Lord of the Rings Civ Pack Part 1: Rohan

The Little One

Sep 18, 2011
This mod adds Rohan from the Lord of the Rings to the game. You might have seen my post in the main C&C forum. If so you'll know that there are 14(ish) more civilizations coming.

By the way, the Rohan civ has 2 unique units as well as a unique building. Their units, trait and buildings mostly focus on horses. (Obviously)

Available at the Downloads section Here

I have completely rebuilt the mod, as a separate mod, not just a separate version. The ModBrowser version now works and there are no problems with having Theoden as an AI. Before playing, you should erase the old version in its entirety or it will clash with the new one

Over 5000 downloads so far! Thanks for all the support everyone!

Spoiler for Rohan details
Spoiler :


Leader: Theoden
Ability: Now for Wrath! - All units receive the Forth Eorlingas promotion which gives a 15% attack bonus

Unit 1: Rohirrim - A faster and more powerful but more expensive knight.
Unit 2: Royal Guard - A powerful Pikeman that has a bonus in friendly land
Building: Mearas Stables - +25% production when building mounted units. +1 production, culture and gold from horses, sheep or cows. Needs one of those resource improved nearby. Replaces stable.

Please do give feedback and tell me if anything isn't working :D

Coming soon: As I've proved before, it will probably change, but hopefully... Dwarves, The Shire, Mordor
My thoughts...

Unique Ability:
Not very worthwhile. Parts sound ok, but any civ deserves something that lasts past the Renaissance especially if they don't have a late game UU/UB.

Maybe this?
Now for wrath!: All Rohan units receive +15% when attacking.

This fits with their ability to fight their way out of tough situations and gives them something to fall back on when the horses go away. I would say guarantee they have horse resources in the start bias, but I don't know if that is a possibility.

Unique Units:
The Rohirrim unit sounds fine. Lots of knight replacements and none of them are stronger. If it's stronger than 20 power and 4 move (or 3 if you keep the +move ability) though it's too much.

The Royal Guard is not some special thing from the book so they can go. Not sure why you would need a second UU anyway. Also, why would you even build them in a game that isn't capped at Medieval since units keep promotions (both good and bad) as they are upgraded.

Unique Building:
The UB is actually an interesting direction. I'd make it +30%, +2 production per stable resource, and +1 gold or +2 culture per stable resource. Even if you just have one stable resource in the radius it works. Heavy stabled cities though become very nice.
Looks nice, a few comments mainly related to the lore.
1. The UA seems to become a bit redundant when combined with the UB. Perhaps their UA could be a modified version of the Aztec UA, where units regenerate some HP after a battle. In-Universe, the Rohirrim often made repeated charges or arrived at very important times (such as Eorl the Young riding to the Aid of Gondor, the repeated charges at the Crossing of the Poros, and the repeated charges at the Battle of the Pellenor Fields). Giving them a version of blitz/regenerate some combat damage could show that.
2. The mounted UU seems nice, but perhaps the unique part could be that it doesn't require any resources at all.
3. I'm not a big fan of the foot UU, mainly because Rohan, despite being descended from the Northmen, weren't well known for their infantry. If memory serves in the books the only standing infantry unit in Rohan were the Helmingas, or the guards of Helms Deep. Perhaps if you move the Rohirrim (I personaly would change the name to Riders of the Mark) to Horsemen and add in a new UU for the knight entitled "Guards of the Kings House". This would represent the kings personal guard which are indicated to be the best horsemen in Middle Earth, surpassed only by the Elves.
4. UB looks nice, no complaints. I would however reccomend a name change though. Mearas were very rare and only ridden by the Kings of the Mark (or Gandalf). Having one in every city seems a bit overkill.

I'm looking forward to seeing Gondor though! (Don't forget, Gondor was a maritime power. Under the ship-kings Gondor stretched from Umbar to Arnor. Giving them a naval UU could be interesting.)
My thoughts...

Unique Ability:
Not very worthwhile. Parts sound ok, but any civ deserves something that lasts past the Renaissance especially if they don't have a late game UU/UB.

Maybe this?
Now for wrath!: All Rohan units receive +15% when attacking.

