MAP: Lands of Middle Earth v2 (updated Conquests version)


Feb 11, 2002
Copenhagen, Denmark
For [c3c] and [civ3]

By Hagbart :king:

Version 2.1 for Conquests released Feb 14 2004.

This map is Tolkiens Middle Earth from Lord of the Rings.
The map is made for 8 players. It is a standard sized map, to speed up the turns.
It's a flat map.
I have not made any changes to the rules or civilizations,
other than making the tundra terrain produce NO FOOD.

Suggestions/critics/feedback are welcome, just post in this thread or email me at:

Instructions: Just put the map in the Scenario folder (Civilization III\Conquests\Scenarios) and load it as a scenario in Civ3.

Enjoy! :goodjob:

If anyone want to use this map in a mod/scenario, credit me in your readme.

:nuke: Version 1.0 was released Feb 15 2002, 1.1 realesed shortly after.
1.0 was removed after 19 downloads
1.1 was removed after A WHOPPING! 1698 downloads.

:nuke: Version 2.0 was released Aug 3 2002. The map was much improved.
2.0 removed (from this thread) after 1310 downloads.
:scan: Version 2.0 for Original Civ3 is still available here tho :scan: --> Get 2.0 for Original Civ3

:nuke: The 2.1 update (C3C version) was released Jan 14 2004.
Update information 2.1:
It's now a FLAT map, optimized for Civ3 Conquests. Some minor terrain updates too.

Download version 2.1 below (for Civ3 Conquests):


Here is a view of the map (current version 2.1)...

I have posted some close-ups of Mordor and Eriador on the 2. page of this thread, take a look at them! :)


  • minimap21.jpg
    97.7 KB · Views: 2,863
how about make it a little more like Lotr.
If you take away all those modern tecs? Its strange to play with tanks. much better if only knights. (or something.)

what do you think?:p
As a Middle Earth fan and having just re-read the whole series, I have to comment on the geography. There is no place for:

Minas Tirith
Helm's Deep
Minas Ithil/Minas Morgul
Henneth Annun
Burad Dur
The Island of ?Tolfalas?

And the geography is off, city sites must be on hills for places like Moria and Barad Dur and Duharrow.

This will need much work, and possibly need to be made bigger before it can be realiticly played for LOTR.

But the major parts are there, and a nice job on the Emyn Muil.

However some geography needs altering. South Gondor should have at least a few deserts, and North Mordor needs to be more savage and wastelandish.

Also someone will need to create the civs.
Originally posted by Karl Erik
how about make it a little more like Lotr.
If you take away all those modern tecs? Its strange to play with tanks. much better if only knights. (or something.)

what do you think?:p

Right now I have no plans of editing the rules or civs, so I wont take away the modern units (... i dont have the skills to do it because the editor is too too lazy :rolleyes: ).
Maybe i'll use your idea in a later version of the map :) .

Others are welcome to do it if they want.

This map is not a scenario (right now at least), its just a map to play for fun. :crazyeyes .
Originally posted by History_Buff
As a Middle Earth fan and having just re-read the whole series, I have to comment on the geography. There is no place for:

Minas Tirith
Helm's Deep
Minas Ithil/Minas Morgul
Henneth Annun
Burad Dur
The Island of ?Tolfalas?

And the geography is off, city sites must be on hills for places like Moria and Barad Dur and Duharrow.

This will need much work, and possibly need to be made bigger before it can be realiticly played for LOTR.

But the major parts are there, and a nice job on the Emyn Muil.

However some geography needs altering. South Gondor should have at least a few deserts, and North Mordor needs to be more savage and wastelandish.

Also someone will need to create the civs.

I'm a Middle Earth fan too! :D, And yeah I know that the geography is not too accourate. One of the reasons to this is that you have no minimap in the editor, you have no way to check if its placed in the right place. The map got a little squished because the map dont have the right proportions to width and heigt.
Anyone know how to change this? :confused:

And by the way I hate desert :p , if I dumped desert all over Mordor the civ living there would be hefty backwards, compared to the other civs having nice grassland, hills and forests.
(I like grassland) :) . And desert in that nice country of Gondor??.

Whats Emun Muil, by the way?

There is no way I can place cities in the map with the current editor.

I would like to create a hole LOTR scenario, but thats not possible now. I can recommend the LOTR scenario/modpack by Harlan Thompson for civ2 (get it in the civ2 scenario database at Apolyton), its awesome.

Thank you for your comment! :D
The Emyn Muil is a hilled area west of Dagorlad, and as far as Mordor, you should custom create some terrain. I like one I played for civ2. But South Gondor really needs to be desert because it would create a no mans land between Gondor and near Harad.

Anyway, I suppose I'll post a list of unique units for anyone who turns this into a serious scenario.

Mordor: Trolls, Orcs, Black Riders, only 9 Nazgul.
Gondor: Gaurdsmen, maybe some Dead Men
Rohan: Eored, which are good knights.
Harad: Oliphaunts
Easterlings: ??????

Elves - archers.

Dwarves - axemen.

Alternative civs; Elves and Dwarves.

Be good if Elves can only build cities in forest, and Dwarves only on hills/mountains.

Need a new terrain type of Mordor - wasteland.

Elves, there ar several types of Elves, High Elves, Grey Elves, Dark Elves, Sea Elves........ etc..

Grey Elves (wood elves now?) should use Spear Elves n Bow Elves as described in the Hobbit.

