Lord of The Rings map (beta)


Dec 23, 2001
Well, I posted this in the forums where I normally hang out, but I got no real response, so I figured, I have to go to the source ;):

Alright, I couldn't find a LotR map for Civ3 (nor did I look very hard either...), so I decided to make my own.

This map (520k) is still in beta. I want some feedback. I got the general outline pretty well, shoreline and all. All places are more or less the same distance from each other as in the map.

What I need help/feedback on:
-I haven't placed any resources anywhere, and apart from a few, I dont know where to put the stuff. Like, other than horses in Rohan and Iron in the iron hills, nothing much else is specified.
-Most of the map is too plain...I put down all the rivers, hills and mountains that were on the map, yet that left a lot of open space...suggestions welcome...

Anyway, here is the map I used (2mb JPG), nice and detailed, and here is my map (520k). I suggest you just open it in the editor, since its not fit for playing yet.

Map I used

My Civ3 map.

Opps, I jsut read the mini SS thing.
This is based on a map of Middle Earth. Since I have no clue how Tolkien really imaged Middle Earth, this is my interpretation. This is a very hard map to totally conquer. Try to stay away from the eastern-most part of the map unless you have a huge army! Oh yeah, the resources aren't equal so you might want to expand as much as possible... Have fun!


  • chad wright's middle earth (sorda).zip
    54.4 KB · Views: 1,279
It takes a while to load if you have a slow computer, there's so much stuff on it. Ill try and get it down to where it doesn't take forever to load...
I also made a map of Middle Earth. But i'm an absolute newbie at doing stuff.
How do i make it into a zip file and how do i take a screenshot? I know where the mini map comes up after you retire, but then what?
Originally posted by God
I also made a map of Middle Earth. But i'm an absolute newbie at doing stuff.
How do i make it into a zip file and how do i take a screenshot? I know where the mini map comes up after you retire, but then what?

The program WinZip will zip files for you. Some where I saw a thread or in a thread on how to get the map shots. I can't remember where though, almost seems to me it was Marla that explained it. I would guess you could take a screen shot, using the print screen key, import the file into a program that handles that type of file and crop it Could be easier then that, dunno. As I recall the thread this was discussed in was talking about the editor not have a mini-map and how people got a print out to help do the maps.
Hey, Marty, have you finished your non-beta LOTD map yet? I'd love to use it! It looks good so far.
Well, some thoughts on resources:

Put iron in the Misty Mountains, around Moria, and maybe gold to simulate Mithril.

There should be gold in the Blue Mountains.

Gems at Helm's Deep..

Ivory in Harad / Khand, spices in the southfarthing (well, pipeweed isn't _exactly_ a spice, but it's close :) ), wines in ... Dorwinion? South Gondor?

Furs in the Mirkwood, and maybe some places west of the Misty Mountains..

Silks ... Lorien?

Incense would have to be in the east..

Dyes... <shrug>

You'll just have to put the more advanced strategic resources wherever you please, since they're out of the time period. Hmm.. I would suggest putting lots of coal and iron in Mordor, though :)
Somebody start a new thread when the map is FINISHED.

BTW, just saw the movie - superb!
You really have no conception of what strategic resources are for...do you?
I would be better if it was not only a small part of middle earth, but also included the rest of middle earth, plus The Undying Lands and Numenor. I was planning on doing such a map myself, but at the rate I do things, it would never get done. I was planning on using the map found in A Tolkien Bestiary by David Day, and Tolkiens own maps(found in the Hobbit, LOR, And Silmarilian and other books) for the details. But once again, it would never be finished.
Here is a thought.... don't put resources like oil, etc in the map.
Think of it this way. The only way to really play it is creating a mod where all the techs, civs, units are middle earth. I dont know if u can change resource names either though. I have a mac w/ no editor yet :( But it would totally defile the map to even think of having an industrial age.

My thoughts would be also that there would be more defined medieval techs so possibly the closest to industrial would be a mill.
Yeah but still some of the industrial era units would come to be because they don't require anything(riflemen etc.).

What we could do is to get some very talented unit graphic man and replace all the older units we got such as riflemen with nationalism and instead put in ranger for ex.
Well the only true way to do it is to rename all the techs to m.e. techs.
Change all units to me.e units.
A suggestion would be to first do a scenario of the first age. since thats when primarily all the research happened and a more civ like situatiion is present.

If possible (not sure) cause an event to end the first age evealing the latter half of the tree which the rings of power could be in. I havent used an editor yet but hopefully they still have event support like civ 2 had.

If not ***** at Firaxis they said for the mod community to give em feedback
hence here's a chance to get a more dramatic civ!!!!
Just a folow up to see how the scenario and map are coming along.
I think that a Middle Earth map is a great idea. It's something I've started doing many times, but was never able to finish (I rarely finish projects that I start :crazyeye: ) I have to agree, any modern resources (oil, uranium, etc.) just wouldn't work on a Middle Earth map (Hobbits with nukes? :confused: ) Of course this means screwing with the game (in the editor, I assume), by changing the tech tree or something. I'd be hapy to help with information (actually doin stuff isn't a good idea, unless you don't need it done until next year :lol: ) Anyway, if you need any information, you can email me at strider2k2@aol.com, like I said, I'd be happy to help. Here are some good maps of Middle Earth http://www.tlotr.com/middle_earth/middle_earth_map.htm :goodjob:
For anyone who wishes to make a LOTR map I must recommend that they purchase or check out from a library Karen Wynn Fonstadt's "Atlas of Middle Earth." It is the most detailed set of maps there are and will contain a lot of the information that a Civ III map designer will need.
Add Beren as a King unit for some Adain. You never have fun without him.
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