This fits with their ability to fight their way out of tough situations and gives them something to fall back on when the horses go away. I would say guarantee they have horse resources in the start bias, but I don't know if that is a possibility.

Unique Units:
The Rohirrim unit sounds fine. Lots of knight replacements and none of them are stronger. If it's stronger than 20 power and 4 move (or 3 if you keep the +move ability) though it's too much.

The Royal Guard is not some special thing from the book so they can go. Not sure why you would need a second UU anyway. Also, why would you even build them in a game that isn't capped at Medieval since units keep promotions (both good and bad) as they are upgraded.

Unique Building:
The UB is actually an interesting direction. I'd make it +30%, +2 production per stable resource, and +1 gold or +2 culture per stable resource. Even if you just have one stable resource in the radius it works. Heavy stabled cities though become very nice.

Ability: That's a really good idea actually. I might well change that.
Rohirrim: You're right. I think I'll take away maybe 2 strength and 1 speed to make them less powerful
Royal Guard: The reason I put 2 Unique Units is so that it would be evenly matched against the other planned Civs, which had lots of units that I wanted to include. Maybe I'll take them out then, or follow Ajidica's suggestions.
As for the building, I might change it while I'm changing the other stuff, I might not.

Looks nice, a few comments mainly related to the lore.
1. The UA seems to become a bit redundant when combined with the UB. Perhaps their UA could be a modified version of the Aztec UA, where units regenerate some HP after a battle. In-Universe, the Rohirrim often made repeated charges or arrived at very important times (such as Eorl the Young riding to the Aid of Gondor, the repeated charges at the Crossing of the Poros, and the repeated charges at the Battle of the Pellenor Fields). Giving them a version of blitz/regenerate some combat damage could show that.
2. The mounted UU seems nice, but perhaps the unique part could be that it doesn't require any resources at all.
3. I'm not a big fan of the foot UU, mainly because Rohan, despite being descended from the Northmen, weren't well known for their infantry. If memory serves in the books the only standing infantry unit in Rohan were the Helmingas, or the guards of Helms Deep. Perhaps if you move the Rohirrim (I personaly would change the name to Riders of the Mark) to Horsemen and add in a new UU for the knight entitled "Guards of the Kings House". This would represent the kings personal guard which are indicated to be the best horsemen in Middle Earth, surpassed only by the Elves.
4. UB looks nice, no complaints. I would however reccomend a name change though. Mearas were very rare and only ridden by the Kings of the Mark (or Gandalf). Having one in every city seems a bit overkill.

I'm looking forward to seeing Gondor though! (Don't forget, Gondor was a maritime power. Under the ship-kings Gondor stretched from Umbar to Arnor. Giving them a naval UU could be interesting.)

1. Maybe, it seems quite similar to Feyd's suggestion. I could make his idea weaker and add yours in with it
2. A Horse unit that doesn't need a horse? Slightly odd idea but it would be very nice.
3. Interesting idea, but I still think a non-mounted unique unit would be good.
4. I'll rename it. How about 'Stables of Rohan'

As for Gondor, I haven't planned a naval unit, but Numenor will probably have some naval-focused unit and abilities. Have you got any ideas for a naval one? By the Way, the next release will also contain Isengard and the Elves. Isengard will mostly be focused on building a powerful army, fast. The Elves will be focused on Culture
3. Interesting idea, but I still think a non-mounted unique unit would be good.
Any particular reasoning for that?
4. I'll rename it. How about 'Stables of Rohan'
Possibly. I'll check the books to see if anything is suggested. Perhaps something involving Eorl the Young?

As for Gondor, I haven't planned a naval unit, but Numenor will probably have some naval-focused unit and abilities.
Our of curiosity, what age will the mod take place in? Having Numenor coexist with Gondor/Arnor isn't really following the established timeline if you are making a scenario.
Have you got any ideas for a naval one?
Lets see. The Fourth Age Total War mod team has the Gonorian naval units as Numerarr, Palaran, or Alcarondas (going from small ship to big ship). My prefered name is Alcarondas because the massive ships were where Gondor excelled.
By the Way, the next release will also contain Isengard and the Elves. Isengard will mostly be focused on building a powerful army, fast. The Elves will be focused on Culture
Sounds neat. An idea for Isengard is to include Dunlending Tribesmen. In the books Dunlendings make up most of the force Saruman invades Rohan with. They could provide the numbers for the Isengard army with the Uruk-Hai providing the backbone.
As for the Elves, will you be splitting them into different groupings? The Elves in Lothlorien and Mirkwood weren't the same type of Elves as those who lived in Rivendell and the Grey Havens.

