If marble is within the 3 rings of multiple cities, how does the game determine which city gets the wonder production bonus from having marble?
I am playing a game as India. I purposely bought some tiles in Mumbai to gain access to the marble, hoping to give Mumbai the wonder production bonus to build Petra. As you can see in the screenshot, the marble is 3 rings away from Delhi, but I bought the tile using Mumbai's "buy tile" option. Still, the wonder production bonus was granted to Delhi instead of Mumbai. How is this determined? My hypothesis is that the wonder production bonus is granted to the first city that is planted within 3 tiles of the marble, regardless of which city eventually takes control of the tile. Does anyone have any insight about this?
I am playing a game as India. I purposely bought some tiles in Mumbai to gain access to the marble, hoping to give Mumbai the wonder production bonus to build Petra. As you can see in the screenshot, the marble is 3 rings away from Delhi, but I bought the tile using Mumbai's "buy tile" option. Still, the wonder production bonus was granted to Delhi instead of Mumbai. How is this determined? My hypothesis is that the wonder production bonus is granted to the first city that is planted within 3 tiles of the marble, regardless of which city eventually takes control of the tile. Does anyone have any insight about this?