Sea should ve fast boats coz they dun rely on Wind but pull but flocks of white birds

High Elves should be..... Glamous, beautiful weapons of all kinds, Swordmen mostly. the proud race wif beautiful cities etc

Dark Elves should ve fast moving, stealth units who stay DEEP inside dark woods.

N man, there ar SEVERAL types..
Wild man (barbarians?), Those of the South Gondor kingdom, those of the North minorities etc..

Dwarves should seperate them into house of Dain (Moria?), the King under the mountain etc.


N Goblins of the misty mountain n the watever other mountain.. Moria i thik watever...

1/2Orcs of Isnadurs n orcs of Mordor.


Deep south evil men!

Itz a gd map but i'm sure that a perfect one would need indepth details, wif all 16 civs.

Ar we talkin about the 2nd or 3rd Age?
Originally posted by DBSD13

N Goblins of the misty mountain n the watever other mountain.. Moria i thik watever...

Tolkien wrote in the appendixes of Lord of The Rings that "Goblins" was another word for "Orc", not a subspecies.

From "The Complete Guide to Middle Earth": The definition for Goblins is simply "The Orcs".
Just my .02 I hope this mod works out, I'm not much help in the actual making of the mod but I have about a million books on tolkien and his works, so I can do a lot of research, I also know a ton off the top of my head.
Woud then the Balrog be the equivalent of Modern Armor?!?
Balrog = modern armor... Lol!

Balrogs were known as valasaukar (if i'm not mistaken)

That way.. we should put in Maiar and Valar as well... Or at least the Istari (Gandalf, Radagast, Saruman and 2 others)...

Hmm.. this mod=pack could become tricky...

Originally posted by DBSD13
I thought Goblins ar smaller

Goblins are the term used to refer to the orcs of the Misty Mountains. The mountain orcs are smaller and called goblins. Saruman's orcs are the Uruk Hai, and Sauron's are some Uruk Hai and some Mordor Orcs.

Vanyar: Highest of the LIght Elves. Lived in Valinor
Noldor: The high elves we know and love. Elrond, Gil-Gilad, Fingolfin, Fingon, Feanor, Galadriel etc. Lived in Valinor and then Beleriand and scattered across Middle Earth(Rivendill and Lorien and Grey Havens mostly)
Teleri: Became the sea elves. Lived on islands between Beleriand and Valinor. (IIRC Cirdan the Shipwright was a sea elf)
Sindar: Grey elves. Lived in Beleriand. Mostly wiped out by Morgoth.
Green elves: Related to grey elves. Lived in in woods also, a bit more reclusive. Live in Mirkwood too.
Dark Elves: Live in the East. Aren't really in the books that much. Although one important one was Maeglin, who's father was a dark elf and because of not being pure good(dark elf blood) he gave away where Gondolin was hidden, and thus ended the reign of elves in Beleriand.

Moria: Durin's folk.
Blue Mountain: The dwarves that lived in the Blue Mountains. I don't believe they were related to Durin.

Gondor: We know them.
Rohan: Horsemen. They came from the area around Mirkwood(east and west). Related to Bard and Dalemen.
Easterlings: From the east. Evil and from near the Sea of Rhun.
Harad: THe evil human empire south of Gondor. Not as barbaric as the Easterlings.
Numenor: Mostly the same as the Gondor people. From the island of Numenor.
Arnor: The northern kingdom.
Isengard and Dunlands: The western barbarians and Saruman.

Harfoot: THe shirefolk.
Stoor: Not really in the book. IIRC they lived near rivers.
The 3rd race of hobbits. I forget the name.

Mordor: Yeah we know them.
Melkor's empire: Angband and Utnomo. Similar to Mordor.
The kingdom of the Witch King: Forget the name. It was in the northern Misty Mountains.
Not to be a nit-picker, but goblin was the name used by the hobbits to refer to the orcs as a whole, not any specific orcs.

The third race of hobbits was the Fallohides.

And the Witch King, was called the Witch King of Angmar. Angmar was on both sides of the northern Misty Mountains, north of the Ettenmoors. The capital was Carn Dum. The people of Angmar were the Orcs, Hill-men, and other such creatures.

Once again you can thank "The Complete Guide to Middle Earth" for the preceding.
The goblins are used when referring to the smaller mountain orcs, such as the orcs of the Misty Mountain which are quite tasty raw(Ask Gollum), and the orcs of Khazad-Dum(Moria).

The Uruks are the large orcs of Mordor, and the Uruk-Hai were mixtures of Uruks and of the Wild Men of the forests around Gondor and Isenguard.
Wow, well this is becoming to sound like the real deal. If you want I can do a website for it, a logo and everything. So, interested?

Also, if there is someone who is a bit of a veteran, I'm sure people could do the thing about how Dwarves can only build cities in Mountains, and Elves in Forest. Say, also, very good graphic people could do special pictures as well, perhaps with say, instead of the grassland background, show the inside and outside of a mountain, and the same for Elven Tree cities. I wonder if it's possible to do Sea cities? Interested anyone about the Website offer? And don't worry, I've done many before.

Also, there could be new city styles for Mordor as well, black and pretty grisly looking as a rule as well.

An idea for the Rohan UU

Rider of Rohan
Can Retreat
Can move as though every tile is a road

So it would replace the swordsman.

Wizards could be bombard, or attack normally. Whaddya reckon all?
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