Mare Nostrum


Born to be Warlord
Oct 27, 2006
Forgotten Realm of Galicia
After several months downloading and enjoying lots of files from this community, now's the time to start with my humble contribution :D : my post number 100 goes to my first scenario. It is rather simple: I have modified an XML file from the Rise of Rome scenario, to enable cultural victory, and replace it by time victory. This way, I want to add new deph to this scenario: this time, if you want to win, you'll have to work for it! No more taking one spot and sending some warriors away to pillage any resource for victory. Now this is about to dominate, by force or by culture, the whole Mare Nostrum.

The original scenario it's not overwrited. Just unzip the file on your Mods folder, and it will overwrite the XML files, and add a new map to the Public Maps folder.

Have a nice challenge!
I have modified an XML file from the Rise of Rome scenario, to enable cultural victory, and replace it by time victory.

The original scenario it's not overwrited. Just unzip the file on your Mods folder, and it will overwrite the XML files, and add a new map to the Public Maps folder.
These two statements make no sense and are contradictory. Also, your sig quote doesnt make any sense either. How can water flow, be shapeless OR clash?
If you followed the instructions correctly, you should notice you have a new "Warlords Scenario": Mare Nostrum. If you start a game on it, you'll notice that there are't any "resources for victory" on the map, and time victory has dissapeared. And now you have a new victory condition: Cultural.

Maybe I have used the wrong words, I'm not an English speaker, after all.

About the signature, I have used the exact words that Bruce Lee used when interviewed on an American TV show. Water can flow: it does on rivers, for example. Water is shapeless: no matter where you pour the water, it will take the shape of the container: if it is a teapot, it will take the shape of a teapot. If it is a bottle, it will take the shape of a bottle. If it is a lake, it will take its shape. And water can CLASH: have you ever seen a Tsunami? That's the water clashing.

However, it's all a metaphore: the meaning of this statement is, when you're fighting you have to adapt yourself to your rival, and to the situation where you are. If you do it, you'll master the ability to prevent any attack, and to answer with maximum effectiveness.

Hope I explain myself enough! ;)
You interested in expanding this scenario to include other civs and stuff? I'm thinking about creating another Rise Of Rome-type scenario using the TAM mod. Problem is I have little skill in xml and python stuff, but I can do the entire map.

Well, I didn't thought about it, but now I will. I don't have much skill in xml and python, too, but this is something I can do. I haven't played too much with TAM, either, but I'll take a look at it.
Then I'm your man! XML files aren't difficult to understand for me. Only the python files are still a mistery for me.

In fact I have been wondering to make a post-apocaliptic mod, but I finded that if I wanted to have a post-poc world, I will have to create a new py file for generating the map, but's something I can't do, so I have abandoned the idea at least for now.

But just modifying xml is something I can do. ;)
Then I'm your man! XML files aren't difficult to understand for me. Only the python files are still a mistery for me.

In fact I have been wondering to make a post-apocaliptic mod, but I finded that if I wanted to have a post-poc world, I will have to create a new py file for generating the map, but's something I can't do, so I have abandoned the idea at least for now.

But just modifying xml is something I can do. ;)
cool. so are we gonna do this? i'm dying to get started on the map, but this was intended to be a joint venture and i didnt want to get started doing something someone else disagreed on. you got an instant messenger?
Check your PM box. I sent you one with my Messenger adress (and, actually, also for e-mail too).

EDIT: BTW, TAM it's for Vanilla. That will cause us some problems. But I'll make use of the most code parts we can use. And all the art is usable, also.
TAM is AWESOME!! Now I'm thinking on two options:
1) Copy the map to creat a TAM scenario for Vanilla.
2) Use one of the scenarios provided with the mod, and work on it to adapt to the situation of Rise of Rome.

The first one is easier (most of it is a matter of copy and paste), but the second will allow more civs (Persians, for example).
no sh!t
Use one of the scenarios provided with the mod, and work on it to adapt to the situation of Rise of Rome.
what i was thinking
more civs (Persians, for example).
hmmm... if we're gonna start this scenario 800-330 B.C. or so i guess this is acceptable. however what i was thinking was around 270 B.C. when the persian empire was defunct and three greek empires remained in the east: seleucid, ptolemaic, and macedonian (just like in the rome.scn for civ2) i already have detailed maps of this time and i'm really looking to have all cities pre-placed instead of having to build new cities (during the game)

oh yeah... i signed up for window live/msn messenger (whatever the hell the difference is). sn is fiend777fits
hmmm... if we're gonna start this scenario 800-330 B.C. or so i guess this is acceptable. however what i was thinking was around 270 B.C. when the persian empire was defunct and three greek empires remained in the east: seleucid, ptolemaic, and macedonian (just like in the rome.scn for civ2) i already have detailed maps of this time and i'm really looking to have all cities pre-placed instead of having to build new cities (during the game)

OK, it should look pretty much to the Rise of Rome scenario from Civilization II. We may use it as guide. But are we going to use the TAM mod, or just modify (expand, probably) the RoR one? If we want to have a scenario for Warlords, the last possibility it's probably easier, I think. We may use the art from TAM. It's that what you were meaning when you said TAM was "the perfect vehicle" for the scenario?
We need a Barbarian civ, but I will start with this list. I guess we're going to use the Huge Mediterranean map. A smaller one won't able us to introduce such amount of civs.
the mediterranean normal map might be suitable. it might be a better idea to use the normal map so the game doesnt slow down to a crawl. don't worry about fitting all the civs on it, i'll figure something out.

Also... do you know how to increase tile values? i was thinking maybe of increasing production values of all tiles by 1 (even sea tiles) to give a little needed production boost to the game. this would be especially helpful for the tiny civs.
I'll check the list of city names. In fact, it's needed a whole revision of this scenario.
I guess you should choose the option "Prevent City Razing" in the scenario options before starting to play.
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