north american scum
A lot more are gonna come out of the woodwork.
The teachers should all be fired and stripped of their pensions. Make the penalties so harsh no teacher would ever think of trying to mess around like this again.
Aaaaand one more time! Now the cheating inquiry has been extended to dozens of schools in Pennsylvania, mostly around the Philly region.
How many more are going to pop up?
I thought it was common knowledge that Philly's charter and magnet school system was a hopeless disaster.
Both with this cheating and the Miracle the desire to inflate school ratings (and thus funding. Or at least Admin. salaries) was probably the main factor.
Seems like a likely outcome of the perverse incentives of NCLB. What should be done is give enough funding to ALL school districts to run schools adequately, and THEN remove those staff that are significant underperformers.
It isn't rocket science. Using value added test scores is a perfectly valid metric for PART of the evaluation process, but the biggest should prob be classroom observations, by either administrators or master teachers. Teachers should also be judged on their ability to meet other professional development most professionals. We don't judge doctors JUST on their mortality rate, or journalists JUST on pageviews.
The administrators who should have known and looked the other way should be fired, and not given any of their pensions. The ones who actively knew about it and encouraged it should also serve a decent amount of jail time. (3+ years) Seriously -- they defrauded their students, the state, and the federal government. The penalties for this should be far harsher than simply not getting promoted or even getting fired, otherwise there's no incentive not to cheat. If we don't come down on these people with a hammer -- as well as trying to fix the underlying causes -- we're going to be seeing tons of cases like this.Anything for the administrators?
The edu-blog community seems to think that not every teacher implicated will be fired (although all will be disciplined), but the admins are going to be toast. said:In February 2010, some of Atlanta’s top business leaders realized they had a problem.
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Atlanta hired Beverly Hall in 1999 after she rose through the ranks in the public schools of Newark, N.J., and New York City.
* Map: Schools flagged
For a decade, they had aligned themselves with Beverly Hall, the superintendent of Atlanta Public Schools. They willingly accepted Hall’s story line of rebirth in an urban school system. They promoted and sometimes exaggerated Hall’s achievements — for her benefit and for their own.
State officials, though, were suggesting gains by Atlanta schools resulted from widespread cheating. Suddenly, the deal between Hall and the business community took on Faustian overtones.
The way business leaders responded underscores their complicity in creating the façade of success that hid a decade of alleged wrongdoing, an examination by The Atlanta Journal-Constitution shows. Their reaction also hints at the role business executives might take in rebuilding the school district’s reputation amid Hall’s departure and a still-unfolding cheating scandal.
The city’s chamber of commerce and another business group took control of the district’s investigation last year into irregularities on state-mandated tests. Executives at the Metro Atlanta Chamber set the parameters of the inquiry and largely selected the people who ran it. Later, they suggested ways to “finesse” the findings past the governor.
Business leaders published opinion pieces and letters to the editor defending Hall before cheating inquiries were complete; calls for the superintendent to resign, they said, could undermine the district’s progress. And just as they had lobbied almost a decade earlier to give the superintendent more autonomy from the Board of Education, this year they sought new power for the governor to remove recalcitrant board members.
A memo drafted by a chamber executive on Feb. 15 last year laid out the hazards that a cheating investigation might unloose: “This issue has serious implications — on Dr. Hall’s reputation and career, for the principals and administrators who perhaps let lapses occur in testing procedures, and most importantly for the children who may be missing out on critical remediation,” said the memo, obtained recently by the AJC.
But, the document continued: “It also has implications on the business community, many of whom ... are heavy investors, and on the economic development community who touts the superintendent and school board’s recent awards as best in the nation.”
Seventeen months later, a state investigation has revealed that many of the school district’s claims of academic progress were, in fact, based on systemic wrongdoing.
Hall, investigators concluded, “duped” community leaders. “She abused the trust they placed in her. Hall became a subject of adoration and made herself the focus rather than the children. Her image became more important than reality.”
At the same time, investigators wrote, “the possibility of a negative reflection on the Atlanta ‘brand’ caused some to protect Dr. Hall and attack the messengers. ... Somewhere in this process, the truth got lost, and so did the children.”
Few in the business community would speak publicly last week about the investigation, the degree of blame that corporate leaders deserve or even their continued support for the school district. As one executive put it, business leaders are “hunkered down until this stampede runs its course.”