By the way, have either of you downloaded it yet? If you have, are there any bugs that you can find?
I actualy can't download it as I don't have Civ5 on my laptop (it can't handle it) but I have it on my desktop at home (which I don't have access to).
1. Any particular reasoning for that?

2. Our of curiosity, what age will the mod take place in? Having Numenor coexist with Gondor/Arnor isn't really following the established timeline if you are making a scenario.

3. Lets see. The Fourth Age Total War mod team has the Gonorian naval units as Numerarr, Palaran, or Alcarondas (going from small ship to big ship). My prefered name is Alcarondas because the massive ships were where Gondor excelled.

4. Sounds neat. An idea for Isengard is to include Dunlending Tribesmen. In the books Dunlendings make up most of the force Saruman invades Rohan with. They could provide the numbers for the Isengard army with the Uruk-Hai providing the backbone.
As for the Elves, will you be splitting them into different groupings? The Elves in Lothlorien and Mirkwood weren't the same type of Elves as those who lived in Rivendell and the Grey Havens.

I actualy can't download it as I don't have Civ5 on my laptop (it can't handle it) but I have it on my desktop at home (which I don't have access to).

1. Err... fine, I'll change it to a mounted unit then
2. At the moment I'm just adding civilizations so there's no set age. When I get round to making scenarios I'll do separate ones according to age
3. That sounds great. I'll probably replace a Frigate with that then
4. Nice idea about the Dunlendings, and the Uruk-Hai were already planned along with a Warg Rider unit to replace Horsemen. As for the Elves, I thought about making them just as one for now and then making a Scenario like the Polynesian one where there are different kingdoms

Would you be interested in looking at my plans for the Civs and units and giving me some advice? I have an Excel spreadsheet outlining the details for all the Civs
1. Err... fine, I'll change it to a mounted unit then
I just want to make sure you didn't take my inquiry into your reasoning as a condemnation of it. There is nothing wrong with keeping the other Rohan UU as an infantry unit.
Would you be interested in looking at my plans for the Civs and units and giving me some advice? I have an Excel spreadsheet outlining the details for all the Civs
Sure, PM me or just post it here.
I just want to make sure you didn't take my inquiry into your reasoning as a condemnation of it. There is nothing wrong with keeping the other Rohan UU as an infantry unit.

Sure, PM me or just post it here.

Yeah, I think it's important for each civ to have something you can build without resources, and since the Rohirrim and Stables both do, I'll keep it. I might change the name to Helmingas though, since they played a more prominent role in the books (and obviously I'll change the icon and description)

Thanks a lot, I'll PM you soon with the details of the next 3 civs :)
I suppose that 975 downloads and very few replies must mean there's nothing badly wrong with it and people are mostly satisfied...?[/QUOTE said:
Well I really like it :D
Well I really like it :D

Thanks! (and I'm at 1062 now, I can't say I was expecting that)

As for the next release, I'll release the 3 together on the mod browser but I might give certain people who are interested the individual civs to test before the actual release. Would you be interested in that?
I would, but I don't know a whole lot about this stuff... I used to do my own personal XML mods with CIV but its been a while. I've only just recently decided to take up modding on CiV so it might take me a while to get a hang of it. (Mainly because CiV is much more sensative than CIV and will screw up way easier :()
I would, but I don't know a whole lot about this stuff... I used to do my own personal XML mods with CIV but its been a while. I've only just recently decided to take up modding on CiV so it might take me a while to get a hang of it. (Mainly because CiV is much more sensative than CIV and will screw up way easier :()

You don't get it... I mean, would you be interested in testing the mod before release to check for bugs and stuff like that, no modding skills required :D
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