Neutral or Evil)
Angmar (Evil)
Mordor (Evil)
Rohan (Good)
The Shire (Good or Neutral)
The Dwarves (Good)... As a matter of fact, this faction already, more or less exists

Moriquendi (a.k.a. Wood Elves) (Good)
Noldor (Rivendell) (Good)
Here's a list of current Final Fantasy factions and ones most likely to be cut to make room for the Middle Earth factions:
Light Warriors (G)
Dark Warriors (E)
Fynn Alliance (G)
Paramekian Empire (E)
Sasune (G)
Forbidden Land (E)
Baron (N)
Tycoon (N)
Vector Empire (E)
Returner Alliance (G)
Shinra (E)
Galbadia (E)
Esthar (N)
Garden (G)
Alexandria (N)
Lindblum (G)
Yevon (E)
Al Bhed (G)
Dalmasca (G)
Archades (E)
Bervenia (N)
Lesalia (N)
Dwarves (To be modified to their LoTR Equivalent)
...and I still need to replace 5 other FF civs to make room for the LoTR factions.
I have the map mostly finished (It's a modified version of the standard Middle Earth Map for Lord of the Mods, but with Tol Fuin, Meneltarmos and the Stone of the Hapless added to the West, and the huge desert area in the Southeast modified into plains and hills).
Basically, the LoTR Civs will have fixed starting locations, and will ALWAYS be in the game, while the Final Fantasy factions will start at a group of additional start points scattered in unpopulated areas of the map to help fill in the gaps quicker and make the game more interesting.
So what do you think of the general idea? Comments, questions, flames, etc welcome.