That executive, too, would speak only on condition of anonymity.
The business community’s top spokesman, Sam Williams, president of the Metro Atlanta Chamber, declined to be interviewed. In a statement released Friday, he said: “I am glad the facts are on the table, and I appreciate the hard work of the investigators.”
The “right leadership team” is in place, Williams said, and business leaders will help “in any way we can.”
He did not elaborate.
Williams is one of many business leaders who dialed down their public expressions of support for the school district, and for Hall, when the scale of the cheating became indisputable.
Even some of Hall’s most vocal critics, however, see this backtracking as disingenuous.
“For them to say, ‘Things were out of control,’ it gives me the feeling they are throwing Beverly Hall and others under the bus,” said state Sen. Vincent Fort, D-Atlanta. “They were there at the invention of this tragedy.”
‘A good investment’
She was the belle of the business community. Fluent in the language of corporate America, she easily wooed Atlanta’s executives and their money.
Beverly Hall made a strong impression when she arrived in Atlanta in 1999. She spoke about “data-driven” school reform and “dashboards” with multiple metrics to track progress by students and teachers alike. Such talk won over executives accustomed to incessantly following sales figures and stock prices, profits and losses.
At Hall’s request, the chamber and other business groups created the Atlanta Education Fund, a nonprofit organization that raises money for the district. The chamber also reactivated a group that backed candidates for the school board.
Hall’s efforts to engage business leaders succeeded. The education fund and the district collected millions of dollars in grants and donations, most notably $22 million for science education from the General Electric Foundation.
GE’s vice chairman, John Rice, who was based in Atlanta, became one of Hall’s closest confidants. Her emails, obtained through the Georgia Open Records Act, show she frequently consulted Rice on matters large and small. He offered advice on managing stress, for instance, urging her to not read critical editorials.
Volunteering as chairman of the education fund, Rice worked with Hall to solicit corporate gifts. In April 2009, for instance, they appeared together at what the education fund billed as a “cultivation event” for potential donors.
“We at GE believe we have made a good investment,” Rice said, according to remarks that employees of the education fund prepared for the event. “I am committed to making sure other investors feel the same.”
As such relationships matured, Hall could count on her friends in business to rush to her defense. In May 2006, an AJC editorial and a column criticized Hall’s bonuses — $68,300 the previous year — in light of lingering academic deficiencies. Days later, the chief executive of Georgia Power Co. and the president of the UPS Foundation responded with an opinion article asserting that, under Hall, Atlanta was engaged in the most comprehensive school reform in the United States and that the superintendent’s “national honors” had attracted many philanthropic investors.
“School systems, like businesses, must also look at the return on their investment,” wrote Georgia Power’s Mike Garrett and UPS’ Evern Cooper Epps. “Any honest dialogue about salaries must be based on that principle.”
Hall’s corporate friends defended her again in 2008 and 2009, when articles in the AJC challenged the validity of the district’s gains on the state-mandated Criterion-Referenced Competency Test. Then, in February 2010, when a state analysis showed a suspicious number of wrong-to-right erasures in 58 Atlanta schools, the business community tried to contain the looming crisis.
Two weeks after the state released its erasure analysis, Williams, the chamber president, wrote a memo detailing how an independent investigation into alleged cheating would play out. The memo even listed most of the members who would be appointed to a panel that came to be known as the Blue Ribbon Commission.
And, the district’s critics say, Williams showed his hand in describing the inquiry’s aim: “We will let the facts from this investigation guide us in our support of Dr. Hall and the next steps the Atlanta Public Schools system needs to take.”
The commission’s 15 members consisted mostly of business executives or others who had done business with the school district or who had other civic or social ties to the district or to Hall.
Among them: GE’s John Rice.
The commission’s final report last summer concluded that major testing irregularities were limited to 12 schools. A few days after the report’s release, Rice and James Bostic, a retired Georgia-Pacific executive and former state school board member, met with Hall and urged her to immediately fire the principals of those 12 schools, according to a report last week in the Atlanta Business Chronicle. Hall reportedly declined.
At the same time, questions about the commission’s independence and the thoroughness of its inquiry were casting doubts on its findings. So the chamber and the education fund convened a “communications team” to combat the negative reviews.
On Aug. 5, Renay Blumenthal, a senior vice president at the chamber who had worked with the Blue Ribbon Commission, sent the team an email that laid out a plan to silence skeptics, including then-Gov. Sonny Perdue and school board members who wanted a deeper investigation.
