[MAP] [Map] My huge 19 civ map for v.25 +


Dec 22, 2005
Orange County, CA
Installation: Download, unzip, maps go here: C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\PublicMaps
(though your drive may be different). Then run FfH 2 (BtS versions). Select the map using the custom scenario option to change the game options to your liking.

Knight's Erebus
Designed to give a world fitting for the fiction of FfH 2, while still providing fun, balanced gameplay. It is huge, though, so may not be suitible for all systems. Updated several times already. If you have a previous version, I suggest deleting it.
Spoiler changelog :

*12/18/08; removed obsolete civic categories--Should work with the last FFH2 Version now.
*10/11/08; added v.34 features, fixed city art styles, and made some choke points poinier.
*3/21/08; V.31 compliant (Fixed Baratos), also added some scrub, graveyards, and replaced one Patria with standing stones.
*1/6/08; added "KnightsErebusRelations", an identical map with some starting diplomacy modifiers for all civs.
*1/6/08; some few balance tweaks
*12/17/07; updated to be compatible with version .30, version .25 not availible. Also added sailors dirge
*11/04/07; large changes to the Elohim/Sidar area so the Sidar aren't so much in the pocket; small changes elsewhere such as patria in jungle and removing some excess land.
*10/28/07; removed max turns (sorry about that)
*10/26/07; Removed preset player units. What this means is that at higher difficulty levels the ai players WILL get their bonus units!
*10/24/07; a few changes designed to slow the ai who climb too fast in the score chart.
*10/21/07; removed a barrow
*10/20/07; uploaded a version created after downloading the Media Pack, but I don't really think that would affect the crash issue...
*10/20/07; minor changes, including 2 barrows designed to slow Kandro's missionaries.
*10/19/07; minor changes.
*10/18/07; reduced Ljo starting position (hopefully FoL won't spread everywhere), slight boost to Amurites, Doviello, and Malakim. Eliminated some islands to encourage Orthus/Acheron to spawn in the continent.
*10/17/07; adjusted Malakim start, added signs, and enabled limited y-axis wrap

Requires Beyond the Sword 3.13 and FfH 2 mod last version
Some people have reported an immediate crash to desktop. I don't know why this happens, but when it does, it leaves an autosave behind that you can load to begin playing as normal. Clunky work around, but there you go.

View attachment KE-ICE2.zip

Spoiler screenshots :


The map works fine with the end of winter option, but it will take some extra time to load initially.
Wow! Sweet! I might be able to start playing .25 this week, and I think I'll start with this.
Are the starting locations pre-set? I'd guess so (should be like that for every non-random map, right?), but who knows... :)

Looks like a fun layout with no huge oceans in between seperating 2 groups of civs for half the game (which I really dislike!). I'll try it once I finish my current game on Sureshot's nice map. :)
How many special resources(tomb of succelus, etc.) are on this map? Looks interesting, btw. I will only change to "Flatlands(or something like that)" in custom game options, because i've red somewhere that Erebus is a flat world(not round).
How many special resources(tomb of succelus, etc.) are on this map?

All ten are there - even two Remnants of Petra (one in each side of the sheaim). The map is good, currently on turn 235.
Anyone else having Nefelia's problem? Maybe you're not patched completely?
Are the starting locations pre-set?
Yes, but I could make one where the set points were random. (delete the preset units for each team, then change random start to yes, I think.)Though of course it isn't designed for that.
Do the Infernals and Mercurians enter the game on this map? I'm playing in a Huge map game with 33 factions and neither showed up. There was room for them due to a few islands with barb activity on it.

- feydras
double amount of events
I think I will remove aggressive ai from the default option next version; there's a lot of land.

Do the Infernals and Mercurians enter the game on this map? I'm playing in a Huge map game with 33 factions and neither showed up. There was room for them due to a few islands with barb activity on it.

- feydras

I can confirm that the ai will research the appropriate techs for the infernals and they will show up when that happens; also, the ai will build the mercurian gate, and Basium will show up when that happens. However, I can't vouch for their priorities, as I cheated to entice them to do so.
I noticed that there are several spots of hellfire right off the bat. This doesnt work, 3 civilizations died before I noticed that sect of flies where wiping out everyone who still just had warriors.
Wow, I like everything including options. Will make sure to test it. Thanks again for your work :)
Since we can play as the Illians, Sidar, and Svalfaltar, shouldn't they all have at least 2 traits? The Svalfaltar have none and I think the Sidar have one, whil the Illians have some. Just curious.
Since we can play as the Illians, Sidar, and Svalfaltar, shouldn't they all have at least 2 traits? The Svalfaltar have none and I think the Sidar have one, whil the Illians have some. Just curious.

They are not developed yet. Sidar and Svalfaltar will come now in shadow while illians will get their features in ice.
I like the placement of civs on the map and the flavor to it. It is very in keeping with age of ice and the civ descriptions on the wiki. A couple of civs could do with improvements to their starting positions, but overall I am enjoying it.

One thing though, and maybe this is something I just don't remember from age of ice, but why do the amurites have an ice-locked galleon in that warm valley in the north?
Since we can play as the Illians, Sidar, and Svalfaltar, shouldn't they all have at least 2 traits? The Svalfaltar have none and I think the Sidar have one, whil the Illians have some. Just curious.
Well, the WB is seperate from the modding aspect, which I don't know enough about to add traits. Besides that, they will be added in later, so they are mostly in as placeholders--and also because I couldn't see a FfH world w/o them in it. ;)
But in the next version I think I will make them unplayable so as to avoid confusion.
One thing though, and maybe this is something I just don't remember from age of ice, but why do the amurites have an ice-locked galleon in that warm valley in the north?
One of the pieces of the Godslayer is on an island, to get to it you have to kill the Pirate ghost and take his boat. It's ice-locked so it doesn't give them too much of an advantage.
Actually I first made this map before we finalized the map for AoI. When touching it up the other day, I went back and tried to make this area a bit more reminiscint of the scenario, as I will do with future ones if they can be made to fit.
Wow, I like everything including options. Will make sure to test it.
Thanks. I'd be interested to know which AI's lead the score and which are at the bottom after a couple hundred turns.
Adding traits isn't hard at all, it just requires very minor changes in the Civ4LeaderHeads.xml file. It is very easy to see how traits work if you look at the other leaders, and you could even just copy the traits you want from other leaders.

Faeryl and Morgoth have a deficit of trais because the hidden trait (which hadn't been implemented anyway. it was waiting for shadow, but Kael decided that its planned effects would be better as the effects of shadow mana, which both civs would start with) was removed. Faeryl was arcane/hidden, and Morgoth Hidden/Industrious. Auric was once magic resistant/philosophical/agnostic, but latter lost the agnostic trait but kept an AI that would never adopt a religion. He is now Charismatic/Philisophical, making him a pretty solid leader choice. I usually give Faeryl arcane/raiders (halfway between her old traits and what Sureshot always asks for, phi/rai), and sometimes add phi to Morgoth (I actually gave him about 6 traits the last time I played as him, but that was on diety so I could use every advantage I could get)

If you have the latest version of excel, all you need to do it put a 1 in the row next to the traits you want in the leader's column
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