MadV5- The Mayan Enslavers


north american scum
May 22, 2005
the place where he inserted the blade
Variant- no 'pure' workers, only enslaved/ captured workers. (Though we can keep the one we start with). Goal is for a Domination victory.

Pangea 70%
3 Billion
Raging Barbs
More Agressive AI
7 random AI

Meteor Punch

normal 24 hours for 'got it', 48 hours to play

Since it's on Monarch/Pangaea, I'll join if we capture the ToA and never research Education. Knights and Cavalries, and all that jazz.
Sounds interesting, I want to get into SGs, this sounds like a good one to start with. Solid Monarch(23-5 this year, 4 losses were really horrible starts, 1 was my first AW attempt gone wrong)/Mostly Solid Emperor player(every victory but 20k; last 10 emperor games were 9-1, loss was space). What's the schedule going to be like? Is there a "vacation" provision(I might be unavailable the first 2 weeks of the semester due to work)?

Concerning the start, moving the worker 1NE so we expose the water sounds like a good move, but we wouldn't get the game until turn 11. Or we could move it 1W and see what's upstream; it looks like there's grass on the other side of those hills, and moving the settler 1SE keeps the game in our territory from the beginning, meaning 3spt from the start.

What's the Maya's UU and traits? I've never played as them before (only 6 complete C3C games under my belt so far, everything prior was Vanilla) so I might run a short orientation game Tuesday to get myself familiar with them.
@Xerol: SG'ing is fun, and you'll learn too.

I like moving the settler SE. Definitely want to get him off that bg as we are short of grass tiles. So build a city 1SE, move worker south and chop forest. Irrigating the game will give +4fpt.

What's the Maya's UU and traits? I've never played as them before (only 6 complete C3C games under my belt so far, everything prior was Vanilla) so I might run a short orientation game Tuesday to get myself familiar with them.
I've never played as the Maya either, that's why I joined. :D AGR/IND with a 30 shield archer replacement 2.2.1 with enslave (1/3 chance of creating a slave worker). We are losing out on the IND trait because we build no workers.
Sign me up. I'm low on SGs, can use another one.
Crap, I got East/West backwards again. I keep thinking it's alphabetical order, when it's not. You'd think, being 20 and in my third year of college, I'd've learned to keep them straight by now but I haven't. (This is why you'll see me using things like "left" and "right" a lot.)

And we don't completely lose out on the IND trait. 1) We've got our initial worker, and 2) We get a few extra shields in some cities, although that comes later in the game. Even though it's a small effect I often find, especially with factories/plants, that it sometimes can be just enough to build units 1 turn faster.
lurker's comment: IIRC you do not lose on IND trait because slaves will work at half IND speed, which is better than half standard speed.
Beorn-eL-Feared said:
lurker's comment: IIRC you do not lose on IND trait because slaves will work at half IND speed, which is better than half standard speed.

really? :crazyeye: That's pretty cool if its true.
Slaves work at IND speed after replaceable parts, and work at half normal speed before that. I particularly remember because I won this variant on emperor (although with a really good start). I wasn't able to get as many slaves from barbs as I had hoped until the middle age uprising (there's a tip in that sentence).

I'll join if you don't mind my absence until August 15.
4000 BC (1)- move worker W to see more plains and a sugar, move settler to the SE
3950 BC (2)- found Chitzen Itza, move worker to CI
3850 BC (4)- worker starts chopping
3750 BC (6)- CI warrior -> warrior
3700 BC (7)- worker done chopping, chop finishes warrior, worker irregates
3500 BC (10)- CI warrior -> settler
3300 BC (14)- spot wines S of CI
3250 BC (15)- meet Hittites near wines, up Alpha and CereBurial, down Masonry
3200 BC (16)- pop some barbs faraway
3150 BC (17)- CI settler -> warrior
3100 BC (18)- warrior that popped barbs dies, Roman warrior pops up
3050 BC (19)- trade Masonry + Pottery for Alpha + Bronze + $8
3000 BC (20)- trade WC for CereBurial + $10, WarriorCode -> Mysticism, found Copan



EDIT: please change Chitsen Itza from warrior to Jav thrower
When do we want to start our GA and get workers? I was thinking we make our capital a 6-turn (I think) settler factory, get about 5 cities, and then build a bunch a Javalins and go hunting.

On the other hand, it may be more benefit to start attacking once we have just a few Javelin dudes.
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