Grand King of Apes
Thanks to BtS i found back to Civ. As i converted my maps to BtS i wanted to make a new one.
And this is the result:
Dimension: 100x66
Size: Huge
Player: 11
Startingpositions: 11
Options: Standard
Victories: Standard
Midgard is the World in the samecalled, german fantasy-roleplayinggame:
Haven't found a map with english names, so i write some translations here:
Meer der Roten Sonne: Sea of the red sun
Inseln unter dem Westwind: Islands under the westwind
Fuerinseln: Fire Islands
Regenbogensee: Rainbowsea
Ikenga-Becken: Ikenga-Basin
Drachenmeer: Dragonsea
Küstenstaaten: Coast States
Golf der Blauen Wellen: Gulf of the blue waves
Meer der Fünf Winde: Sea of the five winds
Pfortenarchipel: Gate Archipelago
Sagara-Straße: Sagara Strait
Golf von Kanpur: Gulf of Kanpur
Schattenmeer: Shadowsea
Meer der Seejungfrauen: Sea of the mermaiden
For Civ4, Warlords and Beyond the Sword.
Have fun playing!
DOWNLOAD Midgard 100x66

Thanks to BtS i found back to Civ. As i converted my maps to BtS i wanted to make a new one.
And this is the result:
Size: Huge
Player: 11
Startingpositions: 11
Options: Standard
Victories: Standard
Midgard is the World in the samecalled, german fantasy-roleplayinggame:
Haven't found a map with english names, so i write some translations here:
Meer der Roten Sonne: Sea of the red sun
Inseln unter dem Westwind: Islands under the westwind
Fuerinseln: Fire Islands
Regenbogensee: Rainbowsea
Ikenga-Becken: Ikenga-Basin
Drachenmeer: Dragonsea
Küstenstaaten: Coast States
Golf der Blauen Wellen: Gulf of the blue waves
Meer der Fünf Winde: Sea of the five winds
Pfortenarchipel: Gate Archipelago
Sagara-Straße: Sagara Strait
Golf von Kanpur: Gulf of Kanpur
Schattenmeer: Shadowsea
Meer der Seejungfrauen: Sea of the mermaiden
For Civ4, Warlords and Beyond the Sword.
Have fun playing!

DOWNLOAD Midgard 100x66