Make Lovecraft, Not War- The First DairdAC


Oct 28, 2013
The Birthplace of God
To whomever or whatever may find this,

In three days, I leave for R'lyeh and the meeting I was forced to call. If what I read in the Necronomicon is true, and how I hope it isn't, I have no other options. I have called in repayment of every debt I am owed, and put myself in debt to things I cannot repay. If my... old friends can put aside their differences, we may yet stand a chance of surviving the Maldritch invasion If not, then reality is doomed.

H.P. Lovecraft.

You begged, you pleaded, you prayed for deliverance, but it's here anyway: The first DairdAC! For those who know what an AC is, skip ahead. For those who don't, we all meet in a chatroom once a week and roleplay all night. Now, on to the nitty-gritty details.

In this AC, you won't be playing against the monstrosities of the Cthulhu Mythos, you'll be playing as them. Invaders from beyond time and space are poised to strike at the universe, and in desperation, H.P. Lovecraft has for called a meeting at R'lyeh so that the eldritch abominations can attempt to help thwart it. Granted, they're only interested in saving their own skins (or whatever coverings they may have), but they might just be the universe's last hope. Oh, and one other thing: in this AC, the fourth wall doesn't exist. I think sanity-destroying entities can handle that ;)

Character Sheet

Name: Do I really need to explain this one, folks?

Description: Given the subject matter, almost anything goes, as long as you can put it into terms the human mind can comprehend. Just be sure to keep it SFW.

Gender: Male? Female? Both? Neither? Something else entirely?

Backstory: Again, I'm willing to allow you a wide area of leeway on this. Maybe you view humans as nothing more than lunch, or perhaps you actually (gasp) have a soft spot for the meatsacks. Who knows?

HP: You start with 30

Skill Points: You start with 20. Each skill rank costs itself in points. As usual, they'll be handed out at the end of missions, but unlike most GM's, I WILL give skill points for RPing as well.


Melee Combat: Your strength at close-quarters fighting.

Ranged Combat: Reach out and touch someone with this skill.

Physical Strength: Sheer raw muscle to tear apart the environment

Healing: It ain't easy to fix up something with constantly shifting internal organs, but by God, you've learned how to do it.

Durability: Standard HP buffing skill. +10 HP per rank.

Toughness: Reduces damage taken.

Speech: Charm, connive, and deceive everyone around you.

Stealth: Hide in plain sight and make practical use of non-Euclidean geometry.

Manipulation: You view the laws of physics as guidelines at best.

Other: If you can come up with it, I can probably make it work.

Thank you, and I hope you enjoy this AC.
Wanted to know what time this would be done ? in GMT hopefully...
Either Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday, depending on how available folks are. Whichever happens, it'll be 5 p.m. eastern, as normal.
Name: Fuibs'ubz
Gender: Usually refered to as Female
Description: A tall winged creature with no arms, Fuibs' two short legs end in claws capable of being used as hands. Her head is almost roughly triangular, with long thin eyes on each side, and various other sensory equipment gathered at the 'point' of her nose, just above the mouth. Fuibs' wings extend to up to five meters from her body on either side when in flight, and at two meters in length her tail can on occassion function as a third limb. While Fuibs' is naturally a dark purple colour, her upper body is covered in swirling red patterns and intricate symbols that the human eye cannot quite follow.
Disguise: When amongst humans, Fuibs' often prefers to take the name 'Mary' rather than allow them to mangle her real name. She also tends to adopt the form of a human female with long brown hair and a red dress when trying to avoid commotion.
Bio: 'Later' is the traditional thing to put here I believe.

Skill Points: 0
HP: 30

Ranged Combat: 1
Healing: 1
Speech: 3
Stealth: 3
Manipulation: 3

Wanted to know what time this would be done ? in GMT hopefully...

ACing is currently a hobby made for Americans or brits who like to stay up late. The meeting time has always been 5:00 EST (Same as red's) for most ac's.
Name: Geahkothrys
Gender: Male
Spoiler :
Centaurian build; walks on 4 limbs ending in hoof-like claws, has 2 limbs ending in dexterous digits, a beak for a mouth, and a longish tail. Lower limbs are covered in hot pink fur, the rest of his body excepting his head is covered in downy phthalo feathers, an ivory mane surrounds his neck, and his head is bald, with ecru skin and 12 fandango spidery eyes. He is capable of changing his form (the description of manipulation is so broad that I assume it lets me do this), so he is not forced to look like this, but after millennia of interacting with humans he's grown tired of the more traditional 'drive them insane with a glance' looks and settled with his current ridiculously garish one. Other common forms include an 8 ft. tall Malay-looking fellow with the head, hands, & wings of an Emerald Jewel wasp, a floating mass of enneagrams within enneagrams covered in compound eyes and tentacles fabricated of electric discharges, and a three-headed Anomalocaris composed of cannabis smoke. He's a bit of a troll and a drama queen and enjoys toying with humans, a lot.

Spoiler :
Geahkothrys has been travelling between worlds (I mean this in both the planetary sense and the alternate universe sense) since the birth of the Milky Way. He found most other eldritch abominations far too serious to make good company, so he spent a lot of time interfering with the development of life whenever he found it, trying to shape species into amusing playthings or worthy partners, depending on his mood at the time. To date, no species has turned out exactly the way he desired, but he has found several species which come close, and though he had no hand in the evolution of humanity, they've grown on him because they're always good for a laugh. When he heard that that Lovecraft fellow who'd been publishing stories about other olds ones & elder gods had called a meeting in R'lyeh, he decided to show up and act like he was supposed to be there, and see what hijinks developed from that.

HP: 40
Skill Points: 0
  • Ranged Combat II
  • Durability I
  • Toughness I
  • Speech III
  • Stealth II
  • Manipulation III
Sorry, folks. A: Got called away suddenly. B: With exactly two signups finished, it wouldn't have been worth running anyway. I'll give it another week, but if more people don't show, I think I'll have to declare this DOA.
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