Mass<ive> Artillery Barrage


Apr 9, 2002
I love using artillery (not the particular unit just arty in general). Lots and lots of it. I love it. Ok....

Well as you may have guessed I build a lot of arty units that move with an escort within each army. Generaly each army I have is 12 assault units, 20 artillery units, and 10 defender/arty escort units. I usually build around 6 armys. Each town has a garrison of 2-3 defenders and 2 arty units. These numbers correspond to late middle / industrial age periods. Number of units per army scale relative to the stage of the game. Obviously im not going to have 42 unit armys in ancient times. After tanks come into play and I retool my military I generally have a higher ratio of assault units in each army, about 24 assault units-panzers. Artillery is great because it can also fire defensively when you are attacked.
My formations are also flexible relative to the situation of course.

OK ... Anyway, il get to the meat of my post here. After I encircle cities with my armies or come into contact with the enemy I first begin my artillery barrage to devastate them / scare the crap outa them. The thing is here.. with 20 units I have to press B 20 times waiting for each unit to cycle. With one or more armies this adds up to a lot of time per turn.

What I would really love is an option to have all of yer artillery fire in sequence on a tile with only 1 command. Selecting groups of artillery to fire on different tiles would also be great. This would obviously speed things up greatly, as hitting B for each arty that is firing on the same spot is very unecessary. Some added sound fx / animation for the arty barrage would be sweet also but not needed.

Just my 2 cents or whatever here... again I feel hititng B for each arty attacking the same tile is unnecessarily time consuming and I seriously think in future patch the arty barrage should be implemented. Of course you would still have the option of firing each individually. It wouldnt be hard at all to do.
This is a very good idea, i have thought about this myself too.

My instance was when i had about 10 or so settlers stacked and they lumbered along irrigating for my newly colonized island.

I thougth, how nice it would be if they had a ctrl+j for irrigating.

Sortof, you press ALT to make any order a stack order.

ALT+G = same as ctrl+j
ALT+I = stacked irrigate
ALT+F = stacked fortify
ALT+B = stacked bombard
ALT+movement key = stacked one-square move

you get the point :)
Stacked bombardment was suggested first months ago. And a fine idea it is.

Stupid Firaxis ignored it, of course. :mad:
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