Civilization: Netherlands
Leader: William
Difficulty: Sid
Map: 60% water archipelago
Temperate: Normal
Age: 4 billion years
Climate: Average
Barbs: Random
Default conditions except Cultural Link and Respawn are OFF.
I didn't take the first start, because I wasnted at least ONE two food tile in our opening 9 -- it was a horrible tundra start that would've been a challenge on Emperor in all likelihood. Second start isn't ideal (no bonus food), but we're going with it.
Move worker north and spot nothing interesting, so I found on the starting square. Being on a river and on the ocean gives us quite a center square to our city -- 3 food, 1 shield, 4 commerce. I start min run on Writing, because min is all we're able to research, considering tech costs are 2.5 times "normal regent" values. And we begin a warrior.
3800 -- First Sid warrior I've ever built. Looks like all the others. Guess I'd better try a curragh next, to get something different. That completes in 3600 and I begin a granary because we look to be FAR from everyone. No contact, no barbs, no huts, no nothing. TOO quiet in a way.
By 3000 BC, we still got NADA, but our granary is almost complete. And we have a lot of cash.
And a lot of map....
[Note a sugar, a curragh, and some tobacco, I believe.]
And a roster, whose order will be determined by who claims it next from the list of crazies who've already signed up (home connection is slow, so I will look up and edit tomorrow).
Leader: William
Difficulty: Sid
Map: 60% water archipelago
Temperate: Normal
Age: 4 billion years
Climate: Average
Barbs: Random
Default conditions except Cultural Link and Respawn are OFF.
I didn't take the first start, because I wasnted at least ONE two food tile in our opening 9 -- it was a horrible tundra start that would've been a challenge on Emperor in all likelihood. Second start isn't ideal (no bonus food), but we're going with it.

Move worker north and spot nothing interesting, so I found on the starting square. Being on a river and on the ocean gives us quite a center square to our city -- 3 food, 1 shield, 4 commerce. I start min run on Writing, because min is all we're able to research, considering tech costs are 2.5 times "normal regent" values. And we begin a warrior.
3800 -- First Sid warrior I've ever built. Looks like all the others. Guess I'd better try a curragh next, to get something different. That completes in 3600 and I begin a granary because we look to be FAR from everyone. No contact, no barbs, no huts, no nothing. TOO quiet in a way.
By 3000 BC, we still got NADA, but our granary is almost complete. And we have a lot of cash.
And a lot of map....

[Note a sugar, a curragh, and some tobacco, I believe.]
And a roster, whose order will be determined by who claims it next from the list of crazies who've already signed up (home connection is slow, so I will look up and edit tomorrow).