MapScriptTools (.. and Associated Maps)


Oct 16, 2007
90 v1.02
Temudjin (2009-11)​
Provide tools to facilitate map-making and adapting/enhancing existing maps.
Make maps compatible for 'Normal', 'Fall from Heaven 2', 'Planetfall' and 'Mars Now!' mods.​ provides functions and classes to:
- easily adapt maps for Planetfall or Mars Now!
- produce maps with special features for Fall from Heaven 2
- add Marsh terrain
- add Deep Ocean terrain
- make the map looking prettier/more realistic
- add special regions to the map
- replace and expand BonusBalancer (from Warlords)
- manipulate river creation: (starting from lakes, on islands)
- handle starting-positions for teams
- print various sorts of maps to the log file for testing
- print stats about mod and map
- find the path for Civ4, Mod or Log files
Also included are several maps using these new features.


- Not really intended for 'Final Frontier' based maps.

- Compatible with BtS 3.19.
I've run a short test with Warlords 2.13 and that worked fine too. The above statement seems to imply compatibility to BtS 3.13/3.17, but this isn't tested.​
Actually the question of compatibility arises mostly with respect of recognizing and showing the right mod-versions in the log. Unless recognition of 'Planetfall', 'Mars Now!' and 'Fall from Heaven 2' fails, there shouldn't be any problems beyond logging false identifications.​

- Multiplayer compatibility is unknown.
Seems probable though as all randomizations are centralized within the choose..() functions. Please tell me.​

- MAC compatibility is unknown as the MAC uses Python 2.3. Now it seems likely though.
Sets are not built-in in Python 2.3. I believe I used them only in adjustShelfTrenches() & rimRivers() though.
! I think this is fixed. - Thanks EmperorFool
Also new in Python 2.4 was the use of the keyword parameter 'key' within the sort() method of lists. I used the key parameter name in makeMapLegend() & showContinents() only.
! I think this is fixed. - Thanks Xyth & EmperorFool
I've tried to fix all those MAC issues, both here and with the associated maps. Maybe now it's compatible? Please tell me.​

To show how MapScriptTools are working I've included several adjusted Mapscripts:
by jkp1187 -->
by Cephalo -->
by Sirian (Civ4 original)
by Sirian (Civ4 original)
by LunarMongoose -->
by Cephalo --> (**NEW**)
by Maniac -->
by Sirian (Civ4 original) (changed)
by surt -->
by Laurent Di Cesare --> (changed)
by Temudjin --> (changed)
by Temudjin -->

All maps can be used with 'Fall from Heaven', 'Planetfall' or 'Mars Now!'.
All maps can (and will) produce Marsh terrain, if the mod supports it.
All maps can (and will) produce Deep Ocean terrain, if the mod supports it.
All maps allow for at least two more map sizes beyond 'Huge', if the mod supports them.
All maps support Coastal Waters options. (Allow expanded coast like Civ5)
All maps may add Map Regions ( BigDent, BigBog (not Mars), ElementalQuarter (FFH only), LostIsle ).
All maps may add Map Features ( Kelp, HauntedLands, CrystalPlains ), if supported by mod (FFH only).
All maps may add some rivers on small islands and from lakes.
All maps support Mars Theme options, if 'Mars Now!' is the active mod.
All maps support Team Start options.
All maps support any number of players, depending on the mod.
All maps produce printed maps in "...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonDbg.log"
All maps produce printed statistics in "...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonDbg.log"
If 'Planetfall' is the active mod, usually the planetfall-default starting plot finder will be used.
If 'Mars Now!' is the active mod, the 'Team Start' option will be suppressed.
If 'Mars Now!' is the active mod, oceans and lakes are converted to desert (Sands of Mars), except if Terraformed Mars is choosen in the Mars Theme options.
Most maps use balanced resources, add missing boni and try to move some minerals to nearby hills.
Most maps give names to their Special Regions.​

** Thanks:
** ---------
** I've looked into a lot of map-scripts and mod-code and learned much from the authors. I also
** stole ideas and sometimes even parts of code, which I found useful. I'm sorry to say that
** I don't remember all of my sources - my apologies and thank you all for your efforts.
** Specifically I'd like to thank:
** Ruff_Hi
** - Your 'Ring World' induced me into a deeper investigation of maps.
** The CivFanatics Community
** - For making all those wonderful maps and mods and
** for providing the opportunity to have a look at how it's done.
** The Civ4 Design Team
** - By opening your game-engine, you really opend the world(s).

Spoiler :

Put the file into the ...\Beyond the Sword\Assets\Python folder. (NOT CustomAssets!)

If you don't mind to see it as an option in the map selection of 'Custom Game', you can put it
into the ...\Beyond the Sword\PublicMaps folder, but that's the second best solution, as it won't work
if the mod disallows public maps in its ini-file (it may have other quirks - this isn't well tested).

'Planetfall' uses the PrivateMaps folder, here you whould either have to put it into the Python folder, or change the ini-file to allow 'Planetfall' to use the PublicMaps folder.

All reports go to the Python log normally at "...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonDbg.log".
You may have to enable logging by making sure the following option is set to 1 in "...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\civilization.ini":
; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 1

Spoiler :

- Fixed, path identification for MAC in getCivPaths()
- Fixed ??, MAC compatibility with key parameter in sort() method
- Fixed, Bonus-list now gives the correct mana-type for FFH type mods
- Changed, new optional parameter for printList() & sprintList()
- Changed, new optional parameter for featurePlacer.placeReefs() ! changes parameter order
- Changed, now two ways to recognize mana types automatically,
- as defined by the prerequisites for the Towers of Alteration/Divination/Necromancy/Elements; all other mana types are considered mana for meta-magics
- as defined by the mana type tech, that is the prerequisite of building the appropiate node on the mana boni
- Changed, in buildTerrainMap(), buildFeatureMap(),buildBonusMap() the showPlots parameter now defaults to False
- Improved, recognize 'Master of Mana', 'History Rewritten' mods
- Improved, put addGoodies() into the template
- Improved, whenever a reef is build in the ocean, there is now a chance that it expands into a somewhat longish chain of reefs
- Added, world shape to map description log
- Added, Planetfall_101_mst script

