Manifest Destiny


An aberration of nature
Dec 30, 2013
Within the realm of impossibility
Despite the fact I still haven't finished my first story the Alternate History of the Turkot Empire, I am starting a new story. The premise is this- the Vikings, were ganged upon the mainland and forced to flee their country. Despite only having galleys, they miraculously made it to the new world. The New world is inhabited by atleast six barbarian cities starting with a worker and 2 archers. Both me and the barbarians are in the medieval age but I have Feudalism. The AI are in the medieval age too.
So the situation is roughly this- I am alone on a continent inhabited by aggressive barbarians. I have a lot of room to expand but I am isolated. The AI all share the old continent. Now I could research optics first and end my isolation but in the spirit of the story, I won't bother researching the tech until I see the first AI caravel.

With that said here is my start

Now I'll be narrating in the voice of a historian recalling the history of his nation:

"AH, history, a vast and troublesome subject. Every civilization has its own version of it tailor made to fit a certain agenda. This has never been more so true than with the royal family of the Viking nation. Nine tenth of what is known about them is propaganda. I shall find the truth, for the truth often makes for a better story than fiction.

Now, the first king of Scandinavia as we call our nation was King Jagged the Conqueror. Now there was nothing to proclaim his greatness or that he would eventually found the greatest nation on earth. He was the prince of a pirate dis honest merchant nation that amassed great wealth through pillaging trading with its neighbors, until its neighbors declared war upon it to get rid of it.

The causes of this war are debated, with some fanciful accounts placing the blame on a marriage dispute for the most beautiful woman in the world but that is just poppycock. Most likely the lust for gold caused the war.

The Vikings lost and were forced to flee their homeland to search for a new one. Now according to the Bhavitsga, King Jagged had sailed in such a disorderly fashion across the world because he was actually defeating demons and forcing them to submit to him so they could help his people. In truth, the Vikings in their haste forgot to grab a navigator and thus sailed haphazardly, bumping into foreign nations willy nilly and engaging into battle with them over miscommunications.

It is theorized that the Vikings so terrorized the civilizations they met, and brought such a devastating plague, that the development of empires in the old world was set back and civilization had to claw its way back. But that is not important.

After years of sailing, and a good one third of the original Viking settlers dead, the Vikings have finally found a home. Now it is time for them to realize their potential of greatness."

Next update will be the next fifty turns. I ope you guys like this idea.
I am a suborbital satellite watching this world.
NSA! :hide:

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Why Umar-Abdul?
Shouldn't it be Umar-Subdul?
"I am back my students. No I won't just given up and croak so you can get rid of your prayer talismans.

Jagged's first order of business was to establish a city for his people.

He did so by convincing the native people on the spot he landed to aid his fledgling civilization. He eventually married one of their princess'. Their marriage was characterized by rampant infidelity on Jagged's part as he ran off to have fun with the palace maids when ever he could. He was however forced to be a good husband and reign in his wild ways later on by virtue of the fact that he needed the support of his bride's people. In short it was one of the happier marriages of the royal family.

He began directing research towards solving the problem of efficiently distributing goods to the citizens of his country based on need. He called this process "Civil Service"
Later Administrators after Jagged would continue experimenting to perfect this "Civil Service".

Jagged also ordered his warriors on a forty year pacification project on the nearest barbarian tribe, known as the Kassites. Why did he want to bother a tribe that hadn't done anything to him? According to the text books, he had sent a messenger to proclaim his divine right to rule and the Kassites had laughed at him and lopped off the head of the messenger and gifted it back to him. In truth, it had more to do with making room for Upsula which contained the settlers who refused to live in Nidaros for Upsula was a nice piece of property.

While the barbarian pacification project was occurring, Viking society was still trying to adapt and reestablish, labour, governmental, legal and religious practices from the old world. For some reason though, organized religion was written into their society though the Vikings had yet to establish a religion as modern society defines it.

The swordsmen reach the Kassites and after a short battle their city is razed and Upsula is built atop it.

It is 560 AD and Jagged the conqueror is long dead and his descendants rule on the throne. Throughout he decades of rule by the royal family a powerful but simple belief was beginning to form- that Jagged the Conqueror defeated seven demons on his journey to the new land at that by doing so he had earned from the gods the right for his descendants to forever rule the empire. His god knows how many greats grandson, GreekAnalyzer, ordered the capital city of Nidaros to begin constructing an explorer to explore the New World, now that the Vikings home situation is safe.

Also during his reign a horrible mining accident destroys the iron mine in Nidaros. It will be many years before a worker comes to fix it.

And finally in 620 AD, the Caterpillar king, as he likes to be called, pulled off a stunt that will live in infamy

- he whipped a library in Upsula! Before slaves had existed but they were mainly used by individuals for day to day tasks. This was the first time that the government had rounded up a bunch of them and forced them to work to death destroying a significant chunk of the cities population. It would be over a century before the people of Upsula would forgive the government . Wait what am I saying? Nobody forgives the government for anything. What I meant was that it would over a century before the people forgave the government for that atrocity."

