Mandatory Community Serice

Yankee you misunderstand. It was a voluntary group.. the school didn't force you to sign up. I have the requisite average [over 4, actually, because of AP classes] but I turned down their invitation. What really amazes me is that people VOLUNTARILY paid the 120 bucks for that cord on their graduation cap. :rolleyes:

We're really spoiled with our elective classes... three languages, marching band, orchestra, drawing, photography, sculpture, etc. but they also load a whole bunch of crap classes on your schedule... like Health, which I have to get up at 6 in the morning to take :wince: so it's a mixed bag. I know if I didn't have to take so many years of idiotic state-mandated classes I could do many more electives.
Ah.... I see. Why would anyone pay 120 bucks for a piece of colored string?
Sounds like involuntary servitude to me... I can't imagine this would ever fly in the U.S.

Especially since going to school is mandatory:

Mandatory school => mandatory community service => cleanin up afta massah's charity ball => slavery

EDIT: I see it is happening in california right now, and being imposed on people who cannot vote.

Sucks to be Californian and under 18 I guess..
This is just a bunch of bloody moaning students. So they are forced to work that will benefit the community? In the great scale of human rights abuses I think this one ranks just above being forced to pick up your own litter. Not only do I support this but I would go a little further and force students to attend a citizenship class where they will learn about what it is to be [insert nationality here]. Maybe cleaning up their vandalism will do a little to stop it. Basically my advice is to stop moaning and start working.
Originally posted by MrPresident
This is just a bunch of bloody moaning students. So they are forced to work that will benefit the community? In the great scale of human rights abuses I think this one ranks just above being forced to pick up your own litter. Not only do I support this but I would go a little further and force students to attend a citizenship class where they will learn about what it is to be [insert nationality here]. Maybe cleaning up their vandalism will do a little to stop it. Basically my advice is to stop moaning and start working.

I agree, I think mandatory community service for high school is an excellent idea, so that these (mostly spoiled) high school students get some sense of community and learn something about the real world.
Originally posted by RedWolf

It's the slave labour that I have real issues with - a government taking it's responsibilities and dumping it off on a group of people that cannot speak for themselves (high school kids) and at the same time gaining political points with the public by "putting those lazy teenagers to work".

Oh - and THEN to see that these kids aren't even doing COMMUNITY service - that instead a multi-million dollar corporation gets to slither out of PAYING workers by recruiting "forced volunteers". Makes my blood boil.

Yes i agree, IMO It is just another step into factory's indoctrination, i have been forced to work over -time for several year. When you got your first job , they always ask you to work non-paid over-time. This is capitalism exploitation.

Anybody which work in factory ( especialy electronic's one) have experience this kind of alienation. ( i heard that at microsoft, many worker have a 80 hour weak, while pay only 40). Thats the way they artificialy boost economy.

Today, you have to crawl and lick shoe to get and keep job, they know you need it to survive.

:sniper: capitalism :die:
If you don't like your job quit. If you don't like another job then start your own company. If you can't start your own company then go back to school and learn the necessary skills. If you don't want to do any of that then do nothing and moan about the system.
Originally posted by MrPresident
If you don't want to do any of that then do nothing and moan about the system.

This is exactly what i do, passive resistance. Suck as much money as i can from governement and private insurence for obsessive-compulsive sickness from a burn-out at work.

I love to suck up 2000 $ per month from those capitalism, i got them on the medical field of battle. and i can tell you, that piss them off a lot.:lol:
Originally posted by MrPresident
This is just a bunch of bloody moaning students. So they are forced to work that will benefit the community? In the great scale of human rights abuses I think this one ranks just above being forced to pick up your own litter. Not only do I support this but I would go a little further and force students to attend a citizenship class where they will learn about what it is to be [insert nationality here]. Maybe cleaning up their vandalism will do a little to stop it. Basically my advice is to stop moaning and start working.