- Fixed ??, MAC compatibility with sets and in CivFolders.getCivPaths() - can't test this myself
- Fixed, incompatibility with 'History in the Making', 'Quod Capita', and possibly some other mods using newer BUG versions
- Fixed, proper initialization of 'Lost Isle' region upon regeneration of map
- Fixed, potential problem with region signs falling off the unwrapped map
- Fixed, now correct coast terrain with special regions
- Fixed, now Volcanos stand on Land/Hills plots - looks better than floating above peaks
- Fixed [Planetfall], 'Lost Isle' now produce proper marine boni
- Fixed [Mars Now!], 'Lost Isle' region now also on Mars
- Fixed [Mars Now!], no more rivers from 'BigBog' or 'BigDent'
- Fixed [Mars Now!], printed terrain/feature/bonus maps now show proper resource names
- Fixed [Mars Now!], no volcanos on marsian deserts anymore, if MST_FeatureGenerator is used
- Changed, new 'class MST_Terraingenerator_Mars' for use with 'Mars Now!', was split from 'class MST_Terraingenerator' which should be used otherwise
- Changed, minor changes producing special regions: 'BigDent' and 'BigBog'
- Changed [Planetfall], normal Trenches and Shelves on biggest ocean and a few more elsewhere
- Changed [Planetfall], BonusBalancer ignores options for balancing and finding boni
- Changed [Planetfall], Tundra conversion in planetFallMap.mapPfallTerrain() now: Tundra -> 33% FlatPolar, 16% RockyPolar, 33% FlatMoist, 16% RockyMoist
- Changed [Planetfall], Highland generation in planetFallMap.buildPfallHighlands() now gives more hills/peaks, which are more clustered together - like Planetfall
- Changed [Mars Now!], converting ocean to desert: some few hills are created and at higher latitudes tundra or even some ice may be created
- Changed, some default parameters within various methods - still balancing things
- Improved, streamlined num...Neighbors() mapping functions
- check number of plot-neighbors for lists of plots, terrain, features, boni or improvements
- killed obsolete bWrap parameter
- Improved, less chance for 'BigBog' and 'BigDent' to start on small island and better chance to start inside bigger continent
- Improved, print version to log
- Added, new class variable 'riverMaker.maxRiverLength' to cap length of river
- Added, feature generator for Mars Now! (included in class MST_FeatureGenerator)
- Added to 'featurePlacer', methods to place Reefs and Scrub on the map, if allowed by mod
- Added to 'mapPrettifier', method lumpifyFeature()
- Added, parameter to getModInfo(), to allow suppression of region-names
- Added, parameter to mapRegions.buildBigBog() and mapRegions.buildBigDent() to control chances for each special region to exist; slightly lowered default chance (now 66%).
- Added, parameter to printDict() and printList(), to format floating-point output
- Added, parameter to mapStats.statPlotCount() to enable use before plots are generated
- Added [Planetfall], parameter and result to planetFallMap.buildPfallHighlands() to enable use before plots are generated
- Added [Planetfall], name signs for already known Planetfall regions: 'Mount Planet', 'Garland Crater', 'Manifold Nexus', 'The Great Dunes', 'Pholus Ridge', 'The Ruins', 'Borehole Cluster'
- Added [Mars Now!], new global variable: bSandsOfMars, denoting a map on Mars, where all surface water is converted to desert.
- Added Info, included 'How To Guide' and updated the 'MapScriptTools Interface Template' ---> see the end of file!

Initial release

Known Errors:


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MapScriptTools Manual and API Ver.: 1.02


If you're a modder working (or playing!) with map-scripts, this is for you!

The tools in allow you to:

1 ) Transform any map-script into one suitable for 'Planetfall' or 'Mars Now!'.
1a) Use a template that for most mapscripts has to be only moderately adjusted.
2 ) Introduce new terrains into any map-script.
2a) Put Marsh Terrain on the map. If the mod supports it.
2b) Put Deep Ocean Terrain on the map. If the mod supports it.
3 ) Create odd regions on the map:
3a) 'The Big Bog', a flat, marshy, somewhat round region, probably with a lake and some rivers within it.
3b) 'The Big Dent', a mountainous, somewhat oval region, probably with a volcano and several rivers flowing from it.
3c) 'Elemental Quarter', the place where elemental mana nodes meet. Earth, Water, Air and Fire nodes influence the quarter of featureless terrain behind them. (For FFH only)
3d) The lost 'Isle Of Atlantis' / 'Numenor Island', a small, isolated island with city-ruins, roads, and perhaps some intact improvements. If allowed by the mod, some other goodies may also appear.
4 ) Put mod-dependent features on the map:
4a) Kelp on coastal plots
4b) Haunted Lands in deep forest, deep desert, within and around marshes, near ruins and mountain passes.
4c) Crystal Plains on snowy flatland plots.
5 ) Greatly expand upon the BonusBalancer class from Warlords in Allows for mod-specific bonus-lists (currenty only Civ and FFH, but you can supply your own).
5a) Gives each player a fair chance to find the neccessary resources within a reasonable radius. If that radius overlaps with your neighbors, you may have to fight over that resource anyway.
5b) Places missing boni (those boni which should have been but for some reason weren't placed by addBonus()).
5c) Moves some minerals [Copper,Iron,Mithril,Uranium,Silver] placed on flatlands to nearby hills. Create those hills if necessary and wanted.
6 ) Place rivers on the map.
6a) Enable building rivers starting at the sea and moving upriver.
6b) Put a river (or two) on smaller islands.
6c) Automatically start river(s) from lake(s).
6d) Produce river-lists. Print their coordinates. (As yet only of those rivers created by buildRiver())
7 ) Allow teams to have nearby, separated or random starting-plots.
8 ) Print maps to the Python log at "...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonDbg.log":
8a) Area-Maps
8b) Plot-Maps
8c) Terrain-Maps (Normal and Planetfall) - allow user supplied list of terrain.
8d) Feature-Maps (Normal and Planetfall) - allow user supplied list of features.
8e) Bonus-Maps (Normal and Planetfall) - allow user supplied list of boni.
8f) River-Maps (plots,river-flows and starting-plots)
8g) Difference-Maps of an earlier map and the actual map can be produced to document the different stages of map building.
9 ) Print stats of map and mod to the Python log at "...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonDbg.log".
10) Prettify maps:
10a) Connect small lakes.
10b) Connect small islands.
10c) Connect small terrain patches.
10d) Remove ice from edge of map.
10e) Adjust plot / terrain frequency to given percentage.
10f) Reduce peaks and volcanos for graphical beautification.
10g) Expand coastal waters
11 ) Find the path for Civ4, Mod or Log files
12 ) Groups of single funtion helpers:
12a) Deal with areas.
12b) Deal with (cardinal) directions.
12c) Choose randomly - don't deal with dices anymore.
12d) Convert between plot, index and coordinates.
12e) Check numbers of neighbor plot-types, terrains, features.
13 ) A whole lot of other goodies.


