[MAP] After the Ice

Mar 29, 2006
The ice on this world has barely retreated, and already 12 tribes try to claim what was theirs. But on this world, its not tribes of humans alone, that try to claim it. This dark and cold sister of our own world, is truly a world fallen from heaven.

Map: Smart Map of the Earth_Ice Age
Size: HUGE (120x64)
Resources: many, and you'll need them
Barbarians: raging
Speed: Marathon (yes, eternal suffering) :devil:
Civs: 12

GOOD: Bannor, Malakim, Luirchup, Kuriotates
NEUTRAL: Ljosalvar, Khazad, Grigori, Amurites
EVIL: Cabalim, Embers, Balseraph, Sheaim

I tried to make it as balanced as possible. Input is very welcome.
Is this an Earth map (as in the file name)??

Sounds interesting, will test it eventually! :)
And make sure to build some chokepoints in between some parts of the map for that lovely strategic city placmenet that sadly doesn't happen often in random maps (or does anyone know a good mapscript for that? usually I play Smartmap).

Would be good to post some screenshot and make a note in exactly which folder the file has to go.
Just made one. This is a completely normal day in the live of the citizens of my capital ^^. And if you are wondering about my (extreme) overexpansion: remember that education gives you city states. Did I mention that I didn't build anything besides bloodpets yet? ^^ Varn Gosam, Os-Gabella and Capria gave me their capital in exchange for a worthy burial in the dog-pits.

PS: there is a severe lack of animals, but since ard turn 125 there are "enough" goblins and orc spearman.
Just starting as amurites, looks good so far, granted I've had about the best luck I've ever had starting - 3 out of 4 goodie huts gave me tech :eek:
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