[MAP] Fantasymap of MIDGARD 100x66


Grand King of Apes
Apr 16, 2004
In the heart of the Bavarian Forest

Thanks to BtS i found back to Civ. As i converted my maps to BtS i wanted to make a new one.
And this is the result:


Dimension: 100x66
Size: Huge
Player: 11
Startingpositions: 11
Options: Standard
Victories: Standard

Midgard is the World in the samecalled, german fantasy-roleplayinggame:

Haven't found a map with english names, so i write some translations here:
Meer der Roten Sonne: Sea of the red sun
Inseln unter dem Westwind: Islands under the westwind
Fuerinseln: Fire Islands
Regenbogensee: Rainbowsea
Ikenga-Becken: Ikenga-Basin
Drachenmeer: Dragonsea
Küstenstaaten: Coast States
Golf der Blauen Wellen: Gulf of the blue waves
Meer der Fünf Winde: Sea of the five winds
Pfortenarchipel: Gate Archipelago
Sagara-Straße: Sagara Strait
Golf von Kanpur: Gulf of Kanpur
Schattenmeer: Shadowsea
Meer der Seejungfrauen: Sea of the mermaiden

For Civ4, Warlords and Beyond the Sword.
Have fun playing! :D

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nicely made map, i got the game too and thought about making this myself once :P

but i see some problems with it:

1st: slow starts

i have tried 3 starts now and i never got a food rescource near my capital. this makes the game extremly slow. on marathon or epic gamespeed its a total pain! my city had only grassland plains and hills plus empty coast and some jungle.

its no fun to wait forever.

2nd: generaly too few rescources.

important rescources are too rare. some civs need access to specific goods to be played the way they are intended to be. its possible to be away 20 tiles from horse on your map easily.

3rd: not enough fresh water

i spotted regions where there are just no rivers at all, nor lakes. this adds to the missing rescources and makes things worse.

4th: mountain blocks

if you draw huge mountains, add a few hills in between at least here and there so people can cross it. you blocked away huge parts of the map

I like the design but the playability suffers from it right now...
1. Hm, I overlooked it with Mapview and have to say, that i just see 1 or 2 spots where a foodressource near a startplot could be needed.

2. Hm, for me it looks pretty good distributed. think of it that every region of a world has it's own ressources another regions haven't. Horses in the Americas for example where really really rare before the europeans came.

Generaly to the ressources: For ressource-placement i use the ingame Bonus-Generator till i think it's ok so.

3. I drawed the rivers strict after the original. There are rivers on the map where rivers where on the original picture in the fist post attached and there aren't rivers where aren't rivers on the original.
The same counts for lakes and such.
See, when i make a map after an extistend original, i try to go strict, 1:1, after it.

4. Pretty the same as for 3: On the original there isn't any passage through the Mountainranges, but i let at least 1 open.
Also blocking mountainranges are intended by me. I think you will find them in nearly every map i made till now / will make in the future.

Generaly: I haven't played it yet. So i can't say how it really plays. But all i can say is that i followed strict the original besides the ressources. So the only thing i could change would be the ressourcedistribution and for a small part the startplaces. But he rest is "hardcoded".
well if you did it for the fun of map making and not for the fun of playing it then you were successfull as it seems...

you realy didnt test it a single time before making it public?
well if you did it for the fun of map making and not for the fun of playing it then you were successfull as it seems...
I do it for both: For the fun of making and later for the fun of playing.

you realy didnt test it a single time before making it public?
Exactly. No time to play for myself, but i run the ai severel times to look if the ressourcedistribution and such is ok.
But i will have a game on it the next time i start a new one and will then have a look on how it plays.

Note: I make the maps the first place for me, for the fun of making a map and for the fun to play it anytime in the future. Sometimes i decide to make one public, sometimes i don't.
I think I am going to try your map out. It is slightly smaller that the standard earth map but that is my only gripe atm.
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