The 'MapScriptTools' are compatible with BtS 3.19.
I've run a short test with Warlords 2.13 and that worked fine too.
The above statements seem to imply compatibility to BtS 3.13 / 3.17, but this isn't tested.

Import MapScriptTools:

Before using the MapScriptTools (MST), they have to be imported by the script.
Use 'import MapScriptTools as mst' somewhere at the beginning of your file.


All reports go to the Python log normally at "...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonDbg.log".
You may have to enable logging by making sure the following option is set to 1 in "...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\civilization.ini":

; Enable the logging system
LoggingEnabled = 1


To use most of the goodies within the MapScriptTools, they have to be initialized.
The getModInfo() function is used for this purpose. It should be the first
MST function executed. Putting 'mst.getModInfo()' first into beforeGeneration() seems like a good idea. Actually the function has optional parameters which you probably want to use.

Spoiler :

getModInfo(mapVersion=None, defLatitude=None, sMapInfo=None, bNoSigns=False)
Initialize MapScriptTools and print basic map parameters to the log. Identify mod if possible.

mapVersion (string or None)
- Version of map-script
defLatitude (string or None)
- String to be evaluated by evalLatitude(). The string-function can only see x and y as variables and should return the latitude of a plot at coordinates x,y as a value between 0 .. 90.
sMapInfo (string or None)
- String to be printed into the log with infos about the selected map parameters.
bNoSigns (bool)
- Suppress names for special map-regions

Return: -

evalLatitude(plot, bDegrees=True)
Evaluate defLatitude given in getModInfo(), to give the latitude for any plot. MapScriptTools doesn't know how latitudes are calculated in each different map-script. This is the mechanism to enable the internal functions to get the latitude for their climate calculations.

plot (plot)
- Plot on the map for which the latitude is sought.
bDegrees (bool)
- If True the result will be an integer between 0 .. 90, if False the result will be floating-point beween 0.0 .. 1.0, equator is zero.

Return: Latitude of plot in the form indicated by bDegrees.

Instantiated Classes:
Spoiler :

class CivFolders:
instance: civFolders
Find out where the files are.
getModPaths() Example:

civFolders.appName = "Beyond the Sword"
civFolders.userDir = "....\My Documents\My Games"
civFolders.rootDir = "....\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword"
civFolders.logDir = "....\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs"
civFolders.appDir = "..\Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword"
civFolders.modName = "MyMod"
civFolders.modFolder = "Mods\MyMod"
civFolders.modDir = "..\Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Mods\MyMod"

class DeepOcean:
instance: deepOcean
put 'Deep Ocean' terrain into the middle of the oceans.
buildDeepOcean( dist=3, chDeep=80 )

class PlanetFallMap:
instance: planetFallMap
All that's needed to change maps into 'Planetfall' maps.
pFallTerrain = mapPfallTerrain( eTerrain, terList, plot, terrainGen=None )
buildPfallHighlands( iBaseChance=None )

class MapPrettifier:
instance: mapPrettifier
Something to make maps look beautiful.
connectifyLakes( chConnect=75 )
deIcifyEdges( iLat=66 )
hillifyCoast( chHills=50 )
expandifyCoast( ch=15, passes=4 )
beautifyVolcanos( chHills=66 )
lumpifyTerrain( targetTerrain, sourceTer1, sourceTer2=None )
lumpifyFeature( targetFeature, sourceFeat1, sourceFeat2=None, passes=1 )
bulkifyIslands( chConnect=66, maxIsle=4 )
percentifyTerrain( targetTerTuple, *sourceTerTuples )
percentifyPlots( targetPlotType, fTargetPlotPercent, data=None, terGenerator=None )

class MarshMaker:
instance: marshMaker
If the mod allows marsh-terrain, it can be made here.
bModHasMarsh = initialize( iGrassChance=5, iTundraChance=10, tMarshHotRange=(0,18), tMarshColdRange=(45,63) )
convertTerrain( tAreaRange=None, areaID=None )
iArid = getAridity()

class MapRegions:
instance: mapRegions
Some regions on the map can be distinctive (and may have a name).
initialize( regDist=15, noSigns=False )
buildLostIsle( chance=33, minDist=7, bAliens=False )
centerPlot = theLostIsle( pCenterPlot, pList, bAliens )
buildBigBogs( iBogs=None, chDent=66 )
namePlot = theBigBog( pCenterPlot, bBigBog=True, bBogLake=True )
buildBigDents( iDents=None, chDent=66 )
namePlot = theBigDent( pCenterPlot, bSideways=None, chAccess=66 )
buildElementalQuarter( chEQ=66 )
namePlot = theElementalQuarter( pCenterPlot, temp )
bValid = regionCheck( plot, regionDistance=None )
--- vars ---
- a toggle to determine if landmark signs should show
- a list of coordinates for the different regions, one [x,y] per region.

class FeaturePlacer:
instance: featurePlacer
Put some common mod-dependent features on the map.
placeReefs( chReef=3, chExpand=20, maxLatitude=None )
placeScrub( chScrub=10 )
placeKelp( chKelp=20, bAll=False, bLakes=False )
placeHauntedLands( chHaunted=6 )
placeCrystalPlains( chCrystal=20 )

class BonusBalancer:
instance: bonusBalancer
Deal with resources. Balance them and make sure all are on the map and where they belong.
initialize( bBalanceOnOff=True, bMissingOnOff=True, bMineralsOnOff=True, bWideRange=False )
normalizeAddExtras( *lResources )
bSkip = isSkipBonus( iBonusType )
bValid = isBonusValid( eBonus, pPlot, bIgnoreUniqueRange, bIgnoreOneArea, bIgnoreAdjacent )
moveMinerals( lMineralsToMove=None )