So you'll be signing up for your free labour when? If it's such a great and justified thing then i don't see why you should be exempt? After all if it really teaches something then I figure everybody should be taught the same thing since adults are just as guilty of vandalism, crime, theft, violence etc.

If a politician said to YOU - "When I win I'm making YOU (pointing to MrPresident) work for free for 100 hours!". You know damn well that you wouldn't vote for him. It's too bad high school kids don't have that same democratic power.

Oh yeah - and explain to me again how a large corporation getting free labour benefits the community?

You're one of those bitter old people that assumes all teenagers are lazy useless criminals I see. You're exactly the kind of person the government likes to manipulate for votes with these types of "initiatives" even though the facts all say otherwise about today's generation.
Originally posted by addiv

I agree, I think mandatory community service for high school is an excellent idea, so that these (mostly spoiled) high school students get some sense of community and learn something about the real world.

Another bitter old person that probably doesn't even KNOW any teenagers so believes in painting them all with the same brush in order to "teach 'em a lesson".

Funny how it would be considered racism to suggest that all blacks should be forced into community service becuse they're mostly lazy and spoiled. Yet the same rules never apply to the young? Odd isn't it?

When I was a teenager i swore I'd never turn into people like you and MrPresident. I'll defend the youth until my dieing day because the vast majority of them are good, decent, hardworking people.
I think it is a capital idea, that would benefit most of the public school students that one has dealings with. It is but one element of serving the community that should be made compulsary for the youth. Hard work is good for the soul, and builds character. Such attributes are increasingly less prevalent among the youth of today, and the positive results of them extend across the rest of their school lives and further lives.
I agree with Mr President and addiv - teach them a lesson and make them work. For starters.
It's a great idea, but the problem now is that nobody wants to do anything for their fellow man.

Instead of sitting in front of their computer 8 hours a day, why not go help out in the community.

Kids don't have to do anything they don't want to anymore, why is that?
Self esteem, self fulfillment, self actualization - we are drowning our future in the vomit of the "Me-generation".
Originally posted by RedWolf

Another bitter old person that probably doesn't even KNOW any teenagers so believes in painting them all with the same brush in order to "teach 'em a lesson".

Funny how it would be considered racism to suggest that all blacks should be forced into community service becuse they're mostly lazy and spoiled. Yet the same rules never apply to the young? Odd isn't it?

When I was a teenager i swore I'd never turn into people like you and MrPresident. I'll defend the youth until my dieing day because the vast majority of them are good, decent, hardworking people.

Bitter old person? :lol: I don't think so! I'm a student and probably younger than you. I view a mandatory service as part of the education. Young people have to go to school too, why not give them a little more practical education by letting them do some good work for the community? Especially since conscription has been abolished. It would do many teenagers and the society good. I know a lot of teenagers and of course they're not 'bad people', but they are spoiled and mandatory service would teach them some notion of responsibility and discipline. I even have a few friends who voluntarily joined the army for this reason.
It must work both ways.

Kids who contribute to society by doing community service, should then be entitled to vote.

Same goes for kids who have any kind of government deduction from their paycheques.
You guys are throwing around big words for mandatory community service. 'Forced Labor'? 'Servitude'?

What's wrong with making a kid serve soup for 10 hours to graduate? Yes, I can see why mandatory community service is an oxymoron, but calling it slave labor? Come on...
It's even kind of insultive to people who know what it's really like to be enslaved or conduct forced labor (like in Gulags for example).
Originally posted by Simon Darkshade
Self esteem, self fulfillment, self actualization - we are drowning our future in the vomit of the "Me-generation".
When was that not the case? The prevoius generations weren't Norman Rockwell paintings, silly!
The whole 40 hours thing is really screwed up in my opinion.

I have friends who get community hours simply for going to band rehersals in the morning or afternoon. But none of us who play sports get community hours for going to practice.

The system and the definition of community service really bothers me!

If the definition and system were improved, I think it would be a great idea! Alot of kids here do very valuable things for the community, and does most of them a great service.
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