Mars mod for Conquest

King Michael

Sep 8, 2003
Hello Guys!
Im creating Mars mode for Conquest.

This mode includes Mars colonization.Starting age is 2030.
As you understand there isnt non Mars resources (as Horses Wines, etc.) and water.
I m trying make mod more realistic.
Work approximately finished, but im create Russian version, do you want English version?
King Michael : Looks cool! Yes, English version, please! I would like to try that out.
English version of Mars mod ready.
You may download it from (file size 23 mb):,
Also you may visit mod's official site, but im afraid you don understand nothing, hes on russian...
Official site (on russian)

How to install:
Download mod, when rezip him and copy to Scenarios folder of your Conquest.
Do not rename folder or scenario file, thea are connected if you rename it you destroy this connection and game dont launch.

Short description:
First part of mod includes colonization of red planet, with all difficults what waits you on new world.
Realistic resouces, units, buildings, sountracks,
new terrains - thats a short characteristics of Mars mod.

Added possibility to upgrade this units:
1.Modern Armor - Laser Tank 2.Mobile SAM - Sonic Tank 3.TOW Infantry - Sonic Tank 4.Radar Artillery - Neutron Bomber 5.Mech Infantry - Sonic Tank 6.Cruise Missile - Neutron Bomber.
If you need full instruction i can made it, but all changes and settings of mod attend in Civilopedia.

Special thanks to:
All creators
DyP mod and
Star Wars mod
Personal thanks to tpasmall and pleb
for units used in my mod.

Michael® 2004.

Mod Mars version 1,0
Wow! I've gotta say that thats the best terrain I've ever seen for Mars! Its even better than sprnv8s! Could you do us all a favor and realise the terrian pack as a stand-alone download? I really could use your terrain pack(sprnv8s makes a decent post-terraformed mars terrain set, which is what I'm using for the "Colony Wars" scenerio).

Thankyou mighty Czar Michael! :thanx:
Hey Michael you mode job on PTW? if yes i am donload him(english)
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Apologies for the mega necro but if anyone still has the English version of the this mod please let me know as I've been trying to rescue it for years. I managed to get hold of the original Russian version but the English version along with a soundtrack addon are sadly still missing.

Here's all the relevant posts from over the years about this...
SCORE! Now this has got to be super rare! I've been asking around in other Civ forums to see if I get any bites on Mars stuff and sure enough someone's found something. Over at the Realms Beyond Civ forum a kind fellow there has given me a Russian Mars scenario!!!! I've downloaded it and oh man there's a full set of custom mars units, buildings, techs, even terrain (although it doesn't look as good as Balthasar's or Smoking Mirror's, although that could be pcx colour errors). Only problem is its pedia and scenario text files are unreadable gibberish as my notepad can't read Russian and I suspect very bad things are going to happen when I try to run it in my english Civ3 haha. But still its units and buildings etc could be very useful. There's a word doc (which I've translated to English) containing an Author email I might try.

This seems to be the only mention of the scenario on a Russian Civ blog site here:мод-марс/

They've got a nice picture there though..

As part of my ongoing hunt for Civ scenarios relating to Mars and other stuff I finally got around to trying out that Russian Mars mod mentioned earlier in this thread. Strangely it works fine on my English copy of Civ3 without any modification to its files.. I played a whole bunch of turns and no crashes. However sadly the terrain is no match for Balthasar or Smoking Mirror's work and I think something might be wrong it's all bright oranges, yellows, reds and pinks lol. However it looks like it might have some useful custom units.

Since it seems to be the only Mars scenario for Civ3 in existence though I've preserved it at CFC here:

Found this thread at the Russian CFC forum. Turns out that Russian Mars mod by Michael had an English version and a extra music download. Sadly neither downloads work nor were they backed up on Webarchive. :(
Similar to this thread @King Michael talks over in the above thread about an English version and he also mentions a Soundtrack addon too. All attempts at locating these files via archives and asking around communities have failed so if anyone has them please let me know.
Michael said:
English version of the mod, you can download it from here (size 256 kb):,0en.exe
Soundtracks can be downloaded from here (size 12 meg):
I made a quick English translation of RU version in case original English files are never discovered. Let me know, if I missed something, I will update the files.
Wow! Thank you so much for this.. funny timing, these mods have sat around for years and then in the last couple of weeks both the old German Dune 2 scenario and now this Russian Mars scenario have been translated by helpful fellows like yourself. Very happy to see! :)
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