class RiverMaker:
instance: riverMaker
Build rivers coming either down from the mountains or up from the sea. Put rivers on islands.
buildRiver( pStartPlot, bDownFlow=True, ecNext=None, ecOri=None, iThisRiverID=None, riverList=None )
islandRivers( minIsle=6, maxIsle=50, areaID=None )
buildRiversFromLake( lakeAreaID=None, chRiver=66, nRivers=1, minLake=1 )
sList = outRiverList( riverList )
bEdge = isEdgeDirection( self, plot, ecDir )
bRiver = hasRiverAtPlot( plot )
bCorner = hasRiverAtSECorner( plot )
bCorner = hasCoastAtSECorner( plot )
bCorner = hasPlotTypeAtSECorner( plot, plotType )
eCard = getBestFlowDir( plot, bDownFlow=True, bShort=False, eForbiddenList=[] )

class TeamStart:
instance: teamStart
Put starting-plots of team members together or separated.
placeTeamsTogether( bTogether=False, bSeparated=False )
bTeams = getTeams()

class MapPrint:
instance: mapPrint
Have a look at what you've built.
definePrintMap( lines, charsPerPlot, linesPerPlot, mapTitle="", region=None, offset=None, mapLegend="" )
printMap( diffDict=None )
bSuccess = buildDiffMap( newDict, oldDict )
buildAreaMap( bDiffDict=False, sTitle=None, region=None, areaID=None, areaDict=None )
buildPlotMap( bDiffDict=False, sTitle=None, region=None, data=None )
buildTerrainMap( bDiffDict=False, sTitle=None, region=None, terrainDict=None, showPlots=True )
buildFeatureMap( bDiffDict=False, sTitle=None, region=None, featureDict=None, showPlots=True )
buildBonusMap( bDiffDict=False, sTitle=None, region=None, bonusDict=None, showPlots=True )
buildRiverMap( bDiffDict=False, sTitle=None, region=None )

class MapStats:
instance: mapStats
Don't you just love statistics?
mapStatistics( bFullVersion=True )
tPlotStats = statPlotCount( txt=None )
showContinents( txt=None, minPlots=3, bWater=False )
sTechs = getTechList( prefix = "", bTechLevels=True )
listPlayers = getCivPlayerList()
sprint = sprintActiveCivs( showTeams=False, showTraits=False, showHumans=False )

class RandomList:
instance: randomList
Just little helpers to randomize lists.
newlist = xshuffle( oriList )
shuffle( oriList )
countList = randomList.randomCountList( count )

Uninstantiated Classes:
Spoiler :

class MST_TerrainGenerator(CvMapGeneratorUtil.TerrainGenerator):
Make sure the right latitudes are used when generating terrain.
lat = getLatitudeAtPlot( iX, iY )

class MST_TerrainGenerator_Mars(MST_TerrainGenerator):
Generate terrain for 'Mars Now!'.
terrainVal = generateTerrainAtPlot( iX, iY ):

class MST_FeatureGenerator(CvMapGeneratorUtil.FeatureGenerator):
Make sure the right latitudes are used when generating features.
lat = getLatitudeAtPlot( iX, iY )

Useful Functions:

There are quite a few little 'helper' files near the top of this file,
which may well be usefull to you. If you used 'import MapScriptTools as mst',
you can use them all by putting 'mst.' before the call.
Have a look and feel free to do with them what you want.

Useful Constants:
Spoiler :

mst.bPfall True,False
indicates if this mod is 'Planetfall' or a modmod
( checks for BONUS_FUNGICIDE )

mst.bPfall_Scattered True,False - ONLY for Planetfall
indicates if mod-option 'Scarrered Landing Pods' is active

mst.bMars True,False
indicates if this mod is 'Mars Now!' or a modmod
( checks for 'Mars, Now!' in pedia )

mst.bSandsOfMars True,False - default is False, except on Mars where the default if True.
indicates if 'Sands of Mars' theme is used, where open water is converted to desert.

mst.bFFH True,False
indicates if this mod is 'Fall From Heaven 2' or a modmod
( checks for BONUS_MANA )

mst.bFFront True,False
indicates if this mod is 'Final Frontier' or a modmod

mst.bPatch True,False
indicates if the 'CvGameCoreDLL.dll' of this mod incorporates the 'Unofficial Patch'
( checks results of plot.getLatitude() )

mst.bRev True,False
indicates if this mod is or incorporates the RevolutionDCM-Mod

mst.bBUG True,False
indicates if this mod is or incorporates the BUG-Mod

mst.bBBAI True,False
indicates if this mod is or incorporates the BBAI-Mod

mst.bAIAuto True,False
indicates if this mod incorporates 'AI AutoPlay'


These tools are for the english version only.
Several tests depend on text found in various xml-files. To be more precise:
The english text! Of the checks mentioned that would be bBUG, bBBAI and bAIAuto
together with most other mod-recognition checks.
Any failure of the tests will probably just affect the stats though.

Python 2.4 doesn't really have much of a concept for private data. The
class methods below the ---private--- line are as readily accessible as
the others, but they are not part of the API and thus subject to change
without notice.
( Just like anything else really - I'm giving no guarantees, but I might think twice.)

Included Mapscripts:
Spoiler :

To use the MapScriptTools with existing mapscripts, just put the included template-script
into them and modify as needed. To demonstarte how it is done I've included several altered
mapscripts. Some mapscripts required additional changes - sorry, but it's not quite automated (yet)
and you still need some understanding of what you are doing.