The team, Blumenthal wrote, should focus first on getting Perdue and the Governor’s Office of Student Achievement to “understand and accept” the commission’s report.
“The media and the rogue board members are annoying and distracting at best,” she wrote, “but what will make us dead in the water is if GOSA and the Gov discredit and/or not accept the report.”
If Perdue’s office accepted the report, she said, “you’ve pulled the stinger out of whatever the media and board members could say next.”
Further, Blumenthal wrote, officials needed to provide a “graceful exit strategy” for Perdue and Hall, suggesting further inquiries be left to the Professional Standards Commission, the state’s teacher licensing agency.
“Let the Gov say the BRC provided a terrific road map that he is referring immediately to the PSC,” Blumenthal wrote. “And then let Hall say she agrees and welcomes the PSC’s involvement and expertise.”
Finally, she suggested appealing to Perdue’s chief of staff and executive counsel.
“The Gov trusts and listens to them,” Blumenthal wrote, “and I think we could finesse this thru them.”
Blumenthal did not respond to a request for an interview last week.
Two weeks after Blumenthal sent the email, Perdue announced that he was dissatisfied with the Blue Ribbon Commission’s work and appointed the special investigators who recently delivered a scathing report to his successor.
The investigators concluded that cheating was widespread and systemic; that more than 170 educators participated; that district officials lied and destroyed and altered government documents to cover up cheating; and that Hall knew or should have known that the achievements that brought her national acclaim resulted from academic fraud.
On March 7, 2010, the Blue Ribbon Commission’s chairman, Gary Price, managing partner in Atlanta of the accounting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers, said business leaders supported Hall because “reforming Atlanta Public Schools is good for business.”
Three months later, as the commission prepared its report, Price said: “There has been no evidence that there has been any systemwide, systemic effort to cheat or do anything like that on last year’s tests.”
When Price spoke with state investigators, however, he offered a harsher assessment. The school district’s culture, he said, according to the investigators’ report, was “all about perform, perform, perform. ... They were not in balance.”
Price is hardly the only corporate executive who has distanced himself from Hall.
Even John Rice has retreated. Last November, he wrote an article for the AJC dismissing calls for Hall’s resignation. “Beverly Hall’s clear record of achievement shows the gains that can be made with consistent and capable leadership,” he wrote. “She has brought stability, high academic standards, and has created a community of believers in APS.”
Months later, he told state investigators the district “lost its balance between performance and ethics.”
Neither Price nor Rice responded to interview requests.
Now Hall is gone, interim Superintendent Erroll Davis is firing employees accused of cheating, and prosecutors are considering criminal charges. Critics of the district — and of the chamber — say business leaders who assisted Hall also deserve scrutiny.
“This is crying out for a separate investigation,” said John Sherman, president of the Fulton County Taxpayers Foundation. “They should be held as accountable as the school authorities.”
But state Rep. Edward Lindsey, R-Atlanta, said business people initially supported Hall because when she came to Atlanta, the district was “spiraling downward.” As has happened in other cities, partnerships emerged that allowed businesses to provide expertise to educators.
“Their intent and heart have been in the right place,” Lindsey said. “They have recognized for more than a decade that for us to have the economic development we need, we have to have a viable school system.”
The mistake, he said, was suspending disbelief in the face of unbelievable gains.
“We were so enamored with the perception,” he said, “that we didn’t see the reality.”
Atlanta Public Schools interim Superintendent Erroll Davis has sent letters home to all 178 employees implicated in the system's cheating scandal, informing them they can resign next week or face being fired.
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports that the letters began arriving in mailboxes Friday.
Davis states in the letter that Atlanta Public Schools will accept resignations Monday through Wednesday, and the district will begin termination proceedings against those who decide to try and keep their jobs.
A state investigation released this month found that 178 Atlanta educators cheated on Criterion-Referenced Competency Tests at nearly half of the district's 100 schools. The investigation showed the cheating likely went as far back as 2001, affecting tens of thousands of children.
The scandal has led some Atlanta teachers to retain defense attorneys, vowing to clear their names.
Anything for the administrators?
The edu-blog community seems to think that not every teacher implicated will be fired (although all will be disciplined), but the admins are going to be toast.
