Once again, "stolen" from Sirian's great thread and modified for our purposes.
This is the Shadow Thread for Arathorn's Training Day Game.
* We're going to have some blurred results because of players finding out things in their versions of the game when they explore in different directions and do different things. This will lead to foreknowledge of some game data that would not be accessible in a normal game. This is unavoidable here, but I ask that players give thought to this and make whatever effort they deem appropriate to base their decisions on what is known in the Official Game. Don't bend over backward, just... pay attention. We are aiming here more at learning than winning, but you don't want to get used to having bonus information.
* We're going to have lots of confusion about this, and also more "contamination" from "alternate timelines" if I try to run everything in one thread. Therefore, I have concluded (Well, followed the lead of those smarter than I) that I should run ONLY the Official Game in the original LotR3 thread, and open a shadow thread for everything else.
* The LotR3 thread is for the Official Game. What shall be posted there is the reports and results of the player who is Up on each turn, along with my critique and any questions and answers players have in regard to those results.
* This thread will handle everything else, including the turn reports of all players not Up on that turn, all critiques of these reports, and even my own reports from my shadow turns.
* Players who are UP should avoid reading any further in the shadow thread once others start posting shadow reports from the same turn. IE, it's OK to refer back to the shadow thread as a reference, but I ask that you not do so when you're Up, especially in regard to finding out what others have done on the turn you're about to play, so that your official turn results will be as "pure" as you can manage under these conditions.
Everybody is shadowing the game but not part of the Roster, or who in on the Roster but NOT currently "Up", should post their turn reports here. This will include me, when I am not Up.
As for how to post files with your reports, there are a few simple steps.
1) Please identify your savegames. This is ESSENTIAL, so that nobody ever gets files confused. That could waste a lot of time and cause major hassles. Please adopt the follow convention:
Official Turns: no need to do anything special. Just "Hiawatha of the Iroquois, ###year" is OK. As would be lotr3-iroquois-####year. For OFFICIAL TURNS ONLY.
Shadow Turns: Name them "lotr3-shadow-MyName-###year.sav"
IMPORTANT: if your savegame doesn't observe the naming protocol and you post a shadow turn with another name, I will almost assuredly NOT deal with that file, and you will not get any feedback on that turn. No second chances, so do what is appropriate to remind yourself. This is important to SAVE TIME and preserve our energies for the game instead of wasting them on sorting files that are inadequately labeled.
2) Please identify all files related to this game in the following formats:
For Official Turns: gamename-civ-date.extension
For Shadow Turns: gamename-shadow-yourname-date.extension
as above, with possibly .jpg extensions as well.
3) Currently there is some problem at the CivFanatics file server regarding CAPS for file extensions (.ZIP .JPG .SAV etc). So please make sure your files have their extensions in lower case.
4) When you go to upload a file, you have to click Reply to one of the threads, then scroll down to the bottom of the forum reply page. On the far right at the bottom is an Upload Files option. Click that, it opens a mini-window, you can upload up to three files at a time.
5) Once the files are on the server, you have to include a link to them in your post, where appropriate. You can link to images with the IMG vb Code button above the body of your reply message, and can link to zip files with the HTTP:// button.
I keep a shortcut for use in pasting the URL in a text file on my desktop, so I don't have to remember the URL and don't have to type it over and over. Here's a copy:
Just add your filename to that in the IMG and HTTP:// buttons. If you need help with this (I can't imagine any of you would, since most of you are SG veterans....), please ask and we'll try to get it all sorted out.
The game is under way. You'll find the 4000BC save file and a picture in the official LotR3 thread. Should be fun, let's get it on! Friday, the next turn will go -- earlier if everybody's happy with the first 10 turns (probably the case).
This is the Shadow Thread for Arathorn's Training Day Game.
* We're going to have some blurred results because of players finding out things in their versions of the game when they explore in different directions and do different things. This will lead to foreknowledge of some game data that would not be accessible in a normal game. This is unavoidable here, but I ask that players give thought to this and make whatever effort they deem appropriate to base their decisions on what is known in the Official Game. Don't bend over backward, just... pay attention. We are aiming here more at learning than winning, but you don't want to get used to having bonus information.
* We're going to have lots of confusion about this, and also more "contamination" from "alternate timelines" if I try to run everything in one thread. Therefore, I have concluded (Well, followed the lead of those smarter than I) that I should run ONLY the Official Game in the original LotR3 thread, and open a shadow thread for everything else.
* The LotR3 thread is for the Official Game. What shall be posted there is the reports and results of the player who is Up on each turn, along with my critique and any questions and answers players have in regard to those results.
* This thread will handle everything else, including the turn reports of all players not Up on that turn, all critiques of these reports, and even my own reports from my shadow turns.
* Players who are UP should avoid reading any further in the shadow thread once others start posting shadow reports from the same turn. IE, it's OK to refer back to the shadow thread as a reference, but I ask that you not do so when you're Up, especially in regard to finding out what others have done on the turn you're about to play, so that your official turn results will be as "pure" as you can manage under these conditions.
Everybody is shadowing the game but not part of the Roster, or who in on the Roster but NOT currently "Up", should post their turn reports here. This will include me, when I am not Up.
As for how to post files with your reports, there are a few simple steps.
1) Please identify your savegames. This is ESSENTIAL, so that nobody ever gets files confused. That could waste a lot of time and cause major hassles. Please adopt the follow convention:
Official Turns: no need to do anything special. Just "Hiawatha of the Iroquois, ###year" is OK. As would be lotr3-iroquois-####year. For OFFICIAL TURNS ONLY.
Shadow Turns: Name them "lotr3-shadow-MyName-###year.sav"
IMPORTANT: if your savegame doesn't observe the naming protocol and you post a shadow turn with another name, I will almost assuredly NOT deal with that file, and you will not get any feedback on that turn. No second chances, so do what is appropriate to remind yourself. This is important to SAVE TIME and preserve our energies for the game instead of wasting them on sorting files that are inadequately labeled.
2) Please identify all files related to this game in the following formats:
For Official Turns: gamename-civ-date.extension
For Shadow Turns: gamename-shadow-yourname-date.extension
as above, with possibly .jpg extensions as well.
3) Currently there is some problem at the CivFanatics file server regarding CAPS for file extensions (.ZIP .JPG .SAV etc). So please make sure your files have their extensions in lower case.
4) When you go to upload a file, you have to click Reply to one of the threads, then scroll down to the bottom of the forum reply page. On the far right at the bottom is an Upload Files option. Click that, it opens a mini-window, you can upload up to three files at a time.
5) Once the files are on the server, you have to include a link to them in your post, where appropriate. You can link to images with the IMG vb Code button above the body of your reply message, and can link to zip files with the HTTP:// button.
I keep a shortcut for use in pasting the URL in a text file on my desktop, so I don't have to remember the URL and don't have to type it over and over. Here's a copy:
Just add your filename to that in the IMG and HTTP:// buttons. If you need help with this (I can't imagine any of you would, since most of you are SG veterans....), please ask and we'll try to get it all sorted out.
The game is under way. You'll find the 4000BC save file and a picture in the official LotR3 thread. Should be fun, let's get it on! Friday, the next turn will go -- earlier if everybody's happy with the first 10 turns (probably the case).