Map Issues


Oct 25, 2005
Florida, USA
Considering the hex tile setup, it makes me upset in this game for a default straight border with other civs. I shouldn't have to pay for a tile I'd otherwise have expanded to if it weren't for algorithms created to favor a neighboring civ. It also irritates me that maritime borders are included in the guide map, as it confuses me where some cities are due to lack of reference to water.

The perpetual impassibility of all mountains has existed since the beginning, though is not realistic in practice. There should be movement/health decay penalties such that it'd take a sequential step beyond a hill. This would provide the capability of travel across a thin mountain range. After dynamite (or whatever equivalent) there should be a capability for governors to build a functioning Gotthard Tunnel or Panama Canal.

Transport boats should make a comeback. We need a way to get troops across water faster. Perhaps even transport airplanes. I suggest airplanes because it really is the next step after boats (and the more I think about it the more it seems to make sense to me). Units can get airlifted to an airport in proximity, though boarding the jetliner should be able to get you significantly farther, but only if the airport is upgraded to a certain level to accommodate for the jetliner.

Just throwing out ideas. Anyone else have any similar map issues or transport ideas?
Here are a couple more ideas: The Chunnel (underwater road improvement), Golden Gate Bridge (overwater road improvement)
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