All maps can be used with 'Fall from Heaven', 'Planetfall' or 'Mars Now!'.
All maps can (and will) produce Marsh terrain, if the mod supports it.
All maps can (and will) produce Deep Ocean terrain, if the mod supports it.
All maps allow for at least two more map sizes beyond 'Huge', if the mod supports them
All maps may add Map Regions ( BigDent, BigBog (not Mars), ElementalQuarter (FFH only), LostIsle ).
All maps may add Map Features ( Reef, Scrub, Kelp, HauntedLands, CrystalPlains ), if supported by mod.
All maps add some rivers on small islands and from lakes
All maps support Coastal Waters options. (Allow expanded coast like Civ5)
All maps support Team Start options. (Choose to find your teammate either near or far)
All maps support Mars Theme options, if 'Mars Now!' is the active mod.
All maps support any number of players, depending on the mod.
All maps produce printed maps in "...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonDbg.log"
All maps produce printed statistics in "...\My Documents\My Games\Beyond the Sword\Logs\PythonDbg.log"
If 'Planetfall' is the active mod, usually the planetfall-default starting plot finder will be used.
If 'Mars Now!' is the active mod, the Team Start option will be suppressed.
If 'Mars Now!' is the active mod, oceans and lakes are converted to desert (Sands of Mars),
except if Terraformed Mars is choosen in the Mars Theme options.
Most maps use balanced resources, add missing boni and try to move some minerals to nearby hills. by jkp1187 -->
- Adjusted starting-plot creation using: 'Temudjins Cool Starting Plots'
- Added New Zealand, Madagascar and changed Japan a bit.
- Added Himalayas (single BigDent at special place) by Cephalo -->
- Uses default river-system. Wasn't able to insert the new rivers of mapRegions.
- Opera already introduced placing of Kelp, HauntedLands, CrystalPlains for FFH by Sirian (Civ4 original)
- Expanded the template system for starting-plots with generator for more than 18 players. by Sirian (Civ4 original)
- The minimalistic approach by LunarMongoose -->
- I had to fiddle a bit in generateTerrainTypes() to transform the generated terrainList
- Uses default river-system. Wasn't able to insert the new rivers of mapRegions. by Cephalo -->
- I had to fiddle a bit in generateTerrainTypes() to transform the generated terrainList
- Uses default river-system. Wasn't able to insert the new rivers of mapRegions. by Maniac -->
- Converted the other way around: from Planetfall to Vanilla BtS, FFH and Mars by Sirian (Civ4 original)
- vbraun already added an option and changed some values; I changed some more to make ships useful.
- The MapScriptTools template is at the bottom of the file.
- Shows how to construct a moderatly complex evaluation string for evalLatitude().
- Eliminate Whale and Pearls boni.
- Flat map only. by surt -->
- Full BtS compatibility.
- Use both .Civ4WorldBuilderSave and .CivBeyondSwordWBSave files.
- Adjusted starting-plot creation using: 'Temudjins Cool Starting Plots'
- Some adjustment of Map Options - partly on the fly for 'Planetfall' and 'Mars Now!'.
- Lots of small changes in nearly all functions. by Laurent Di Cesare -->
- Adjusted starting-plot creation using: 'Temudjins Cool Starting Plots' by Temudjin -->
- My very own map-script, using lots of MapScriptTools features. by Temudjin -->
- My very own map-script, using lots of MapScriptTools features.

How To Guide:
Spoiler :

How To Guide to transform a 'normal' map-script for MapScriptTools
- Make sure is in the appropiate ...\Assets\Python folder: ..\Beyond the Sword\Assets\Python seems to be best as you need it only once.
- Put the following 'MapScriptTools Interface Template' into your map-script after the import statements.
- Comment-out / delete what you don't want.
- Make the necessary adjustments.
- For Planetfall and Mars use CyPythonMgr().allowDefaultImpl() for the default starting-plot finder.
- For Planetfall and Mars use mst.MST_FeatureGenerator() to generate features
- For Planetfall use mst.MST_TerrainGenerator() to generate terrain.
- For Mars use mst.MST_TerrainGenerator_Mars() to generate terrain.
- Have a care where (or if at all) you place the CyPythonMgr().allowDefaultImpl() statements. In assignStartingPlots(): CyPythonMgr().allowDefaultImpl() must be the last statement executed!
- Check for normalize...() functions in the map-script. Use those as a guideline for which normalizations to allow or not.
- Some map-scripts use the Warlords bonus balancer:
---Delete the lines:
from CvMapGeneratorUtil import BonusBalancer
balancer = BonusBalancer()
---The balancer is then used within normalizeAddExtras() and addBonusType(). If that's the only thing that's done in these functions, just delete them too.
---You may also adjust the mst.bonusBalancer call at the end of beforeGeneration().
- Some map-scripts use separate lists to manipulate terrain/rivers. See Erebus or PerfectWorld2 for a possible if imperfect way to handle that.
- You probably have to rename some of your functions too.
---If you find functions in the map-script with the same name as the newly inserted ones, check if you can just delete them too, or rename then and call them from within the new functions.
---Take some care as some actually return a value, which needs to be returned or assigned somewhere.
- Rename the new map-script to:

- There are always some adjustments to make.
- There is always an adjustment that's more complicated than anticipated.
- There may be a lot adjustments - not usually though.
- Placing bad code into minStartingDistanceModifier() may crash your computer.
- Feel free to delete any superfluous comments if they distract too much.

MapScriptTools Interface Template:
Spoiler :

You find the template at the end of the file.
:wow: that looks massive.

Now i only have to understand what it does :D. Okay, this is basically an "utility" to transform maps for different mods, right?
So i can plug one of the mentioned mapscripts in my mod (i feel honoured :)), put mst in my python folder, import mst into the mapscript, and then it will work?

Bah, i don't have my gaming pc here, so i can't test it :mad:.
Somehow it went bigger and bigger with time :rolleyes:.

Actually what you have to do is:
1) put into the ...assets\python folder of your mod
2) put the mapscripts into the ...\PrivateMaps folder of your mod
that should be all.

You only need the line
import MapScriptTools as mst
if you want to write a new mapscript or mess with an existing one.
In that case you might want to look at the template I've put at the end of the file.
Yes, should work with vanilla or just about any mod (except Final Frontier mods) :).
I am using The Bat mod (that has smartmap)... can I replace the existing smartmap with this one?

Very probably, as long as you've also put into some appropriate ..\Assets\Python folder.
You can fix the sets issue on the Mac with this generic code (works fine on Windows):

	# test if the 2.4 set class already exists
	# nope, so map it to the classes from the 2.3 sets module
	import sets
	set = sets.Set
	frozenset = sets.ImmutableSet

Just put this at the top-level of the module, right after the imports. I believe you have code that detects the Civ4 folder, and I haven't checked if it handles Macs or not. You can swipe the code from BUG's for this, too.
@ EmperorFool
Thanks for the tip :hatsoff:. I may try this with the next patch/update :undecide:.
Actually I already swiped my path code mostly from BUG :smug: - except I left out the MAC related stuff and some other I didn't understand :rolleyes:. I guess I may have to revisit this :hmm:.
I have only the most basic understanding of how to use these tools, but I can tell that they have serious potential. :)
I've looked into the code for MapScriptTools and generated a couple maps with the various mapscipts, and so far have noticed a couple differences with what I would consider maps suitable for my intended Planetfall gameplay. I'm wondering if you are aware of these differences, but they are intentional; or are aware of them but don't see a way to merge the Planetfall requirements with the specifics of the mapscripts; or are unaware of the differences; or are unaware of the intentions I have with the mapscripts; or something else.


