Map Coordinates


Nov 20, 2001
This is just a heads up on how the map coordinate system works, mainly for those that want to make maps or are converting a map from civ3.

This is how the map coordinates work in IndieCiv.

And this is how civ3 works.

The vertical number is the same and has not changed.
However the horizontal numbering is half the amount is half of what civ3 is, so a 180x180 map in civ3, would need to be created as 90x180 in IndieCiv.
So we're keeping it on square tiles?
Square tiles, as opposed to heaxagonal tiles.
Oh that, well it would be easy to support both squares and hex, not at the same time off, but for now we will be reusing graphics from civ3. And the fact that I don't yet have any hex graphics.
I can do tedious pcx work. What would you need?
But, for example, stuff like fixing the bug Virote mentioned…
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