Hey, you know how Obama, Bush, Gates, etc have been pushing for greater corporate involvement in school reform? I mean, business leaders are the best leaders, we should trust them with more stuff, right? Turns out the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce might have helped cover up the testing scandal!
Basically, Atlanta business leaders realized that creating the narrative that APS was on the up and up was good for business, and dumped huge amounts of money into the district, AND to Superintendent Hall. When rumors that test scores might have been faked, Atlanta's Business attacked Hall's critics in print, and tried to hush hush the investigation.
Hey, you know how Obama, Bush, Gates, etc have been pushing for greater corporate involvement in school reform? I mean, business leaders are the best leaders, we should trust them with more stuff, right? Turns out the Atlanta Chamber of Commerce might have helped cover up the testing scandal!
Basically, Atlanta business leaders realized that creating the narrative that APS was on the up and up was good for business, and dumped huge amounts of money into the district, AND to Superintendent Hall. When rumors that test scores might have been faked, Atlanta's Business attacked Hall's critics in print, and tried to hush hush the investigation.
Even good teachers can be broken down by the necessities of meeting artificial targets.Jeremy Miller said:As one of Kaplan’s roving “coaches,” I will spend the day helping math and English teachers kick off the test-taking course by modeling the “Kaplan method” for their classes. Depending on the number of students it serves, a Kaplan program like this can cost a school well into the tens of thousands of dollars. For my efforts each day, which cannot exceed six hours of instruction, I will receive a fee of $295. At this rate, a full school year’s pay would exceed a starting teacher’s salary by more than $10,000.
Although hailed by its advocates as a step toward institutional accountability and full student proficiency, No Child Left Behind is, at its core, a highly punitive act. Ratified in 2002, the legislation mandates that states create a system of tests and other academic indicators that measure whether students meet “the minimum level of proficiency.” Schools that repeatedly fail to meet these benchmarks can be closed, taken over by private corporations, or restructured. Schools with high-poverty populations that receive federal aid (known as Title I funds) and fail for three straight years to demonstrate “progress” toward full proficiency are required to spend up to 20 percent of this federal money on tutoring or transportation costs for students who choose to transfer out of their current school. In New York City, the transfer option is derided by critics as a hollow provision, since other city schools generally are no better and successful ones are already oversubscribed. Thus, failing students become trapped in a foundering system, and the schools where students land en masse are left to carry out the test-heavy requirements of NCLB. For the New York schools “in need of improvement,” this means preparing students—many of whom are utterly lacking in basic academic skills and subject knowledge—to pass a battery of standardized exams. Toward this end, it also means paying money to outside entities (often private companies such as Kaplan [...]
At the final class, Yinette again is the only attendee. She has brought a few more retired Regents exams, and I do not protest when she asks if we can work on these instead of the Kap-lan manual. We review the tests together, but the openness and energy of the previous class have faded. Her recall of information has ceased. Tonight she seems to be operating in a mental shell, as if the idea is hardening that she will soon fail the Regents biology exam for the fifth time.
I find myself desperate. I can’t accept that I have not reached a single student in the program. Kaplan was being paid $1,200 per student (attending or not) for a job it knew from the outset it couldn’t complete. The money could have been used for an ESL or special- education teacher. Instead, I was receiving an entire day’s wage for each hour I sat in a nearly deserted classroom. “If you see the word ‘homeostasis’ in the answer choices,” I say to Yinette, “pick it. It is most likely the right answer.” Her eyes light up. This is the kind of teaching I loathe: the test fetishizing, the weasely code-breaking that begins when the hope of learning has evaporated. But what more, in this final hour, do I have to offer?
And not even those states are necessarily "good", even though they score well at the state level. They are just overrepresented with wealthy, highly educated parents. The poorer areas of NY, Virgina, New Jersey, etc are just as bad as anywhere else in the US.Holy , I'm glad I went to a good school.
This is completely preposterous. I don't even know how you'd address this. Looking at the scope, it's clearly a systemic problem that needs to be attacked at a state level. I don't know how you'd replicate results of the good districts in states like Massachusettes, NY, New Jersey and Virginia, without the enormous resources they have to put in education. Not every region attracts so many high earning jobs. Maybe better education for teachers, to emphasize classroom control, which I understand is where a lot of teachers struggle.
There may be more truth to this than we are willing to admit.Sometimes I feel these systems in place are made to fail, so that we can begin the privatization of our public schools....