First thing I noticed was in the code for generation terrain types:

It says:

elif eTerrain==itTundra: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etRockyMoist, etFlatPolar )

In Planetfall's CvMapGeneratorUtil, Tundra gets changed to 33% Flat Polar, 33% Flat Moist, 16% Rocky Moist and 16% Rocky Polar. What is the reason behind this difference?

Also what does this code do?

if pfallTerrain==etRockyArid and pLatitude<fDesBot: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etRockyMoist, etRockyArid )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatArid and pLatitude<fDesBot: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etFlatMoist, etFlatArid )
		elif pfallTerrain==etRockyArid and pLatitude>fDesTop: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etRockyMoist, etRockyArid )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatArid and pLatitude>fDesTop: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etFlatMoist, etFlatArid )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatRainy and pLatitude>fDesBot and pLatitude<fDesTop: pfallTerrain = choose( 80, etFlatRainy, etFlatMoist )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatPolar and pLatitude<fDesTop: pfallTerrain = choose( 80, etRockyMoist, etFlatMoist )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatPolar and pLatitude<fTundra: pfallTerrain = choose( 80, etRockyMoist, etFlatPolar )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatPolar and pLatitude<fSnow: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etRockyMoist, etFlatPolar )
		elif pfallTerrain==etRockyPolar and pLatitude<fTundra: pfallTerrain = etRockyMoist
		elif pfallTerrain==etRockyPolar and pLatitude<fSnow: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etFlatPolar, etRockyPolar )

Would my quick glance be correct that this reduce the chance that a certain terrain type occurs outside its normal climate zone? I'm not sure I would like such a reduction in variety. On the other hand, I haven't really noticed such a change in the maps I generated, so perhaps I'm misinterpreting this code.


A second big area where Planetfall is different from vanilla is plottype/peak/hills generation. That code wasnt written by me, and I don't understand the code at all. The effect and intention of it however is to create clusters/clumps of highlands/hills at times surrounded by ridges/peaks, to create areas where a Terraforming or anti-Planet ecological strategy is much more viable. This doesn't seem to happen at all in the maps generated with your MSTools. While there are more highlands, they seem to be distributed completely at random. So I have the usual questions: are you aware of the differences, are you aware of what the goal was of Planetfall's original code, etcetera?


Trenches: here it may just be my imagination based on limited tests, but I get the impression there are less of them. Could this code be responsible?:

# try to avoid inland trenches or shelves
				if numWaterNeighbors(x, y, 1) <  5: continue
				if numWaterNeighbors(x, y, 2) < 13: continue


I'm wondering if the various MapPrettifier functions are applied to Planetfall as well. Some shouldn't.

deIcifyEdges: this isn't necessary. Unlike in vanilla Civ, plots with Ice can provide a yield.

hillifyCoast: Undesired, Once again, Peak/Ridges provide a yield in Planetfall and can be walked upon, so there's no danger to having Ridges on the coast. Edit: Oh wait, I just noticed this function immediately returns for Planetfall. :)

lumpifyTerrain: matter of taste I guess. Don't really see the need.

I do like bulkifyIslands.

Some/all of the special map regions (except for the Command Center isle I've seen) seem to have names that fit more for the FfH universe. Is it intended those also appear on Planetfall maps?



Planetfall placed around 11 of each bonus resource on the map, regardless of map size. So in theory there's about one resource for each faction in the game (original seven + SMAX4). The generic Nutrient/Mineral/Energy Bonus resources are used to balance starting positions, and to randomly dot the map with a resource every x tiles regardless of the amount of players. Using vanilla bonus balancing code or vanilla normalizeAddExtras functions would ruin this goal. So I hope this code isn't used for maps generated for Planetfall.

In fact, except for Planetfall's own normalizeAddExtras function in the SDK (which only places the three generic nutrient/mineral/energy), none of the normalizestartingposition functions should be used. The idea behind Planetfall's starting positions is to have a much wider variety of starting positions than you encounter in vanilla (where everything is equalized), but to offer more tech strategies to make the most out of your starting position. For instance if you start surrounded with Jungle, you can go Terraformed. If you are surrounded by Fungus, you can go Hybrid. If you are surrounded by arid terrain without a river in sight, Biodomed is the way to go.

So for all Planetfall mapscripts, the following should be used:

def normalizeAddRiver():
	return None

def normalizeRemovePeaks():
	return None

def normalizeAddLakes():
	return None

def normalizeRemoveBadFeatures():
	return None

def normalizeRemoveBadTerrain():
	return None

def normalizeAddFoodBonuses():
	return None

def normalizeAddGoodTerrain():
	return None

Else all Ridges, Jungle, Xenofungus for instance might be removed, because the game thinks those are bad terrain.


Another thing I noticed was that on a SmartMap, the starting positions were all over the place, rather than concentrated the Planetfall way.

That's what I noticed so far. I hope you can answer my questions. I'm looking forward to being able to play with a bigger variety of Planetfall-compatible mapscripts than the single one I currently have. :)
Thanks for the detailed analysys, obviously there is more to the planet of 'Planetfall' than I realized.

