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Many Leaders Game 2 - Sword Training


Fly Fly Away
Hall of Fame Staff
Retired Moderator
Apr 5, 2006
Sydney, Australia
Welcome to the sequel to the Many Leaders Game with many thanks to mice for letting me steal his idea.

The premise is simple. Eveyone plays from the same starting save but as different leaders. With the release of Beyond the Sword, what better idea than having everyone play the new leaders.

We report our games every 50 turns.

I know most of you don't have BtS yet, so this won't start until next weekend, with 1 week the gap between turnsets. I'll start posting saves and put in a starting position over the next week or so.

I'm only going to have the difficulty on this game set at Noble, because I want it it to be a training game for Beyond the Sword. Particular notice should be paid towards the new aspects of the game (Apostolic palace, spies, corporations etc).

Its not a competition (although MLG3 might be ;)) just a bit of fun to demonstrate how the new game works.

So jump in and grab a leader and an area (areas) of the game you want to concentrate in. Only one player per leader as well.

I'm going to have Darius and look at Corporations and the new space race system.


Try and treat it like a normal SG game. Give as much info as posible about your tactics, plans etc. Screenshots are good, particularly those relatating to BtS content. Can every post a screenshot of their UU and UB and say how useful they are etc?

Don't publish half or incomplete reports and then edit later. Wait until you're finished and publish it all, even if you're late.

All turn reports to be enclosed in spoiler tags.

Reports are due on Fridays. The weekends are for discussion of the round and the next round will start the following Monday.


Map: Big_and_Small
Level: Noble (to make sure everyone can win and report on all the new stuff)
Size: Standard
Speed: Normal
Leader: ? up to you.

Starting Position:


Ozbenno - Darius - Space Victory 1830AD
ChrTh - Pacal (espionage)
Conroe - Willem van Oranje - Diplmatic Victory 1920AD
Sealot - Sitting Bull (units/promotions)
azaris - de Gaulle - Diplomatic Victory 1460AD
mice - Zara Yaqob - Domination Victory 1953AD
pigswill - Gilgamesh - Space Victory 1919AD
r rolo1 - Joao II - Space Victory 1956AD
TheLastOne36 - Augustus - Domination Victory 1828AD
Kodii - Justinian - Diplomatic Victory 1410AD.
FeedBack - Pericles - Domination Victory 1665AD
Jet - Boudicea (Agressive AI) - Conquest Victory 1921AD
Bindamel - Hammurabi - Domination 1982AD
TriviAl - Lincoln - Space Victory 1931AD

Saves are here

First round reports (up to 2000BC) can be found here. Half baked analysis here.
Second round reports (up to 375BC) can be found here. Half baked analysis here.
Third round reports (up to 800AD) can be found here. Half baked analysis here.
Fourth round reports (up to 1400AD) can be found here. Half baked analysis here.
Fifth round reports (up to 1700AD) can be found here. Half baked analysis here.
Sixth round reports (up to 1860AD) can be found here.
Final reports (post 1860AD) can be found here.

Complete game links for each leader can be found here.
So jump in and grab a leader and an area (areas) of the game you want to concentrate in. Only one player per leader as well.
I'll take the Dutch. I'm interested in checking out their ability to pull hammers out of the sea. I'm thinking a Dike and Maoi combined with the bureaucracy bonus should make for quite a capital. Since he is financial, as well, I shall probably also target the Colossus. :D

I'm also interested in the seapower changes. I'll definitely be having a look at those Privateers, as well.

The turn reports can be found in the following posts:
I have an interesting strategy in mind with the new civilization, Native Americans and their leader Sitting Bull. Will be demonstrating the new units, promotions and such :hammer:

No idea how I'll do against the enchanced AI, let's hope history don't repeat itself with my native americans :D If you'll just have me i'm sure those without bts can get something out of it!
I'd like to give this a whirl when I get bts. I'll see which leaders are left; there should be enough to choose from.
I would like to join in when I get BTS ( hopefully before Tuesday) . I'll try D. João II ( a naval UU, settler spamming traits ( my basis idea, with a sowehat SE eco) and a UB from a new building (go the southern route (for the UU) and beeline economics for the Feitoria). And maybe colonies will enter in play...

My path

2000 BC
375 BC
800 AD
1400 AD
1700 AD
1860 AD
OK, keep 'em coming. There are 16 new leaders, so 11 are taken. Those who haven't given a preference start thinking.

Kodii, let us know in the next while if you're going to get BtS or not. If it makes a difference, I sorted out the dual install issue pretty easily this morning, so you can keep on with other SGs and RB events.

On another note, I've played fully through 1 game and mucked through another couple. I'm finding the AI is much better at defensive warring (except for a problem with protecting workers). They will whip and transfer troops most turns (I was attacking a size 15 city and by the time I captured it, it was size 4) as well as actively target your wounded troops. If anyone considers themselves master warmongers, you could try for domination and comment on the improved AI and changes to seige weapons.

The start will be on map script Big_and_Small, which is a big continent (which we'll start on), a small continent and other islands between. The game I'm on at the moment has 5 civs on the big continent, 1 on the small and 1 on the islands.
I'm on the same lines with Kodii. If I get BtS next week, I'll jump on the bandwagon. I'm thinking about giving Boudica a whirl, going for some excessive warmongering.
I'm supposed to get BTS today, if they deliver it....

Anyway, i don't like to do warmongering, but i'll give it a shot in BTS with Augustas's new traits.

I'm also going to try Espionage a bit.
While waiting for the save, here's a peek of my solo game for all you unlucky non-bts owners:
Spoiler :

This is my capital city of Mayas. Rushed the new wonder Moai Statues for the extra shields on water tiles. This pic is taken during a golden age but just look at those normal lake tiles whoppin 3 food, 2 hammers and 4 gold each, and I haven't even built Colossus! :D
Notice that plains hill, a mine in it collapsed thanks to a random event just a few turns before the picture!


ps. ok no more offtopic
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