Hey what does that say in the corner?
It says 4000BC.
4000BC? What does BC mean? Your my future science advisor, what's the answer?
Well it means Before Christ.
How do we know it's "before Christ" if he isnt here yet?
Well some people say BCE the slip the E on there and change it to "Before Common Era"
Again, how do we know the common era is comming in 4000 years if it hasn't happened yet? What is this the Uncommon era. And another thing, if whe haven't discoverd an alphabet, writing, or mathematics, how are we even having this discussion?
That's it I quit. Let's stay here.
I don't know what to call myself.
What do you mean. Just use your name.
I don't want to, I think I should go by something else.
Like what, goober.
That's It! I will be Goober, the Head of Babylon! Or Head Goober to you. Well all I want is to have a nice cultural community and let the rest of the world enjoy me.
This is going to be a long 6000 years.
Wow, 450 years to build that! Thanks Elvis.
Your majesty... I mean Head Goober, we have trained a warrior, just one.
Great now I have an army.
A thousand years and this is all I have to show for it.
Thucydides! What the hell kind of name is that! When I find him he'll be Ouchydides!
Hey there's other people in this world.
The other peoples leader. I'm happy I'm the best looking leader here.
Oh, okay.
Hey, now that the ugly guys taught us how to make clay pots(?) lets save some food for later.
Lo, and it came to pass that Graceland was founded. So it shall be written so it shall be done.
Hey, wait a minute! It can't be written, we're 45 turns from discovering writing!