It says:
   elif eTerrain==itTundra: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etRockyMoist, etFlatPolar )
In Planetfall's CvMapGeneratorUtil, Tundra gets changed to 33% Flat Polar, 33% Flat Moist, 16% Rocky Moist and 16% Rocky Polar. What is the reason behind this difference?
Also what does this code do?

if pfallTerrain==etRockyArid and pLatitude<fDesBot: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etRockyMoist, etRockyArid )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatArid and pLatitude<fDesBot: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etFlatMoist, etFlatArid )
		elif pfallTerrain==etRockyArid and pLatitude>fDesTop: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etRockyMoist, etRockyArid )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatArid and pLatitude>fDesTop: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etFlatMoist, etFlatArid )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatRainy and pLatitude>fDesBot and pLatitude<fDesTop: pfallTerrain = choose( 80, etFlatRainy, etFlatMoist )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatPolar and pLatitude<fDesTop: pfallTerrain = choose( 80, etRockyMoist, etFlatMoist )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatPolar and pLatitude<fTundra: pfallTerrain = choose( 80, etRockyMoist, etFlatPolar )
		elif pfallTerrain==etFlatPolar and pLatitude<fSnow: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etRockyMoist, etFlatPolar )
		elif pfallTerrain==etRockyPolar and pLatitude<fTundra: pfallTerrain = etRockyMoist
		elif pfallTerrain==etRockyPolar and pLatitude<fSnow: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etFlatPolar, etRockyPolar )
Would my quick glance be correct that this reduce the chance that a certain terrain type occurs outside its normal climate zone? I'm not sure I would like such a reduction in variety. On the other hand, I haven't really noticed such a change in the maps I generated, so perhaps I'm misinterpreting this code.
I've had to project 6 different land-terrains into 8 and choose a randomizing yet somewhat self-adjusting process.
First: Desert,Plains,Grass and Snow and had corresponding terrain (Arid Moist,Rainy,Polar) and i gave the flat version a 66% chance. Marsh had also a pretty obvious corresponding terrain (FlatRainy) no variance needed here. Tundra was the odd one out and I gave it a 66% chance for RockyMoist and a 33% chance to be FlatPolar (Somehow I visualize tundra more moist than rainy).
Second: Depending on the latitude I gave the new terrain a chance to be more or less damp or hot. My coldness sequence is RockyMoist, FlatPolar, RockyPolar.
Indeed my idea was to give neighboring terrains a slightly bigger chance to be similar and climatically more reasonable, the effect shouldn't be all that big though.

A second big area where Planetfall is different from vanilla is plottype/peak/hills generation. That code wasnt written by me, and I don't understand the code at all. The effect and intention of it however is to create clusters/clumps of highlands/hills at times surrounded by ridges/peaks, to create areas where a Terraforming or anti-Planet ecological strategy is much more viable. This doesn't seem to happen at all in the maps generated with your MSTools. While there are more highlands, they seem to be distributed completely at random. So I have the usual questions: are you aware of the differences, are you aware of what the goal was of Planetfall's original code, etcetera?
Actually I noticed this myself and wrote planetFallMap.buildPfallHighlands(), which adds foothills and highlands near already existing hills/peaks, to adjust for the problem. But it seems I have underestimated the prominence of hills/peaks on planetfall. Basically I will have to adjust the chance to convert considerably upwards and may need to lumpify the hills a bit.

Trenches: here it may just be my imagination based on limited tests, but I get the impression there are less of them. Could this code be responsible?:
# try to avoid inland trenches or shelves
	if numWaterNeighbors(x, y, 1) <  5: continue
	if numWaterNeighbors(x, y, 2) < 13: continue
Indeed it is. The problem isn't trivial though as MST is supposed to work for all types of maps, some of them have inland seas which are to small to reasonably have trenches. The above code was a quick fix for that, but you are right that it may be a bit to restrictive. Perhaps I just ignore the retriction on the biggest ocean.

deIcifyEdges: this isn't necessary. Unlike in vanilla Civ, plots with Ice can provide a yield.
While not exactly necessary, deIcifyEdges() still seems to be a good idea, as some map-scripts take care to manipulate latitudes to simulate the warmer climate of a restricted region.

Some/all of the special map regions (except for the Command Center isle I've seen) seem to have names that fit more for the FfH universe. Is it intended those also appear on Planetfall maps?
Personally I think it's perfectly reasonable to give a peak a name like 'Wizards Hat' even on an alien world, but I'll probably give an extra parameter to getModInfo() to allow suppression of region-names (May be a good idea for FFH too, if the mod option for using all unique features is activated). You can do this right now by putting
mst.mapRegions.initialize( noSigns=True )
right after your call to getModInfo(). Sorry I forgot to mention this in the API.
Actually I could use some ideas for Planetfall special region names.


Planetfall placed around 11 of each bonus resource on the map, regardless of map size. So in theory there's about one resource for each faction in the game (original seven + SMAX4). The generic Nutrient/Mineral/Energy Bonus resources are used to balance starting positions, and to randomly dot the map with a resource every x tiles regardless of the amount of players. Using vanilla bonus balancing code or vanilla normalizeAddExtras functions would ruin this goal. So I hope this code isn't used for maps generated for Planetfall.
I didn't realize that and will disallow bonus-balancing and missing-boni-giving for Planetfall.

In fact, except for Planetfall's own normalizeAddExtras function in the SDK (which only places the three generic nutrient/mineral/energy), none of the normalizestartingposition functions should be used. The idea behind Planetfall's starting positions is to have a much wider variety of starting positions than you encounter in vanilla (where everything is equalized), but to offer more tech strategies to make the most out of your starting position. For instance if you start surrounded with Jungle, you can go Terraformed. If you are surrounded by Fungus, you can go Hybrid. If you are surrounded by arid terrain without a river in sight, Biodomed is the way to go.

So for all Planetfall mapscripts, the following should be used:
def normalizeAddRiver():
	return None
def normalizeRemovePeaks():
	return None
def normalizeAddLakes():
	return None
def normalizeRemoveBadFeatures():
	return None
def normalizeRemoveBadTerrain():
	return None
def normalizeAddFoodBonuses():
	return None
def normalizeAddGoodTerrain():
	return None
Else all Ridges, Jungle, Xenofungus for instance might be removed, because the game thinks those are bad terrain.
I didn't realize that either and will change the maps accordingly.

Another thing I noticed was that on a SmartMap, the starting positions were all over the place, rather than concentrated the Planetfall way.
I've seen this too (now), not only in SmartMap. The first thing I do in assignStartingPlots() is test for Planetfall and then use the default procedure. I'm a bit out of my depth here.
I've had to project 6 different land-terrains into 8 and choose a randomizing yet somewhat self-adjusting process.

But why did you not do Tundra like Planetfall's MapGeneratorUtil does it? Is the difference intentional, or were you not aware of the code in MapGeneratorUtil?

Would you be willing to tell me the line(s) of code to add to MST to convert Tundra the way Planetfall currently does it?

Is (virtual) Marsh terrain actually generated for Planetfall maps?

Actually I noticed this myself and wrote planetFallMap.buildPfallHighlands(), which adds foothills and highlands near already existing hills/peaks, to adjust for the problem. But it seems I have underestimated the prominence of hills/peaks on planetfall. Basically I will have to adjust the chance to convert considerably upwards and may need to lumpify the hills a bit.