Anyways guys it is no coincidence that the names of the kings coincide with the people who post. The first people who post will appear as kings throughout the story or whenever I need names because I am lazy. If anyone particularly doesn't want their name in my story just let me know and I will change it.
Hey I'll be remembered as the man who ordered exploration. CK gets to be he who murdered thousands of slaves.
Oi mate! At least it was for reading :D and by this time slavery is no big deal :) :p

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"Hello kiddies did you miss me?"
"Why are you all screaming like I'm some kind of monster from a horror movie. Is it because of the red stains all over my jacket. Relax, its just ketchup, I think, might have something to do with that day in '93 with that guy with the knife..."
"Anyways, we'll begin this lesson fifteen years after Caterpillarking's infamous use of the whip. The hated monarch passed away seven years ago (rumoured to have been poisoned by his wife) and his son Constantinople took over. Meanwhile, the king had a daughter on the cusp of womanhood. According to some reports she was as blinding as the noonday sun with all the grace and majesty of the moon. According to others she was a fierce amazoness six feet tall, gangly, awkward and bad tempered. Her name was Not Istanbul. She fell in love with a lad from the bordering tribe of Harappan. According to the most unbiased reports available, she was rejected by the lad and he called her, "an ugly shrew".
According to official reports, he played with the breathtakingly gorgeous girl's innocence before cruelly revealing that he was a liar and he had gotten what he came for.
Not Istanbul couldn't let the insult stand and her father agreed with her, whipping out the largest army seen in the world since times of old, before the Exodus of the Vikings. Two thousand swordsmen, one thousand axe men and one thousand spearmen were pressed into service, for the honor of a girl who was most definitely not the most beautiful woman in the world, despite what the bards and our "history" says.

Fourty years of preparing such a vast army, and in that time, a famine devastated the capital. Thankfully the king had been wise enough to save money emergencies and grain was bought to save the army from starving ( of course most of the regular people would wind up dying anyways, but what were they going to do, the underfed masses had not the strength to stand up to well fed armed swordsmen).

In 695 AD Not Istanbul took over after her father's death from a horse riding accident. It was bizarre, considering that he was acknowledged as one of the greatest horsemen of his era but nothing cold be proven. She ordered harsher anti corruption laws for the bureaucrats- known as the Tiger-Mule laws, because it established that any infraction minor or other wise, would result in the offender being fed to the tigers after being pulled apart by mules. This is generally regarded as a big break through in the creation of a modern bureaucracy for the Scandinavian kingdom.

In 705 Ad, nearly 70 years after the incident, Harappan is finally conquered in a five year campaign that kills one thousand swordsmen through a tough and determined defense by the natives in a battle that will be sung of by thousands of bards long after it is over. Not Istanbul gains revenged for being wronged by castrating her rejecter and parading his lopped off apparatus through the streets to display its smallness, before feeding it to a chicken, then burning the chicken for good measure. Hell truly hath no wrath like that of a woman scorned.
She dies afterwards, long years plotting for revenge fulfilled. Her son takes his place as a monarch of Scandinavia, and in 725 AD whips a statue of his mother in the now Viking city of Scandinavia.

Later a local legend pops up that the scorned spirit of Not Istanbul resides within the statue, pouring her malevolence outward, towards all handsome men. It is probably poppycock, but still, any man who comes within the gaze of that statue feels the need to grasp his private parts protectively.

In 730 AD advisors advise that the new king build a library. He debates the benefit of creating a formalized institution for nerds to facilitate easier bullying of them, versus disorganized bullying that was rampant now. He decides the current system works best to discourage the sissy institution of science.

In 775 AD baseballpie, the grandson of Not Istanbul and the sissy nerd his father never wanted him to be, puts the final touches on Civil Service and a functioning bureaucracy is created. It is rife with corruption and elitism, but at least some people have cake, instead of no one.

In 790 AD, Barbarian Archers migrate towards the Scandinavian Empire, atteacted by our soul crushing poverty. A swordsmen welcomes them as "border security and puts them the sword. This would set the precedent for the Vikings treatment of foreign immigrants for a long time to come.

In 825 AD Christianity had been founded by some people the Viking empire had not yet met.

Finally in 875 AD, the settlement of Haithabu was founded, the first non conquered city added to the Scandinavian empire since our capital, and even then, our acquisition of land rights in that situation was questionable. Well kiddoes see you around next time. And be aware, even if one of you brats skip, then I have the right to go to your homes and teach you there. So you have no way to escape me. Mwu hahaha. Wait why am I laughing?"

Well how do you like this update? It is hard fitting a historical narrative with real people into this story considering how many years one turn equals. And I am shutting down my other story to focus on this. he Alternative History of the Turk-Ottomans feels like a really bad rip off of Constantinople's style to me and I want to get away from that.
Constantinople (Not Istanbul's father) died like a silly man.

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How could my wife have poisoned me?? No one loved me enough to marry me :cry: Anyways, we must take the barbarian city to the North! Rid the world of the savages!
Well how do you like this update? It is hard fitting a historical narrative with real people into this story considering how many years one turn equals. And I am shutting down my other story to focus on this. he Alternative History of the Turk-Ottomans feels like a really bad rip off of Constantinople's style to me and I want to get away from that.

It's alright, you can continue that story if you want. :goodjob:
Everyone has their own writing style, though some may be more similar than others.
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