Marauder (June 25, 2007)


Uncle Cam
Feb 4, 2004
St. Louis

Download Marauder


* previews run at different speed than flics do in game

Notes: This unit was made at the request of Stormrage.

Credits: Many thanks to Kinboat and utahjazz7 for the use of their figures and props. Thanks also are due to Cyber Dreyk and Steph for their wonderful programs.

Enjoy, :)
I think I sold Donuts to that guy once
Very cool. I was wondering if it might be a Battletech Marauder but this is even better. That has to be some of the best sword-swinging I've seen. I also like the civ-coloured scrunchie. Thanks for this cool guy.
Awesome. And your attack anim is the best there is!

So is it Ungol after all, or a Marauder (as in, for Chaos O_o) ?
Yeah, it's been said, cause it's true, the animations here are phenomenal, that double swing is simply perfect.

:thumbsup: for sure.
Very nice!

A nice strong sword attack. No sign of weakness to the enemy! :D
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