If your goal is to generate highlands in MST as Planetfall currently does it (is it?), is it not possible to copy Planetfall's code as close as possible to MST?

While not exactly necessary, deIcifyEdges() still seems to be a good idea, as some map-scripts take care to manipulate latitudes to simulate the warmer climate of a restricted region.

Not sure I understand this sentence. Do you mean this code does not have an effect on mapscripts that do not change latitudes?

Actually I could use some ideas for Planetfall special region names.

SMAC's Map of Planet has many landmark names. IIRC no mountains though except for Mount Planet. Do you own SMAC and/or are familiar with the Map of Planet?

Some of SMAC's landmarks are added through SDK code. There are some landmarks which I haven't implemented because they'd need to span over multiple plots and I don't really know a good way to do that. You however seem to have the skills.

Some ideas:

Geothermal Shallows. In the handdrawn Map of Planet for Planetfall, this sea region is represented by a mix of shelf and coast terrain with some Hydrothermal Vent and Energy Bonus resources on it.

Fossil Field Ridge: sea area with some Oil and Mineral resources. On Planetfall's Map of Planet, IIRC it's Trench feature and more than one plot wide (instead of the usual single-plot-wide trench line)

Sargasso Sea: sea region, a concentration of sea fungus with four sea unity pods in the middle.

Freshwater Sea: a somewhat round inland lake, totally Shelf with some Nutrient bonus resources.
But why did you not do Tundra like Planetfall's MapGeneratorUtil does it? Is the difference intentional, or were you not aware of the code in MapGeneratorUtil?

Would you be willing to tell me the line(s) of code to add to MST to convert Tundra the way Planetfall currently does it?
I did have a look, but only a cursory one, which apparently didn't extend to figuring out tundra (that was more than a year ago). Do you mean the transformation should be: 50% FlatPolar, 25% RockyPolar, 25% FlatMoist ? I guess I could do that.
The code is in mapPfallTerrain() lines 2090+ which you already found. Just change:
   elif eTerrain==itTundra: pfallTerrain = choose( 66, etRockyMoist, etFlatPolar )


   elif eTerrain==itTundra: pfallTerrain = chooseMore( (50,etFlatPolar), (75,RockyPolar), (100,etFlatMoist) )

But this code is only used by Erebus and PerfectWorld, which themselves produce terrain-lists outside their terrain-generator. The other maps use the Planetfall terrain-generator, mostly via mst.MST_TerrainGenerator().

Is (virtual) Marsh terrain actually generated for Planetfall maps?
Actually no it isn't by MST. But other map-scripts may have generated marshes before the terrain is converted by mst.planetFallMap.mapPfallTerrain().

If your goal is to generate highlands in MST as Planetfall currently does it (is it?), is it not possible to copy Planetfall's code as close as possible to MST?
Good question :confused:. Upon consideration I guess I want to create those ridges and highlands of Planetfall as they are a vital part of the Planetfall gameplay, but I don't think I'd want to go quite as far with them. Ideally I'd want to retain at least the general theme of the other map-scripts. Which of course means I'm not going to copy Planetfall's code (which I don't quite understand either).

While not exactly necessary, deIcifyEdges() still seems to be a good idea, as some map-scripts take care to manipulate latitudes to simulate the warmer climate of a restricted region.
Not sure I understand this sentence. Do you mean this code does not have an effect on mapscripts that do not change latitudes?

mst.mapPrettifier.deIcifyEdges( iLat=66, addToroidIce=True ) will only remove ice, if the highest (or lowest) latitude of the map is smaller than iLat. Additionally it may add a girdle of ice on toroid worlds.

SMAC's Map of Planet has many landmark names. IIRC no mountains though except for Mount Planet. Do you own SMAC and/or are familiar with the Map of Planet?

Some of SMAC's landmarks are added through SDK code. There are some landmarks which I haven't implemented because they'd need to span over multiple plots and I don't really know a good way to do that. You however seem to have the skills.

Some ideas:

Geothermal Shallows. In the handdrawn Map of Planet for Planetfall, this sea region is represented by a mix of shelf and coast terrain with some Hydrothermal Vent and Energy Bonus resources on it.

Fossil Field Ridge: sea area with some Oil and Mineral resources. On Planetfall's Map of Planet, IIRC it's Trench feature and more than one plot wide (instead of the usual single-plot-wide trench line)

Sargasso Sea: sea region, a concentration of sea fungus with four sea unity pods in the middle.

Freshwater Sea: a somewhat round inland lake, totally Shelf with some Nutrient bonus resources.

Yes I did own SMAC and probably still do somewhere :lol:. But I've never had the extension and I didn't read manuals much, so I have no idea about the 'Map of Planet'.

Thanks, I may use one or two of those ideas to make new special regions for Planetfall. Not Sargasso Sea though, as there would be units involved and I'll avoid that (for now).

Any ideas for additional names for known special regions whould be very welcome indeed:
- For BigDent I use 5 different names (Volcano isn't needed for Planetfall) depending on the plot in the middle like:
'Volcano': "Hole of the World",
'Peak':    "The Big Dent",
'Flat':    "Hammers Rest",
'Water':   "Hole of the World",
'Hills':   "Big Dent Highlands"
- For LostIsle I have only
lostIsleNames_Pfall = [ "Alien HQ", "Command Center", "City of Light", "Atlantis Command" ]
@ Maniac:
I couldn't find a solution for the 'Scattered Pods' problem yet. But having checked on my end, I've snooped a bit on yours and found an oddity:

bool CvPlayer::startingPlotWithinRange(CvPlot* pPlot, PlayerTypes ePlayer, int iRange, int iPass) const in CvPlayer.cpp always returns false.
This function is called by findStartingPlot(playerID, validFn = None) in
which in turn is called by void CvGame::assignStartingPlots() in CvGame.cpp
which is the main function for creating starting-plots.

I'm not entirely sure if that's the source of the problem, but that may well be the case.
The MST map-scripts either don't have assignStartingPlots() or call CyPythonMgr().allowDefaultImpl() if the Planetfall mod is active.

Edit: I've just noticed that Earth3 and SeaHighlands use their own starting-plot finders with Planetfall. I may change that for SeaHighlands, but probably not for Earth3.
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