Major bug! Industrious


You caught my attention
Dec 6, 2001
The Matrix
It appears that ALL civs get the extra shields in cities and metropolises now that was normally only given to Industrious civs - and Industrious civs do NOT get any extra shields over what other civs get. :(
I believe the industrial bonus only applied to metropolises.

In Civ3/PTW, everyone got an extra shield when hitting size 7.

I just did a quick test in the debug mode in C3C.

At size 7, all civs get +1 shield BUT there is some confusion here, because you will only 'see' the bonus if you built on a shield tile (bonus grass, plains, desert, etc.). When applying the bonus, the game looks at the base terrain, and if it previously had 0 shields, it adds 1, but that still gives you the minimum 1 shield.

When hitting size 13, all civs got +1 shield, and industrious got +2 shields (+1 more than other civs).
Getting extra shields in cities and metropolises are supposed to be an Industrial trait thing ONLY. According to all text I have ever read about Industrial trait anyway.

What does Industrial have going for it otherwise? Apart from the now-not-so-much faster workers? Would be like taking extra commerce away from commercial civs and giving it to everyone.

EDIT: You are right about metropolises of course - Industrious do get 1 more shield over other civs. However the official description of Industrious triat clearly says BOTH cities and metropolises get increased production.

Fix either trait or the offical description, but preferably the actual trait. ;)
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